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Profile for Elizabeth Peacock

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Elizabeth Peacock

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Associate Professor
Archaeology & Anthropology
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Elizabeth Peacock Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Associate Professor

Archaeology & Anthropology

Specialty area(s)

Sociolinguistics, youth identity and belonging, Eastern Europe, Ukraine, postsocialism, global communication, diasporas and homelands

Current courses at UWL

ANT 101: Human Nature/Human Culture (Fall, Spring, every other Summer)

ANT 196: Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (every Fall)

ANT/HIS 312: Peoples and Cultures of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (study abroad)

ANT 323: Anthropology of Childhood and Youth

ANT 358: Language Policy and Activism in Europe

ANT 375: Language, Power, and Inequality

ANT 401: Ethnographic Methods (every fall)

ANT 495: Senior Thesis in Cultural Anthropology (every Spring)

ANT 496: Honors Thesis in Cultural Anthropology (every Spring)


2011. Ph.D. in Anthropology. University of California, San Diego.
2003. M.A. in Anthropology. University of California, San Diego.
2000. B.A. in Anthropology and Political Science. University of Kansas.


Research and publishing

2019.     “Youth in Ukraine.” In Teen Lives Around the World: A Global Encyclopedia. Karen Wells (ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

2018      “Navigating Competing Identities through Stance-Taking: A Case of Ukrainian Teenagers. Journal of Belonging, Identity, Language, and Diversity 2(1): 62-74.

2016      “The Spatiotemporal Ambivalences of Youth Identities: Striving to be Authentic, yet Worldly.” In Identities and Subjectivities. Nancy Worth, Claire Dwyer, and Tracey Skelton (eds.). Geographies of Children and Young People, Volume 4. Pp. 493-510. Springer Singapore.

2015      “National Identity and Language: Class Differences among Youth in Western Ukraine.” Global Studies of Childhood 5(1): 59-73.

2012      "The Authentic Village and the Modern City: The Space-Time of Class Identities in Urban Western Ukraine." Anthropology of Eastern Europe Review 30(1): 213-236.



Elizabeth Peacock, Archaeology & Anthropology, and Lisa Kruse, Sociology & Criminal Justice, were named teaching scholars for the Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars Program of Universities of Wisconsin, Office of Professional and Instructional Development on Feb. 21.

Submitted on: Feb. 24


Elizabeth Peacock, Archaeology & Anthropology, was interviewed by Tyler Job of WKBT Channel 8 on Feb. 25. Peacock is a scholar of Ukraine, having conducted research in the country since 2003. In the interview, they discussed Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian-Russian relations, and the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Submitted on: Feb. 26, 2022


Elizabeth Peacock, Archaeology & Anthropology, was interviewed by Olivia Herken of The La Crosse Tribune on Feb. 24. Peacock, a scholar of Ukraine since 2003, was interviewed about Ukrainians and their culture, her experiences living there, and her thoughts on the Russian invasion of the country.

Submitted on: Feb. 26, 2022