Profile for Keslie Pharis

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Keslie Pharis
Pronouns: she/her
Oboe Instructor
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Keslie Pharis Pronouns: she/her
Oboe Instructor
Specialty area(s)
Oboe & English horn
Brief biography
An oboist from Amarillo, Texas, Keslie Pharis has recently performed with the Madison Symphony Orchestra, Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, Quad Cities Symphony Orchestra, Sheboygan Symphony Orchestra, Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, and Madison Bach Musicians. Her playing is strongly influenced by her extensive background with ballet, and she enjoys teaching at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse as well as through her private oboe studio and local high school programs.
A doctoral candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Keslie holds a Master of Music degree from UW-Madison, where she held a Paul J. Collins Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, and a Bachelor of Music degree from Indiana University, where she was a recipient of the Jacobs School of Music Premiere Young Artist Award. Passionate about arts administration and community engagement, Keslie holds a Master of Business Administration degree from West Texas A&M University and is pursuing a doctoral minor in arts administration.
Current courses at UWL
MUA 202/302 - Applied Oboe