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Profile for Edward Kim

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Edward Kim

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Associate Professor
Mathematics & Statistics
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Edward Kim Pronouns: He/Him/His

Associate Professor

Mathematics & Statistics

Specialty area(s)

Geometric and Topological Combinatorics, Optimization

Brief biography

Hi! I'm Dr. Kim (he/him/his). I'm a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, which occupies the land of the Ho Chunk people. I'm a Korean-American, born in California to immigrant parents. I am a UWL Friendly Face.

Whether you consider yourself a "math person" or not, I strongly urge you to watch this 13-minute TED talk from Dr. Jo Boaler. I am especially fond of moments when students who are struggling in math challenge themselves, overcome obstacles, and begin to believe in themselves! If you're willing to put in 100% effort, then I will work alongside you to reach success in math (and academics in general). I strive to create a classroom and office space that is welcoming for all: you belong in my class! I care about your life outside of academics, so if you need to discuss something outside of school, please don't hesitate to reach out!

I am a musician and a lindyhopper. During the Summers, I work on research, travel (mainly to dance or present at math conferences), and study languages.

Current courses at UWL

MTH 151 - Precalculus

MTH 160 - Mathematics for Business


2010. Ph.D., Mathematics (University of California, Davis)
2007. M.A., Mathematics (University of California, Davis)
2004. B.A.., Mathematics (University of California, Berkeley)


Teaching history

MTH 150 - College Algebra (Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Summer 2018, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Spring 2024)
MTH 151 - Precalculus (Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2015)
MTH 160 - Mathematics for Business (Fall 2021)
MTH 175 - Applied Calculus (Summer 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2019, Spring 2020)
MTH 207 - Calculus I (Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2021)
MTH 208 - Calculus II (Fall 2014, Spring 2018, Fall 2021, Fall 2023)
MTH 225 - Foundations of Advanced Mathematics (Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
MTH 309 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (Spring 2018, Spring 2019)
MTH 310 - Calculus III (Fall 2015, Fall 2020)
MTH 320 - History of Mathematics (Spring 2021)
MTH 411 - Abstract Algebra (Spring 2016, Fall 2016)
MTH 413 - Topics in Linear Algebra - Linear, Integer, and Semidefinite Optimization (Spring 2015)

MTH 395 - Independent Study - Teaching Experiences (Fall 2017)
MTH 495 - Special Topics - Polytopes and Convex Optimization (Spring 2014)
MTH 495 - Special Topics - Matroid Theory (Spring 2015)
MTH 495 - Special Topics - Computational Commutative Algebra (Spring 2017)
MTH 495 - Special Topics - Fields and Galois Theory (Fall 2017)
MTH 495 - Special Topics - Geometric Combinatorics and Optimization
MTH 495 - Special Topics - Combinatorics of generating functions and hyperplane arrangements (Spring 2018)
MTH 498 - Independent Study - Polyhedral Graph Abstractions (Spring 2015)
MTH 498 - Independent Study - Applications of Group Theory to Symmetry in Chemistry (Spring 2015, Spring 2018)
MTH 498 - Independent Study - Convergence Theorems (Fall 2014)
MTH 498 - Independent Study - Geometric Combinatorics and Optimization (Fall 2018)_
MTH 499 - Research Topics - Polyhedral Research Methods (Fall 2018, Spring 2019)

UWL 100 - First-year student experience (Fall 2017, Fall 2018)

Professional history

I earned my B.A. in Mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley, which occupies the land of the Ohlone people. I earned my M.A. in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of California, Davis, which occupies the land of the Patwin people. During my graduate studies, I had an extended visit to the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. After graduation, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Technische Universiteit Delft and Pohang University of Science and Technology. Immediately before starting at UWL, I was a lecturer at the University of California, Davis.

Research and publishing

Tristram C. Bogart and Edward D. Kim. Superlinear subset partition graphs with strong adjacency, endpoint-count, and dimension reduction. Combinatorica, 38(1):75-114, 2018.

Edward D. Kim. Relating graphs of trigonometric functions to points on the unit circle via using special-purpose rulers. Wisconsin Teacher of Mathematics, 67(2):23-26, 2015.

Jesús A. De Loera and Edward D. Kim. Combinatorics and geometry of transportation polytopes: An update. In Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics, volume 625 of Contemporary Mathematics, pages 37-76. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2014.

Edward D. Kim. Polyhedral graph abstractions and an approach to the Linear Hirsch Conjecture. Mathematical Programming, Series A, 143(1-2):357-370, 2014.

António Guedes de Oliveira, Edward D. Kim, Marc Noy, Arnau Padrol, Julian Pfeifle, Vincent Pilaud. Polytopal complexes realizing products of graphs. XIV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, June 2011.

Edward D. Kim, Francisco Santos. An update on the Hirsch conjecture. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 112(2):73-98, 2010.

Anna Gundert, Edward D. Kim, Daria Schymura. Lattice paths and Lagrangian matroids. Technical Report, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, 2009.

Jesús A. De Loera, Edward D. Kim, Shmuel Onn, and Francisco Santos. Graphs of transportation polytopes. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 116(8):1306-1325, 2009.



Edward Kim, Mathematics & Statistics, authored the chapter "If We Don’t Take the Test Today, Then the Terrorists Win" in Empathetic Storytelling (Volume II) and was accepted for publication by Brill.

Submitted on: Aug. 15, 2024


Edward Kim, Mathematics & Statistics, authored the book "Handbook of Mathematical Proof" published on July 11 by American Mathematical Society Open Math Notes Project.

Submitted on: Aug. 15, 2024


Nathaniel Green and Edward Kim, both Mathematics & Statistics, co-authored the article "Further techniques on a polynomial positivity question of Collins, Dykema, and Torres-Ayala" in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics published on May 8 by Lugansk National Taras Shevchenko University.

Submitted on: Aug. 15, 2024


Edward Kim, Mathematics & Statistics, presented "What is Linear Programming, and how fast can we solve LP problems?" at Winona State University Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Colloquium on Oct. 14 in Winona, MN.

Submitted on: Oct. 24, 2021


Bryan Kopp and Kate Parker, both CATL; Nese Nasif, College of Business Administration; and Edward Kim, Mathematics & Statistics; presented "Inclusive Teaching Institute" at Council on Undergraduate Research: Centering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity on June 24 online.

Submitted on: July 14, 2021