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Profile for Jenni Brundage

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Jenni Brundage

Residence Life Director
Residence Life
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Jenni Brundage

Residence Life Director

Residence Life



Andrew Ives, ACCESS Center, and Jenni Brundage, Residence Life, presented "Navigating Housing (Disability) Accommodations Through Partnership: An Institutional and System-Wide Approach" at Association of College & University Housing Officers-International - Annual Conference on June 24, in Milwaukee. Brundage and Ives presented on creating dynamic partnerships between housing professionals and disability services professionals. The presentation highlighted ways to identify institutional inconsistencies and offered strategies toward more effective partnerships.

Submitted on: June 25, 2024


Andrew Ives, ACCESS Center and Jenni Brundage, Residence Life, convened and organized the first Universities of Wisconsin Housing Accommodation Summit. This summit brought together all UW campuses to discuss how Housing and Disability Services can collaborate to ensure access for students with disabilities across Wisconsin.

Submitted on: Feb. 9, 2024


Courtney Warax, New Student & Family Programs; Lisa Klein, Community Engagement; Scott Brown, Facilities Planning & Management; Chelsea Wyman, Murphy Library; Justin Davis, Music; Willem Vanroosenbeek, Pride Center; Nathan Barnhart, Rec Sports; Laurie Harmon, Recreation Management & Therapeutic Recreation; Jenni Brundage and Andie Coxey, both Residence Life; Jamie Henk, Student Association student; Kyle Burke, Magann Dykema, Drea Higgins, Michael Slevin and Corey Stilwell, all University Centers; Kaylie Connaughty and Maren Walz, both University Marketing & Communications; and Gabrielle Smartt, Wellness, Health Advocacy; served on the Eagle Fest Planning Committee. The planning committee was responsible for Eagle Fest, a festival full of music, entertainment, food, and fun. It was an exciting opportunity for all students, faculty, staff, family members and local community neighbors to come together and celebrate the beginning of the fall semester!

Submitted on: Sept. 13, 2021