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Profile for Keely Rees

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Extended Learning
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Keely Rees Pronounce my name Pronouns: she/her/hers


Extended Learning

Specialty area(s)

Women’s Health (pregnancy, exercise, maternal & child health, menstruation) Adolescent Health Behaviors; Health Policy and Advocacy; Motivational Interviewing, Grant Writing in Health and Human Services. 

Brief biography

Keely Rees is a Chair/Professor in the Department of Public Health and Community Health Education (PHCHE) at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.  Dr. Rees’ research and teaching have focused on numerous issues in the health field for over 25 years. Her research has focused on prenatal care, exercise prescription and behaviors during and after pregnancy, social support for pre-conception and prenatal nutrition, tobacco use during pregnancy, and sexuality education and advocacy for young children, teens, and parents, and schools as community outreach for nutrition/exercise. She has been working in collaboration with collaborative projects with Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and Global Partners of Gundersen Health System to provide education and advocacy with Native American youth and leaders.  Dr. Rees has taught community & public health foundations courses, grantsmanship, and women’s health courses, trainings, and workshops in university, hospital, schools, locally and has taught internationally in Ireland, Spain, Costa Rica, Thailand, and soon to be Croatia with other universities, researchers, and organizations identifying ways to better prepare public health educators for the field. Dr. Rees has been a faculty co-sponsor for the Eta Sigma Gamma, Beta Phi Chapter since 2003 and was inducted to Gamma Delta Chapter in 1999 and served as a faculty co-sponsor until 2003. Keely is the Past- President of National Eta Sigma Gamma 2020-2022, a member of SOPHE, APHA, and WPHA Co-Chair of the Maternal & Child Health Section. 

Current courses at UWL

CHE 400, Health Policy, Advocacy, Community Organization 

CHE 430, Grant Writing & Resource Management


Ph.D. (Health Education) University of New Mexico;
M.S. (Exercise Physiology/Health Behavior) South Dakota State University;
BA (Health Education) University of Minnesota-Morris.

Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)", National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. (November 26, 2012 - Present).

Certified Health Education Specialist", NCHEC. (April 1999 - March 2009).


Teaching history

CHE 240, Comm Health Foundations

CHE 309, Volunteer Experience in Psychology 

CHE 370, MI for Health Educators

CHE 400, Health Policy, Advocacy, Community Organization 

CHE 430, Grant Writing & Resource Management

CHE 440, Program Development and Planning in Health Education

CHE 475, Workshop in Health Education

CHE 480, Senior Capstone.

CHE 498, Community Health Education Preceptorship

HED 409, Stress Management and Relaxation Skills

HED 412, Women's Health Issues

HED 422, Sexual Abuse of Children

HED 439, Teaching Stress Management and Relaxation Skills

HED 472 Sexual Health Promotion

HED 473, Health Aspects of Aging

HED 474, Nutrition Education

HED 701, Contemporary Issues in Hlth Ed

HED 703, Foundations of Health Education

HED 720, Program Planning in Health Education

HED 760, Global Management

HED 798, Grad Project in Health Education

HED 799, Research: Master's Thesis

PH 204, Introduction to Global Health

Professional history

Chair, University Wisconsin - La Crosse, La Crosse, WI. (June 1, 2022 - Present).

Professor, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, La Crosse, WI. (July 1, 2014 - Present).

Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, La Crosse, WI. (June 2007 - 2014).

Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, La Crosse, WI. (August 2003 - May 2007).

Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, KHE Department, Edwardsville, Illinois. (August 1999 - May 2003).

Project Manager/Evaluator, South West Coalition Against Tobacco (SWICAT), Edwardsville, Illinois. (May 2001 - July 2002).

Teaching Assistant, Department of Health Education -University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (January 1998 - June 1999).

Wellness Consultant/Exercise Specialist, Sioux Valley Hospital Wellness Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (December 1995 - August 1997).

Teaching Assistant, Department of Health, Physical Education, & Recreation at South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. (August 1994 - December 1995).

Graduate Assistant, The Wellness Center, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. (August 1994 - December 1995).

Research and publishing

Published Intellectual Contributions


Rees, K.S, Early, J., Hampton, C. (2022) Be the Change: Putting Health Advocacy, Policy, and Community Organization into Practice in Public Health Education, Oxford University Press.

Book Chapters

Wagenschutz, H.M. & Rees, K.S. (2016). In Bensley, R., Brookins-Fischer, J. (Ed.), Developing Effective Presentation and Training Skills in Community health education methods: A practitioner’s guide 4th Edition (4th Edition). Sadbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Rees, K. S., Goldsmith, M. (2008). In Bensley, R., Brookins-Fischer, J. (Ed.), Presentation Methods in Community health education methods: A practitioner’s guide 3rd Edition (3rd Edition). Sadbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. (Submitted: March 1, 2007, Accepted: September 2007, Published: January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2008).

Journal Articles

Rivera, L., Starry, B., Gangi, C., Lube, L., Cedergren, A., Whitney, E., Rees, K. S. (2016). From Classroom to Capitol: Building Advocacy Capacity Through State-Level Advocacy Experiences. Health Promotion Practice, 17(6), 771-774. (Published: November 2016).

Tolzman, C., Rooney, B., Duquette, R. D., Rees, K. S. (2014). Perceived Barriers to Accessing Adequate Nutrition Among Food Insecure Households Within a Food Desert. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 113(4), 139-143. (Submitted: June 2014, Accepted: July 2014, Published: August 2014).

Ward, D. L., Rees, K. S. (2013). Building community capacity through grant development collaborations in public health settings: A case study. Journal of the Grant Professionals Association, 11(1), 65-74. (Submitted: January 14, 2013, Accepted: September 2013, Published: November 2013).

Rees, K. S. (2009). Contemplative Practices in Health Education. in Advocacy in Changing Times Health Educator, Monograph Series, Eta Sigma Gamma, 26(1), 29-33. (Submitted: October 2008, Accepted: January 2009, Published: April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009).

Barth, M., Rees, K. S. (2008). A Nutrition Assessment of Dietary Practices of Mexicans Living in the State of Veracruz, Mexico. UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research XI, XI(2008), 1-4. (Submitted: December 2007, Accepted: February 2008, Published: May 2008).

Skemp, K. M., Rees, K. S., Mikat, R. P., Seebach, E. (2006). Body Image Dissatisfaction Among Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade Children. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 4(3), 58-67. (Published: September 2006).

Driver, S., Rees, K. S., O'Connor, J., Lox, C. (2006). Aquatics, health-promoting self-care behaviours and adults with brain injuries. Brain Injury, 20(2), 133-141. (Accepted: January 2006, Published: February 2006).

Rees, K. S., Thompson, S. E. (2005). An ounce of prevention…Internship planning, and implementation for students, university advisors, and site supervisors. California Journal of Health Promotion, 3(3), 1-7. (Accepted: October 2005, Published: October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2005).

Sharon, T., Brenda, S., Rees, K. S. (2005). Perceived barriers to participation in a supplemental nutrition program among low-income women on the US/Mexico border. California Journal of Health Promotion, 3(3), 24-28. (Accepted: September 2005, Published: October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2005).

Rees, K. S., Thompson, S., Curtis, R., David, C. (2005). Unexpected findings in an alternative high school: New implications for values education. California Journal of Health Promotion, 3(1), 130-139. (Accepted: March 2005, Published: July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2005).

Driver, S., O'Connor, J., Lox, C., Rees, K. S. (2004). Evaluation of an aquatics program on fitness parameters of people with brain injury.. Brain Injury, 18(9), 847-859. (Published: January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2004).

Driver, S., Lox, C., O'Connor, J., Rees, K. S. (2003). Effect of an aquatic exercise program on the psycho/social experiences of individuals with brain injuries: A pilot study.. The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation, 21(1), 22-31. (Published: 2003).

Scandell, D., Wlazelek, B., Bentelspachher, C.E., Rees, K. S., Thomas, S. (2003). Effects of questionnaire order on self-reported sexual behavior, risk perceptions, and ratings of HIV and STD protection strategies. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 15(1), 53-67. (Published: 2003).


Ward, D., Rees, K. S. (2011). In Weber, J. (Ed.), Grant writing collaboration is a win-win (47th ed., vol. 16, pp. 3). La Crosse, WI: Bridges. (Submitted: October 11, 2011, Accepted: October 2011, Published: November 23, 2011).


Rees, K. S. (2012). In Gilmore, G. D. (Ed.), Rees, K. (2012).  Using focus groups to assess tobacco usage in pregnant and postpartum women. In G.D. Gilmore, Needs and capacity assessment strategies for health education and health promotion (4th ed., pp.249-260).  Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. (4th Edition, pp. p 249-260). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. (Submitted: August 6, 2011, Accepted: September 2011, Published: January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2012).

Rogers, C. M., Rees, K. S. (2011). In Rees, K. S. (Ed.), South Dakota's Challenges Since 1960 (pp. 296-428). Garrettson, SD: Sanders Printing Co. (Submitted: June 2009, Published: November 2011).



Casey Tobin, Psychology and Keely Rees, Public Health & Community Health Education, co-authored the article "Embracing Diverse Perspectives of Menstruation: A Lesson Plan for Celebrating Cycles" in American Journal of Sexuality Education published on Nov. 20, 2024 by Taylor & Francis. Published a scholarly lesson plan on Celebrating Cycles, providing educators and practitioners with the background, tools, and talking points to create a shift in societal perspectives on menstrual cycles.

Submitted on: Jan. 17


Anders Cedergren and Keely Rees, both Public Health & Community Health Education; and Brittney Chang , Health Resources in Action; presented "Master Your Monday: Prepare for Effective Conversations with Legislators and/or their Staff " at the Society for Public Health Education Advocacy Summit on Oct. 20 in Washington, DC.

Submitted on: Nov. 22, 2024


Casey Tobin, Psychology and Keely Rees, Public Health & Community Health Education, presented "Flowing with Power and Celebrating Cycles" at Sex Ed Lecture Series on July 10 online. "Celebrating Cycles" offers educators and practitioners helpful information to reshape societal perceptions of menstruation. The lecture explored historical and cultural insights across diverse backgrounds and helped participants explore their approach to addressing these understandings to suit their audience, emphasizing the natural aspects of menstruation and embracing cultural diversity.

Submitted on: July 15, 2024


Elaine Auld, Society for Public Health Education, and Keely Rees, Public Health & Community Health Education, presented "Advocating for Health Education: Past, Present, and Future" at 74th Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Annual Conference on March 19 in St Louis, MO.

Submitted on: April 8, 2024


Zack Beddos, Department of Teacher Education, Brigham Young University; Jenna Starck, Exercise & Sport Science; and Keely Rees and Emily Whitney, both Public Health & Community Health Education; co-authored the article "No One Works in Isolation Here: The Socialization of Physical Education Teachers Into a Professional Learning Community" in "Journal of Teaching in Physical Education," published on Oct. 23 by Human Kinetics, Inc.

Submitted on: Oct. 25, 2023


Montrece McNeill Ransom, JD, MPH, Director, National Coordinating Center for Public Health Training; Keri Hill, PH.D, CHES, Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power & Potential; LaTonya Bynum, MPH, MCHES, URA Resource Center, LLC; and Keely Rees, Public Health & Community Health Education; presented "Roadmap to Policy Change: A Case Study" at Society for Public Health Education Advocacy Summit on Oct. 15 in Washington, D.C. This year’s summit theme was “Vote for Health! Advancing Health Through Community & Civic Engagement.” We presented this case study in the following educational track: Community-Engaged, Civic Participation Initiatives Achieving health for all requires us to build community and civic participation. Presenters covered research, program, or advocacy campaigns that increase community engagement and/or civic engagement to address public health funding, and social determinants of health.

Submitted on: Oct. 23, 2023


Anders Cedergren and Keely Rees, both Public Health & Community Health Education, presented "The Ripple Effect: The Extended Impact of Experiential Advocacy Efforts in Academic Public Health Programs" at Society for Public Health Education Advocacy Summit on Oct. 14 in Washington, DC. This year’s summit theme was “Vote for Health! Advancing Health Through Community & Civic Engagement.” We presented in the following educational track: Advocacy Skill-building Interactive and engaging workshops focused on advocacy at the local, state, or federal level to achieve health equity. Abstracts covered effective advocacy tactics or skills, uses of social media, technology, partnerships, coalitions, and/or evaluation in advocacy campaigns. Content also included advocacy pedagogy.

Submitted on: Oct. 23, 2023


KJ Newkirk, Mikka Nyarko, Anders Cedergren, Keely Rees and Emily Whitney, all Public Health and Community Health Education; Willem Vanroosenbeek, Pride Center; and Casey Tobin, Psychology; co-authored the book "Be the Change: Putting Health Advocacy, Policy, and Community Organization into Practice in Public Health Education" published on Oct. 14 by Oxford University Press . Advocacy has become a key part of public health degree programs across the country. Many programs have added policy and advocacy courses into curricula in response to new emphases in accreditation requirements, yet few public health textbooks comprehensively cover the advocacy skills that health professionals need to effect change. Be the Change is an affordable introductory resource on public health advocacy, policy, and community organizing for both undergraduate and graduate students within the health and social sciences. Using a conversational and reader-friendly style, the authors draw on their experience as diverse advocates and practitioners in the field to synthesize the purpose, strategies, and tactics used in successful advocacy campaigns in public health. In each chapter, they highlight case studies of actual advocacy campaigns alongside concrete strategic recommendations for implementing change at the local, state, and federal levels. Full of useful stories and advice, Be the Change amplifies the important advocacy work happening around the United States, from traditional health organizations to grassroots community activists, and provides readers with the tools and inspiration to put advocacy into practice every day. REVIEWS: "Few people truly understand how policy shapes our health. In simple language, Be The Change helps practitioners understand this critical connection and provides them with strategies from real world success stories to determine where they can act most effectively." -- Larry Cohen, Founder, Prevention Institute and author, Prevention Diaries "A timely and practical playbook, Be the Change offers students the how-to skills for change-making. An essential read for all students who want to make the world a better place." -- Mona Hanna-Attisha, MD, MPH, Flint pediatrician and author of What the Eyes Don't See "As a public health researcher, I know that racism, not race, is a fundamental cause of racial health inequities. Structural racism is a fixable problem, and policy makers have the power to enact solutions. This book is a tool to educate and empower public health changemakers, providing them with context, wisdom, and inspiration to build our shared vision of an antiracist future." -- Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH, Founding Director, Center for Antiracism Research for Health Equity, University of Minnesota School of Public Health

Submitted on: Nov. 11, 2022


Grace Rollin, Anders Cedergren, Keely Rees and Katie Wagoner, all Public Health and Community Health Education, presented "Bridging the Gap: Sexuality Education for First Year College Students" at Society for Public Health Education Advocacy Summit on Oct. 22 in Washington, DC. Comprehensive sexuality education is crucial for adolescents. Factors such as funding, religion & politics make it difficult to establish consistent education across public K-12 districts. This session provides a solution for campuses.

Submitted on: Oct. 26, 2022


Porter Culp and Harper Rees, both PATCH -Providers and Teens Communicating for Health; and Angela Gelatt and Keely Rees, both Public Health and Community Health Education; presented "High School Students Advocating and Addressing Policy for Better Health Outcomes" at Society for Public Health Education Advocacy Summit on Oct. 22 in Washington, DC. Providers and Teens Communicating for Health (PATCH) addresses inequities, misinformation, and teen’s rights and needs regarding their health. Learn how PATCH is an innovative program improving adolescents' health and wellbeing across the nation.

Submitted on: Oct. 26, 2022