Profile for Bradley Seebach

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Bradley Seebach
Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Bradley Seebach
Associate Professor
Specialty area(s)
Neurophysiology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Medical Physiology; advising Biomedical Science Concentrators and Neuroscience students
Brief biography
I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in neurophysiology, human anatomy and physiology, and advanced/medical physiology courses for the Department of Biology, and for several programs in the Department of Health Professions. I have been very involved in faculty governance of UW-La Crosse in recent years, including three years as the UW-La Crosse Faculty Senate Chair (2014-2016, 2020-2021). I joined the faculty of the Biology Department at UW-La Crosse in 1998, after completing postdoctoral research appointments at Stony Brook University (Dept. of Neurobiology and Behavior) and UW-Madison (Dept. of Physiology). My postdoctoral research focused on the development of the mammalian spinal cord, and especially on the formation of neural circuitry that supports walking. My Ph.D. in Neuroscience was awarded by Brown University in 1990, and my dissertation research focused on a computational model of neural circuitry and learning processes that could explain the prenatal development of aspects of human speech perception. I had entered graduate school in the Linguistics program at Brown University and transferred into the newly-created Neuroscience program at Brown in 1987. As I was born and raised in northeast Iowa, being hired at UW-La Crosse was a return to my roots. My undergraduate degree was awarded by Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa (1983) in English Literature. I focused on Shakespearian-era literature (still a great love of mine), though this came after several years of coursework in chemical engineering and computer sciences.
Current courses at UWL
Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II (Bio 312 (fall), Bio 313 (spring))
Neurophysiology (Bio 465; spring)
Neurobiology Laboratory (Bio 467; generally every other year)
Advanced Human Physiology I (Bio 718; fall)
Functional Neuroanatomy (OT 515; summer)
Medical Physiology (PT 512; summer)
Physiology for the Medical Professional (PA 626; summer)
Neuroscience Capstone (Neu 490; most semesters)
General Biology (Bio 105; occasional)
B.A., Cornell College (1983)
Ph.D., Neural Science, Brown University (1990)
Postdoctoral Research in Physiology, UW-Madison (completed 1994)
Postdoctoral Research in Neurobiology and Behavior, Stony Brook University (completed 1998)
Teaching history
Advanced Human Physiology II (Bio 719)
Brain Basics: Neuroscience and Society (Bio/Psy 107; no longer offered)
Human Physiology (OT 523; no longer offered)
Research and publishing
My current research interests include spinal cord locomotor circuitry, for which I use electrophysiology and pharmacological techniques. Many students have been involved in spinal cord development projects in my laboratory over the years. I have also recently studied the glymphatic system of the brain, in part with a student-developed project focused on gut-brain interactions. Of continuing interest for me are computational studies of system-level neural circuitry. Such modeling can offer explanations for emergent properties of the nervous system related to developmental organizing principles in neural tissues. For example, one current focus is on histological analysis of brain tissue, and consequent modeling of disturbances in extracellular K+ concentration that may give rise to neuronal pools and small-scale functional mapping in the CNS.