and Julie Pohlman, UW System; presented "The Data that Drives Us: A Four-Year Perspective on Evidence-Based Collection" at the Charleston Conference: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition on Nov. 10, 2017 in Charleston, SC. The session detailed the University of Wisconsin System’s four-year experience with Wiley’s revolutionary “Evidence-Based Collection E-book Management Model.” Since the UWS was one of the first large university consortia to utilize Wiley’s evidence based model, the presentation reflects on how the UWS’s title selection methods evolved over the course of their multi-year journey by incorporating long-term usage data to make purchasing decisions that reflect a balancing act between individual system library collection needs, the overall system, and that of the state’s large flagship research institution, UW Madison. The presentation offered key findings, best practices, challenges, as well as the issues to address in the future.
Submitted on: Nov. 16, 2017