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Profile for Amanda Kolbe

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Amanda Kolbe

Pronouns: They/Them
Assistant Professor
Theatre and Dance
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Amanda Kolbe Pronouns: They/Them

Assistant Professor

Theatre and Dance

Specialty area(s)

Scenic design, Lighting Design, Properties, Theatrical Electrics

Current courses at UWL

THA 110 - Theatre Appreciation

THA 330 - Scenic Painting,

THA 340 - Scenic Design

THA 341 - Lighting Design

FYS 100 - First Year Seminar


MFA - The Ohio University
BS - UW-La Crosse



Amanda Kolbe, Nate Mohlman, Mary Trotter and Anna Wooden, all Theatre & Dance, presented "The Wickhams Christmas at Pemberley" Dec. 5-8 in Toland Theatre as part of the 2024-2025 season. The production, directed by Mary Trotter, featured the work of Mandy Kolbe, scenic & lighting design; Anna Wooden, costume design; and Nate Mohlman, technical direction; along with the work of students Connor Pangburn, sound design; Ryan Hiroshi Hong, assistant lighting design; and Sage Goetsch, stage management. It ran for five performances Dec. 5-8.

Submitted on: Dec. 6, 2024


Michelle Collyar, Laurie Kincman, Amanda Kolbe, Gregory Parmeter and Anna Wooden, all Theatre & Dance, presented "What the Constitution Means to Me" as part of the 2024-2025 season on Nov. 14 in Frederick Theatre. The production, directed by Greg Parmeter, featured the work of Mandy Kolbe, lighting design; Anna Wooden and Michelle Collyar, costume design; and Laurie Kincman, dramaturgy; along with the work of students Amber Meyers, scenic design; Coleman Breedlove, sound design; and River Podjasek, technical direction. It ran Nov. 14-17, 2024.

Submitted on: Nov. 15, 2024


Michelle Collyar, Ashley Dobrogosz, Laurie Kincman and Amanda Kolbe, all Theatre & Dance, presented "Art in Motion" at Toland Theatre on Feb. 16 in the department's inaugural dance concert. Theatre & Dance students Brodyn Byington, Katie Krueger, Amber Meyers, Julia Maynard, Sage Goetsch, Ellie Burns, Coleman Breedlove, Avery Weston and Anna Montgomery joined 24 student dancers for the three-performance run of this new part of the Theatre & Dance season.

Submitted on: Feb. 25, 2024


Amanda Kolbe, Kathryn Link and Megan Morey, all Theatre Arts, presented "I Can Do That Backward--and in Steel-Toed Boots" at UWL's Creative Imperatives on March 2 in La Crosse.

Submitted on: Mar. 9, 2020


Joseph Anderson, Michelle Collyar, Benjamin Golden, Amanda Kolbe, Mary Leonard, Kathryn Link, Kathryn Moran and Megan Morey, all Theatre Arts, presented "Little Women" at Toland Theatre on Feb. 28 in La Crosse. The Department of Theatre Arts produced the musical, Little Women, in the Toland Theatre, Center for the Arts February 28-March 1 & March 5-8, 2020. Theatre faculty included: Mary Leonard (director), Kathryn Moran (musical director), Joseph Anderson (costume designer), Michelle Collyar (costume supervisor), Ben Golden (lighting designer), Megan Morey (scenic designer/technical director), Kathryn Link (scene shop supervisor/assistant technical director), and Amanda Kolbe (props designer/scenic artist).

Submitted on: Mar. 9, 2020