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Plan your academics

A page within Pre-Health Student Resource Center

There isn't a one size fits all plan for pre-health students. Each student has a different background, circumstances, and goals. Additionally, each program has their own course requirements, which can differ from the general pre- curriculum suggestions at UWL. We do our best to get you in the right direction, then it is up to you to consult the websites of the programs where you plan to apply.

Even with careful planning, classes may not always be available when you were planning to take them. A course you took that "counted" for one program, may not end up counting for another (ex. organic chemistry "series" versus a semester "survey" course). 

Despite these limitations, we still want to help you plan your academics. Your "Advisement Report" in WINGS is the best resource to see what courses you still need to complete for your major, minor, and general education requirements. But as a pre-health student, you have more to do! Below, see links to supplemental pre-health advising information.

Then, use our "Pre-Health Organizer", a downloadable Excel spreadsheet, to help you start organizing your prerequisite coursework (plus, you can compare programs of interest and track experience hours). 

Track your Pre-Health

Mappd flier

The "Mappd" app can help you better track your prerequisites and path toward PA or medical school. UWL students can use the app on PC/Mac or their phone.


Check out Mappd about Track your Pre-Health