Experience the power of a UWL education through high-impact learning and life-long friendships, all while surrounded by the epic beauty of La Crosse. Follow your path. We’ll show you the way.
You’re part of a group of truly amazing people. At UWL, we are inspired every day by the driven, active and engaged students who make us so proud. That’s right, you’re amazing!
Here in La Crosse, people come together to work for the common good.
At UWL, we live out the Wisconsin idea of public service and community engagement. We are proud to work with our many partners in La Crosse, giving back every day to a community that generously supports our teaching, learning and service mission.
The "La Crosse Experience" stays with you for a lifetime.
UWL pride stays strong long after graduation! Stay connected with our beautiful campus and the faculty and friends who made your "La Crosse Experience" so special.
Experts. Scholars. Public servants. Community members.
UWL consistently delivers a high-quality and life-changing experience. We’re able to do it because of you, our talented and dedicated faculty and staff. You are the reason for our excellence!
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology & Counseling
professional training, development, and practice in sport psychologists,
self-care and wellbeing in sport psychologists and other professionals,
cultural competence, humility, and safety in psychology practitioners,
identity in psychology practitioners,
performance psychology in esports,
organizational culture and wellbeing in sport and health organizations.
Current courses at UWL
PSY334 Health Psychology PSY391 Introduction to Sport Psychology
PhD Sport and Exercise Psychology - West Virginia University (2011, Morgantown, WV, USA) MSc Research Methodology for Behavioral Sciences - UNED, UAM, UCM (2022, Madrid, Spain). MA Community Counseling - West Virginia University (2009, Morgantown, WV, USA) MS Athletic Coaching Education - West Virginia University (2006, Morgantown, WV, USA) Executive Master Sports Mediation - Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (2006, Milan, Italy) Laure (5-years degree) in Psychology - Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (2004, Milan, Italy)
Teaching history
PSY391 Introduction to Sport Psychology PSY334 Health Psychology PSY451 Psychological Measurement PSY321 Research Methods for Minors INS494 Engaging Global Challenges and Opportunities UWL100 First-Year Seminar
Professional history
Academic Positions:
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse 2013 – Present
University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth, UK) - Visiting Professor 2023 – Present
Award recipients at 54th International Banquet on April 6, 2019 in La Crosse, WI were:
Virginie Cassidy, Global Cultures & Languages — Burt and Norma Altman Award in University Service
Scott Cooper, Undergraduate Research & Creativity — W. Carl Wimberly Founders Award for International Partnerships
La Crosse Public Library, La Crosse Public Library — Burt and Norma Altman Award in Community Service
Hoang Nguyen, Accountancy, and Ningyuan Wang, Statistics, — International Student Academic Excellence/Internationalization Award
Alessandro Quartiroli, Psychology — Burt and Norma Altman Award in Leadership
2019 marks the 54th anniversary of the International Banquet. The UW-La Crosse International Engagement & Education (IEE) invited the La Crosse community to attend the 2019 International Banquet! The International Banquet began as a celebration and an opportunity to share the rich diversity and culture the international students & scholars bring to UW-La Crosse and the community and is now a celebration of all our international connections. The Banquet includes entertainment performed by international students/staff/faculty/community members and an internationally themed menu. W. Carl Wimberly Founder's Award for International Partnerships - This award was established to recognize an outstanding person that has contributed to the development of long-term excellence in international programming. Burt and Norma Altman Awards - Burt and Norma Altman are longtime supporters of international education. Over many years that have opened their home and hearts to UWL international students and they continue to support international initiatives for our campus. In their honor, these awards were established in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of international education at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in the categories of Leadership, University Service and Community Service. The Academic Excellence/Internationalization award recognizes an outstanding international student for academic achievement and contributions to the internationalization of UWL. This award is offered to graduating, undergraduate students who have met all graduation requirements. This year’s award goes to two outstanding students who have been engaged across campus, and in the community, throughout their studies at UWL.
Submitted on: April 8, 2019
Award recipients at UWL 52nd International Banquet on Mar. 23 in La Crosse, WI were:
Vernell Glenn, Financial Aid — Burt & Norma Altman Award in University Service
John Porcari, Exercise, Sport Science — Burt & Norma Altman Award in Leadership
Alessandro Quartiroli, Psychology — Burt & Norma Altman Award in Community Service
The Burt & Norma Altman Awards were established in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of international education at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
In the category of Leadership, our awardee is someone who has dedicated numerous years to hosting international interns on campus and teaching abroad, John Porcari.
In the category of University Service, our awardee has assisted countless students with financing their study abroad experiences from the Financial Aid Office, Vernell Glenn.
In the category of Community Service, our awardee spent many hours apart of the La Crosse Friends of International Students (LFIS) community organization coordinating international student and WI family matching in addition to leading faculty led programs abroad, Ale Quartiroli
Submitted on: April 13, 2017
Memberships & affiliations
[{"organization":"Association for Applied Sport Psychology","position":"Fellow, Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Approved Mentor, Member (2006 - Present), Exec. Board member (2019-2022)","url":"https://appliedsportpsych.org/"},{"organization":"Health & Care Professions Council","position":"Registered Psychologist (Counseling Psychology & Sport and Exercise Psychology)","url":"https://www.hcpc-uk.org/check-the-register/"},{"organization":"International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP)","position":"Registered Practitioner and Supervisor (2024 - Present), Member (2007 - Present), Managing Council (2021-2025)","url":"https://www.issponline.org/index.php/issp/managing-councils Association for Applied Sport Psychology"},{"organization":"United States Olympic Committee Mental Performance Registry","position":"Member","url":"https://www.teamusa.org/team-usa-athlete-services/high-performance/psychology"},{"organization":"EuroPsy","position":"Registered European psychologist","url":"https://www.europsy.eu/psychologists/alessandro-quartiroli-1"},{"organization":"British Psychological Society","position":"Member (2018 - Present), CPsychol, Registered supervisor (RAPPS), Associate Fellow (AFBPSS)","url":"https://www.bps.org.uk/"},{"organization":"National Board for Certified Counselors","position":"National Certified Counselor, Member (2010 - Present)","url":"https://www.nbcc.org/search/counselorverify"},{"organization":"American Psychological Association - Div. 47 Sport, Exercise, & Performance Psychology","position":"Member (2012 - Present)","url":"https://www.apa.org/"},{"organization":"Australian Psychological Society","position":"International affiliate (2021 - Present)","url":"https://psychology.org.au/"},{"organization":"European Federation of Sport Psychology","position":"Member (2006 - Present)","url":"https://fepsac.com/"}]
Alessandro Quartiroli
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
608.785.6897 331A Cartwright Center