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Prospective students

A page within Pre-Health Student Resource Center

How can you be successful as a pre-health student at UWL? Advice from our alumni:


Why can't I major in pre-health/pre-med/etc.?

Your "pre-" label simply tells faculty and staff that you intend to apply to a health professions graduate program or medical school. It will help to make sure you're taking courses that are required to apply to most programs within your professional path. Keep in mind, you still need to check individual school's/program's websites, as specific pre-requisites do vary. 

What major should I choose?

Admissions committee members need to see that you can excel in difficult science coursework; however, you need to choose a major that you enjoy and will be successful in. While a biology major might align well with pre-med course requirements, for example, it's not the right major for everyone. Choosing a major that fits your interests and strengths will make you a more competitive candidate. Health professions programs tend to prefer a variety of backgrounds represented within an incoming class. 

How do I declare pre-health?

Each college now has a form you can fill out to switch to one of their majors, or add a pre-health designation. Change your program here. 

Who will my advisor be?

Your assigned advisor may end up being a professor, a staff member, or someone in the Pre-Health Center - it depends on your major and year in school. You will be able to see your assigned advisor in your WINGS account. The Pre-Health Center will be here to support you with additional questions you have that your assigned advisor cannot answer. See additional info on pre-health advising here

What is your acceptance rate to med schools/health professions programs?

The answer to this is complicated, unfortunately. Purdue University has done a nice job of explaining the situation here. Regardless, UWL has a reputation for providing a strong framework for students' future success, both academically and professionally.

Our students end up at medical schools and graduate programs across the region (including Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Medical College of Wisconsin, AT Still, Concordia) and nation (Utah, Washington, Wake Forest, Kansas State, Alabama, LSU, Nova, and many others).

What GPA do I need to get into med school/health professions programs?

It varies within different professions and among different schools. Some schools in a certain profession might accept a 3.1 GPA, if the person has a lot of impressive experience and high test scores (MCAT, GRE, DAT, etc.). Others might not look at applications with a GPA below 3.7. It is important to look at average GPAs, which are often listed on a program's website; but you can also reach out to programs to ask for advanced statistics, such as the range of GPAs for a recently admitted class. Often, graduate programs will publish their class profiles (see UWL's PA program for example).

If you are worried about your GPA come application time, apply to a variety of schools where your GPA is a fit; meet with a pre-health advisor to help you get a sense of where you might realistically apply. 

Remember that GPA isn't everything - you will need a well-rounded profile - but your "numbers" are often one of the first factors a school will take into account when reviewing your application. Shoot for straight A's, but know that they aren't always necessary to get in.