Profile for David Elzinga

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David Elzinga
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Assistant Professor
Mathematics & Statistics
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
David Elzinga Pronouns: He/Him/His
Assistant Professor
Mathematics & Statistics
Specialty area(s)
Data Science, Applied Statistics, Resource Management
Brief biography
In 2018, I completed my undergraduate degree at Wichita State University in Mathematics. In 2023, I completed my Ph.D. in Mathematics and my M.S. in Statistics from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in Christopher’s Strickland’s Lab.
Professionally, my research is split in two parts.
- I am the director and founder of the Coulee Data Center, an organization providing pro bono data analysis services to community services in the greater La Crosse, WI area.
- I am actively publishing research in applications of mathematical ecology.
Current courses at UWL
Environmental Statistics (STAT 444/544)
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Tennessee Knoxville, 2023
M.S. in Statistics, University of Tennessee Knoxville, 2023
M.S. in Mathematics, University of Tennessee Knoxville, 2020
B.S. in Mathematics, Wichita State University, 2018
Teaching history
Graduate Project in Applied Statistics (STAT 796)
Statistical Learning (STAT 764)
Biostatistics (STAT 763)
Research Topics (STAT 499)
Statistics Teaching Mentoring (MTH 479)
Environmental Statistics (STAT 444/544)
Elementary Statistics (STAT 145)
Professional history
Assistant Professor of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, June 2023 - Present
Graduate Teaching/Research Associate, University of Tennessee Knoxville, August 2018 - May 2023
Research and publishing
*denotes undergraduate student
D. C. Elzinga, W. C. Strickland, "Generalized Stressors on Hive and Forager Bee Colonies," Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 85-112 (2023). [Link]
D. C. Elzinga, C. Beckford, W. C. Strickland, "A Mathematical Model of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Winter Tick Epizootic in Moose," Ecological Modelling 483 (2023). [Link]
C. Beckford*, M. Ferita*, J. Fucarino*, D. C. Elzinga, K. Bassett*, A. L. Carlson, R. Swanson and A. Capaldi, “Pollen Interference Emerges as a Property from Agent-Based Modelling of Pollen Competition in Arabidopsis thaliana,” in silico Plants 4-2 (2022). [Link]
D. C. Elzinga, E. Boggess*, J. Collignon*, A. Riederer*, and A. Capaldi, “An Agent-Based Model Determining a Successful Reintroduction of the Extinct Passenger Pigeon,” Natural Resource Modeling 33-4 (2020). [Link]
D. C. Elzinga, S. R. Stowe, F. L. Russell, “Modeling Control Methods to Manage the Sylvatic Plague in Black-tailed Prairie Dog Towns,” Natural Resource Modeling, 33-2 (2020). [Link]
E. Cornwell, D. C. Elzinga, S. Stowe, and A. Capaldi, “Modeling Vaccination Strategies to Control White-Nose Syndrome in Little Brown Bat Colonies,” Ecological Modelling 407 (2019). [Link]