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Profile for Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo

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Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Assistant Professor
Global Cultures & Languages
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Assistant Professor

Global Cultures & Languages

Specialty area(s)

Contemporary Latin American literature and culture; women writers; women, gender, and sexuality studies; Latinx studies; and World Languages Education

Brief biography

Dr. Ochoa is originally from Barranquilla, Colombia. She has been a teacher for 23 years and has taught in K-12 both in her home country and the United States. Her research interests include Contemporary Latin American and Latinx women authors, motherhood studies, latinx studies, and language pedagogy. 

Current courses at UWL

SPA 307 Latin American Texts: Reading Between the Lines

SPA 310 Exploring Communities: Understanding Culture

SPA 332 Spanish Speakers in the U.S

SPA 369 Topics in Hispanic Cultures

SPA 403 Studies in Hispanic Literature

GCL 300/320 World Language Education: Field I and II

FYS 100 First Year Seminar 



Ph.D. Spanish, University of Virginia
M.A. Spanish, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
B.Ed. English and Spanish, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia


Research and publishing

El otro Tom.” Book review. Revista de Libros No. 3, Vol. 2, Spain, January 3rd, 2024.

“Todas íbamos a ser madres: raza, maternidad y violencia en la narrativa de tres escritoras colombianas del siglo XXI.” Revista Iberoamericana, Liverpool University Press, 2023, Volume 89, Issue 282-283, pp. 195-210.

“Hija eres y madre serás: Daughters and their Mothers in Latinx Memoirs by Cherríe Moraga and Anika Fajardo.” Maternal Connections: When Daughter Becomes Mother. Edited by Joan Garvan and Kandee Kosior, Demeter Press, 2022, pp. 165-174.

“Feeling Good: “Affect Aliens” of the Colombian Diaspora in Fiebre Tropical by Juliana Delgado Lopera.” Growing Up in Latin America. Edited by Marco Ramírez Rojas and Pilar Osorio Lora, Lexington Books, 2022, pp. 83-100.

“Quinceañera.” Her Path Forward: 21 Stories of Transformation and Inspiration. Edited by Julie Burton and Chris Olsen. Publish Her, 2021.

Violencia, migración y escritura en la diáspora: conversación con Ingrid Rojas Contreras.” Revista de Estudios Colombianos No. 56 (July-December 2020), pp. 99-106.

Locura y discapacidad en Delirio de Laura Restrepo.” Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies / Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades, Vol. 45, No. 1, Re-imagining Female Disabilities in Luso-Hispanic Women's Cultural Production (Spring 2019), pp. 185-203. 

Un evento sin testigos: memoria y trauma en Las reputaciones de Juan Gabriel Vásquez.” Revista de Estudios Colombianos No. 54 (julio-diciembre 2019), pp. 60-70.

On Love, Exile and Dislocation: An Interview with Patricia Engel.” Latino Studies. XVI.3 (Autumn 2018).

Differentiated Citizenship.” Global South Studies: A Collective Publication with The Global South (August 2017).



Heather Walder, Archaeology & Anthropology; Kristin Koepke, CATL; Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo, Global Cultures & Languages; Melissa Weege, Health Professions; Rachel Funk-Johnson, Management; Jeff Baggett, Mathematics & Statistics; Xinhui Li, Microbiology; Tesia Marshik, Psychology; and Tori Svoboda, Student Affairs Administration; served as UWL representatives at the Universities of Wisconsin event, Faculty College. Faculty College was held May 28-31 in Elkhart Lake, WI. The theme was "Rethinking/Redesigning Student Assignments" and Ashley Finley of AAC&U was the guest presenter.

Submitted on: June 4


Rose Brougham, Victoria Calmes and Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo, all Global Cultures & Languages, presented "Milongas in the Doorway: Borges's Para las seis cuerdas; ¿Una buena madre? Aspectos de la maternidad conflictiva en la película española Cinco lobitos; and Sospechosa por antonomasia: la figura de la mala madre en El Otro Tom de Laura Santullo" at XXXV Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos on March 12 in Oaxaca, Mexico. These professors from the GCL department enriched the current conversations in Hispanic cultural studies with their presentations on poetry, music, narrative, and film depicting contemporary life in Latin America, Spain, and the U.S. southern border. Congratulations!

Submitted on: Mar. 27


Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo, Global Cultures & Languages; Rachel Funk-Johnson, Management; and Xinhui Li, Microbiology; were named teaching fellows at the Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars Program on Jan. 17. The program is supported by the Universities of Wisconsin Office of Professional and Instructional Development. They will represent UWL during the 2024/2025 program.

Submitted on: Mar. 12


Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo, Global Cultures & Languages, authored the article "Todas íbamos a ser madres: raza, maternidad y violencia en la narrativa de tres escritoras colombianas del siglo XXI ('We all were going to be mothers: race, maternity and violence in the narratives of three Colombian writers in the 21st century')" in Revista Iberoamericana published on Jan. 31 by Liverpool University Press. Congratulations Lorena for the publication of this important article in such a prestigious press!

Submitted on: Feb. 8, 2023