Profile for Daniel Walsh

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Daniel Walsh
Pronouns: he/him/his
Assistant Professor
Educational Studies
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Daniel Walsh Pronouns: he/him/his
Assistant Professor
Educational Studies
Specialty area(s)
Immigrant English learners in secondary schools, culturally sustaining pedagogy, youth participatory action research/critical ethnographic methods
Brief biography
Daniel R. Walsh, Ph.D. has worked at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of education for over 35 years. Before joining UW-L's Educational Studies Department in August 2024, he was an English Language Fellow with the U.S. Department of State in Cusco & Lima, Perú. There he provided professional learning for Peruvian teachers of English. Prior to this fellowship, he was Teaching Faculty in the Department of Educational Policy Studies (EPS) at the University of Wisconsin - Madison where he taught undergraduate foundations courses such as School and Society; Youth, Education, and Society; and Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality in U.S. Schools, as well as a graduate teacher certification course in social and cultural approaches to policy analysis.
Before UW - Madison, Daniel held various leadership roles in the New York City Department of Education including Director of Multilingual Learners, Director of Teaching & Learning, Principal, and Senior Director of Professional Learning. He has 10 years of classroom ESL teaching experience in K-5, high school, and community college settings in both the U.S. and abroad and was a founding team member of The International High School @ Prospect Heights, a school specifically designed to meet the academic and social needs of recently arrived immigrant students learning English. During his doctoral studies, he served as an adjunct in CUNY City College’s Bilingual & TESOL Education program teaching both methods and research courses.
Current courses at UWL
EDS 206 - Multicultural Education
EDS 309 - Teaching Global Perspectives Across the Curriculum
Ph.D. - Urban Education, CUNY Graduate Center
M.Phil. - Urban Education, CUNY Graduate Center
M.S. in Ed. - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, SUNY New Paltz
B.A. - Political Science/Russian & East European Studies, SUNY Binghamton
Teaching history
10 years of teaching English to immigrant youth in New York City public schools
10 years in school building and school district leadership positions in New York City public schools
1 year of teaching English in public schools in Ecuador
2 years of English teacher professional development in Perú
6 years as Adjunct Instructor & Adjunct Assistant Professor in Bilingual & TESOL Education at CUNY's City College
Professional history
U.S Department of State, English Language Fellow (Lima & Cusco, Perú) - October 2022 - August 2024
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Teaching Faculty - August 2021 - August 2022
New York City Department of Education - Teacher, Instructional Coach, Principal, District Leader - January 2001 - August 2021
Higher Education Administrator (Residence Hall Director, Area Coordinator, Assistant Director of Residence Life, with ancillary assignments as Academic Advisor, Judicial Hearing Officer, Assistant to the Director of New Student Orientation) - Oberlin College & SUNY New Paltz, August 1991 - August 2000)
Research and publishing
Bajaj, M., Walsh, D., Bartlett, L., & Martinez, G. (2022). Humanizing education for immigrant and refugee youth: 20 strategies for the classroom and beyond. New York: Teachers College Press.
Walsh, D. (2018). Youth participatory action research as culturally sustaining pedagogy. Theory Into Practice, 57(2), pp. 127-136, DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2018.1433939. (Winner of Theory Into Practice “Best Article Award” for 2018)
Jaffe-Walter, R.; Walsh, D. & Lee, S.J. (Eds.) (2018). Special issue: Imagining sites of possibility in immigrant and refugee education. Theory Into Practice, 57(2), pp. 79-81, DOI:10.1080/00405841.2018.1425818.
Lee, S.J. & Walsh, D. (2017). Culturally sustaining pedagogy for diverse immigrant youth: Possibilities, challenges and directions. In H. Samy Alim & D. Paris (Eds.). Culturally sustaining pedagogies: Teaching and learning for justice in a changing world. New York: Teachers College Press.