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Kenny Hunt

Comp Sci & Comp Engineering
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Kenny Hunt


Comp Sci & Comp Engineering



Kenny Hunt, Computer Science, presented "Graph Traversal for Procedural Fantasy Map Generation" at Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS 2020) on April 3 in Milwaukee (remotely). The paper describes a novel application domain for teaching graphs, graph traversal, and spanning tree algorithms. A technique for generating randomized fantasy maps backed by a randomized graph data structure is presented. Terrain elevation is generated via bread-first search, roads are generated using Prim’s minimum cost spanning tree, and continents are segmented from surrounding seas using breadth-first search as well. The presentation is available on the MICS 2020 Youtube channel at

Submitted on: April 22, 2020


Kenny Hunt, Computer Science and Hui Li, Software Engineering, presented "RoloBox: An Image-Aware Mobile Application using the AWS Ecosystem" at Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS 2020) on April 3 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Conference was held remotely due to Covid-19. The paper explores how the AWS ecosystem can be incorporated into undergraduate course or lab work by showing its use in the context of a much larger capstone effort. His presentation is available on the MICS 2020 Youtube channel at

Submitted on: April 22, 2020