Profile for Heidi Morrison

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Heidi Morrison
Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Heidi Morrison
Associate Professor
Specialty area(s)
Modern Middle East History
History of Childhood
Oral History
Brief biography
Dr. Morrison’s interest in the Middle East began over twenty years ago as a Malcolm Kerr Scholar with the National Council on US-Arab Relations. As a high school student in the summer of 1993, Morrison participated in a three-week study tour of Egypt in honor of the life and works of Malcolm Kerr, former Middle East scholar and president of the American University in Beirut who had an untimely death due to political violence. Morrison received a BA in French literature at the University of California, Berkeley in 1999. With an interest in colonial North Africa, she decided on graduate work in Middle East Studies with a less “colonial” approach to the region than graduate work in Francophone Studies. She completed a MA in Middle East Studies at Harvard University, and a PhD in Modern Middle East History at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Morrison is a social and cultural historian seeking to understand the modern Middle East through the lens of some of its most understudied historical shapers and movers; i.e. children and youth.
She is the author of the forthcoming Inner Wounds: Oral History, Trauma, and Palestinian Children of the Second Intifada (Oxford University Press) and the editor Lived Resistance Against the War on Palestinian Children (University of Georgia Press, 2024). Morrison is the author of Childhood and Colonial Modernity in Egypt (Palgrave 2015), the editor of The Global History of Childhood Reader (Routledge 2012), and co-general editor of A Cultural History of Youth six-volume set (Bloomsbury, 2023).
Her research has been sponsored by public and private funding agencies such as The Fulbright Scholarships (Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, CIES), The Palestinian-American Research Center (PARC), The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Grant Program (U.S, Department of Education), and the Center for Arabic Studies Aboard (CASA, US, Department of Education).
Morrison’s articles and reviews have appeared in leading national and international journals, such as the Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth (Johns Hopkins), International Journal of Middle East Studies (Cambridge), Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, and Muslim World Journal of Human Rights (Berkeley). She has chapters in Feeling Dis-ease in Modern History (Bloombury, 2022), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Education (Oxford, 2019), and Childhood in Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Territories (Brill, 2015). Her engaged scholarship includes talks and publications on the contemporary Middle East at Le Monde Diplomatique (English version), Counterpunch, Ms. Magazine, Jadaliyya, and Mondoweiss. Morrison is founding president of the Association for Middle East Children and Youth Studies (AMECYS) and board member of the Palestinian American Research Center (PARC).
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1999 French
M.A., Harvard University, 2002 Middle East Studies
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2009 Middle East History
Teaching history
Survey of the Middle East
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Human Rights and the Middle East
Oral History
Women and Gender in the Middle East
World History, CE 1500 to present: Societies, Cultures, and Childhood
Professional history
Tampere University, Center of Excellence in the History of Experiences (HEX), Senior Visiting Researcher, 2020-2022
University of California, Los Angeles, Visiting Scholar, Center for Near Eastern Studies (International Institute), 2019-2020
Birzeit University (West Bank, Palestine), Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies, Visiting Assistant Professor, 2013-2014
University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of History, Teaching Associate, Summer 2008 and Summer 2009
Research and publishing
Morrison, Heidi. Lived Resistance Against the War on Palestinian Children. Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 2024.
Olsen, Stephanie and Morrison, Heidi, eds. A Cultural History of Youth. London: Bloomsbury, 2023.
Morrison, Heidi. Childhood and Colonial Modernity in Egypt. London: Palgrave, 2015.
Morrison, Heidi, ed. Global History of Childhood Reader. New York: Routledge, 2012.