Profile for Jennifer Butler Modaff

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Jennifer Butler Modaff
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Associate Professor
Communication Studies
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Jennifer Butler Modaff Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Associate Professor
Communication Studies
Specialty area(s)
Organizational and Professional Communication
Current courses at UWL
CST 110 Communicating Effectively
CST 452 Contemporary Approaches to Organizational Communication
Ohio University: PhD Communication Studies, Graduate Certificate in Gender Studies
Ohio University: MA in Sociology/Criminology
Ohio University: BA in Sociology/Criminology
Teaching history
CST 110: Public Speaking
CST 260: Organizational & Professional Communication
CST 301: Theories of Communication
CST 350: Foundations of Organizational Communication
CST 354: Health Communication
CST 355: Diversity & Communication in Organizations
CST 365: Teams
CST 452: Contemporary Organizations
CST 498: Research Methods in Communication
CST 499: Senior Project in CST
Professional history
Western Kentucky University
University College 2009-2010
Courses taught:
Capstone in Interdisciplinary Studies (online)
Cultures of Earning and Caring (online)
Gender in the Workplace (online)
Introduction to Women’s Studies (online)
Women in Leadership (graduate, online)
Ohio University
Management 2007-2009
Courses taught:
Introduction to Management
Professional Communication
Communication in the Business Cluster
Ohio University
Communication Studies 2006-2009
Courses taught:
Cross Cultural Communication (online)
Introduction to Organizational Communication (online)
Meeting and Conference Planning
Public Speaking
Northern Kentucky University
Department of Communication 2006-2007
Courses taught:
Cross Cultural Communication
Cross Cultural Communication (online)
Organizational Communication (traditional & online)
Organizational Communication-leadership program (online)
Communication Theory
Small Group Communication
Research and publishing
Butler, J.A., Rogers, L.A., & Modaff, D.P. (2019). Communication challenges in the parent-teacher relationship regarding students with special needs. Communication & Theatre Association of Minnesota Journal, 43(1), 6-28.
Modaff, D.P., Butler, J.A., & DeWine, S. (2017). Organizational Communication: Foundations, Challenges, and Misunderstandings (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Butler, J.A., & Modaff, D.P. (2016). Motivations to disclose chronic illness in the workplace. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication.
Butler, J.A., & Modaff, D.P. (2015). The personal SWOT: An opportunity for student reflection, growth, and planning. Journal of the Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri, 45, 85-93.
Butler, J.A., & Modaff, D.P. (2013). The communicative management of emotional display expectations by in-home daycare providers. Qualitative Communication Research, 1, 461-490.
Butler, J.A. (2013). Metaphorically examining organizational communication: A student's perspective. Communication Teacher, 27(3), 161-164.
Butler, J.A., & Modaff, D.P. (2013). The communicative management of emotional display expectations by in-home daycare providers. Qualitative Communication Research, 1, 461-490.
Butler Modaff, J., & Modaff, D. (2012). Constructing Space and Time for Work and Family. Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota Journal.
Modaff, D.P., Butler, J., & DeWine, S. (2011). Organizational Communication: Foundations, challenges, and misunderstandings (3rd ed.). AB/Longman Press.
Butler, J., & Modaff, D. (2008). When Work Is Home: Agency, Structure, and Contradictions. Management Communication Quarterly, 22(2), 232-257.
Modaff, D.P., DeWine, S, & Butler, J. (2007). Organizational Communication: Foundations, challenges, and misunderstandings (2nd ed.). AB/Longman Press.
Smith, A., & Butler Woodside, J. (2004). Course assignments. In S. Titsworth & D. Novack (Eds.), Fundamentals of Public Communication (pp. 63-82).
Butler Woodside, J., & Kuhlman, K. (2003). Course objectives and policies. In S. Titsworth & P. Royce(Eds.), Fundamentals of Public Communication (pp. 2-6).
Smith, A., & Butler Woodside, J. (2003). Course assignments. In S. Titsworth & P. Royce (Eds), Fundamentals of Public Communication (pp. 63-82).