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Profile for Colin Belby

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Colin Belby

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Geography & Environmental Sci
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Colin Belby Pronouns: He/Him/His


Geography & Environmental Sci

Specialty area(s)

Geomorphology, River Systems, Water Resources, Environmental Contamination, Geospatial Field Mapping and GIS

Current courses at UWL

GEO 101 - Earth Environments
GEO 222 - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


B.A. (2002) - Augustana College, Rock Island, IL (Geography & Mathematics)
M.S. (2005) - University of Wisconsin - Madison (Geography - Fluvial Geomorphology)
Ph.D. (2009) - University of Wisconsin - Madison (Geography - Fluvial Geomorphology)


Teaching history

Past Courses Taught at UW-L include:

GEO 101 - Earth Environments
GEO 222 - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
GEO 401 - Focus on Geography: A Capstone Course
GEO 410 - Geospatial Field Methods
GEO 427 - Water Resources
GEO 430 - River Systems
GEO 460 - Environmental Hazards
GEO 470 - Special Topics - Rivers and Lakes Surveying

Professional history

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (2000-2003) - GIS Technician
University of Wisconsin - Madison (2003-2009) - Teaching Assistant and Lecturer