Profile for Gregory Sandland

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Gregory Sandland
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Gregory Sandland
Specialty area(s)
Host-parasite interactions, life-history evolution, disease ecology, invasive species dynamics, mathematical biology, toxicology
Current courses at UWL
Bio 203 (Organismal Biology)
Bio 406/506 (Parasitology)
Bio 460/560 (Marine Symbioses)
Bio 491 (Senior Capstone)
Bio 499 (Mathematical Biology)
Bio 701 (Communications in Biology)
Ph.D. - Purdue University
M.Sc. - University of Lethbridge (Canada)
B.Sc. - University of Victoria (Canada)
Professional history
2016 Professor, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
2011 Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
2007 Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
2005 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.)
2005 Ph.D. in Biology, Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.)
1999 Research Associate, University of Alberta (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
1999 M.Sc. in Biology, University of Lethbridge (Lethbridge, AB, Canada)
1996 B.Sc. (with distinction) in Biology, University of Victoria (Victoria, BC, Canada)
Research and publishing
Galbraith, A., Sandland, G.J. and N. Carmosini. 2021. Evaluating the life-history responses of adult invasive (Bithynia tentaculata) and native (Physa gyrina) snails exposed to a Cu-based pesticide (EarthTec® QZ). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 107:833-837.
Sandland, G.J. and J.P. Peirce. 2021. Patterns of Sphaeridiotrema pseudoglobulus infection in sympatric and allopatric hosts (Bithynia tentaculata) originating from widely separated sites across the USA. Parasitology Research, 120:187-195.
Peirce, J.P., Pellett, J.J., and G.J. Sandland. 2020. A mathematical model for the control of
swimmer's itch. Natural Resource Modeling, 33:e12275
Bachtel, R., Rittenhouse, M., Sandland, G.J., and J. A.H. Koop. 2019. Infection patterns of trematodes across size classes of an invasive snail species using field and laboratory studies. Parasitology, 146:438-444.
Carmosini, N., Gillis, R., Ismail, A., and G.J. Sandland. 2018. Evaluating the toxicity of EarthTec® QZ to invasive (Bithynia tentaculata) and native (Physa gyrina) freshwater snail species from the Upper Mississippi River. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 101:428-433.
Bennie, B., Eager, E., Peirce, J.P., and G.J. Sandland. 2018. Using a summer REU to help develop the next generation of mathematical ecologists. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 80:926-944.
McCloskey, M., Scheil, J., Sandland, G.J., and G.A. Gerrish. 2017. Luminescent syllid (Odontosyllis sp.) courtship display densities vary across marine habitats around South Water Caye, Belize. Gulf and Caribbean Research, 28:40-45.
Weeks, A.M., De Jager, N.R., Haro, R.J. and G.J. Sandland. 2017. Spatial and temporal relationships between the invasive snail Bithynia tentaculata and submersed aquatic vegetation in Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River. River Research and Applications, 33:729-739.
Sandland, G.J. and K. Josephson. 2017. Nutrient availability modulates both host and parasite life histories in a snail-trematode interaction. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 126:135-142.
Peirce, J.P., Sandland, G.J., Bennie, B., and R.J. Haro. 2016. Modeling and analysis of a temperature-dependent outbreak of waterfowl disease in the Upper Mississippi River. Ecological Modelling 320:71-78.
Harried, B., Fischer, K., Perez, K.E., and G.J. Sandland. 2015. Assessing infection patterns in Chinese mystery snails from Wisconsin, USA using field and laboratory approaches. Aquatic Invasions, 10:169-175
Glodosky, C. and G.J. Sandland. 2014. Assessing host competency between native and invasive snail species exposed to the native parasite Echinostoma revolutum. Aquatic Invasions, 9: 87-93.
Sandland, G.J., Gillis, R., Haro, R.J., and J.P. Peirce. 2014. Infection patterns in invasive and native hosts exposed to a parasite associated with waterfowl mortality in the Upper Mississippi River, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 50: 125-129.
Sandland, G.J., Houk, S., Walker, B., Haro, R.J. and R. Gillis. 2013. Differential patterns of infection and life-history expression in native and invasive hosts exposed to a trematode parasite. Hydrobiologia, 701: 89-98.
Yang, Y., Feng, Z.L., Xu, D., Sandland, G.J. and D.J. Minchella. 2012. Evolution of host resistance to parasite infection in the snail-schistosome-human system. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 65: 201-236.
Xu, D., Sandland, G.J., Minchella, D.J. and Z.L. Feng. 2012. Interactions among virulence, coinfection and drug resistance in a complex life-cycle parasite. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 304: 197-210.
Wood, A.R., Haro, C., Haro, R.J. and G.J. Sandland. 2011. Effects of desiccation on two life stages of an invasive snail and its native cohabitant. Hydrobiologia, 675: 167-174.
Sandland, G.J., Wethington, A.R., Foster, A.V., and D.J. Minchella. 2009. Effects of host outcrossing on the interaction between an aquatic snail and its locally adapted parasite. Parasitology Research, 105:555–561.
Zavodna, M., Sandland, G.J., and D.J. Minchella. 2008. Effects of intermediate host genetic background on parasite transmission dynamics: a case study using Schistosoma mansoni. Experimental Parasitology, 120:57-71.
Sandland G.J., Rodgers, J.R., and D.J. Minchella. 2007. Interspecific antagonism and virulence in hosts exposed to multiple parasite species. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 96:43-47.
Sandland, G.J., Foster, A.V., Zavodna, M. and D.J. Minchella. 2007. Interplay between host genetic variation and parasite transmission in the Biomphalaria glabrata-Schistosoma mansoni system. Parasitology Research, 101:1083-1089.
Zhang, P., Sandland, G.J., Xu, D., Feng, Z. and D.J. Minchella. 2007. Evolutionary
implications for interactions between multiple strains of host and parasite. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 248:225-240.
Sandland G.J., Detwiler, J.T. and D.J. Minchella. 2006. Understanding ecological
principles through parasitological pedagogy. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching. 28.
Sandland G.J. and N. Carmosini. 2006. Combined effects of an herbicide (atrazine) and predation on the life history of a pond snail, Physa gyrina. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25:2216-2220.
Rodgers, J.K., Sandland, G.J., Joyce, S.R. and D.J. Minchella. 2005. Multi-species
interactions among a commensal (Chaetegaster limnaei limnaei), a parasite
(Schistosoma mansoni) and an aquatic snail host (Biomphalaria glabrata).
Journal of Parasitology, 91:709-712.
Sandland G.J. and D.J. Minchella. 2004a. Context-dependent life-history variation in a pond snail (Lymnaea elodes) exposed to desiccation and a sterilizing parasite. Ecoscience, 11:181-186.
Sandland G.J. and D.J. Minchella. 2004b. Life-history plasticity in hosts exposed to
differing resources and parasitism. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 82:1672-1677.
Sandland, G.J. and D.J. Minchella. 2003a. Costs of immune defense: an enigma
wrapped in an environmental cloak? Trends in Parasitology, 19:571-574.
Sandland, G.J. and D.J. Minchella. 2003b. Effects of diet and Echinostoma revolutum
infection on energy allocation patterns in juvenile Lymnaea elodes snails. Oecologia, 134:479-486.
Prepas, E., Pinel-Alloul, B., Chambers, P., Murphy, T., Reedyk, S., Sandland, G.,
and M. Serediak. 2001. Lime treatment and its effects on the chemistry and biota
of hardwater eutrophic lakes. Freshwater Biology, 46:1049-1060.
Prepas, E., Babin, J., Murphy, T., Chambers, P., Sandland, G.J., Ghadouani, A. and M.
Serediak. 2001. Long-term effects of successive Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 treatments
on the water quality of two eutrophic hardwater lakes. Freshwater Biology,
Sandland, G.J., Goater, C.P. and A.J. Danylchuk. 2001. Population dynamics of
Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus metacercariae in fathead minnows
(Pimephales promelas) from four northern-Alberta lakes. Journal of Parasitology,
Sandland, G.J. and C.P. Goater. 2001. Parasite-induced variation in host morphology: brain-encysting trematodes in fathead minnows. Journal of Parasitology, 87:267-272.
Sandland, G.J. and C.P. Goater. 2000. Development and intensity dependence of
Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus metacercariae in fathead minnows
(Pimephales promelas). Journal of Parasitology, 86:1056-1060.