Profile for Margot Higgins

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Margot Higgins
Pronouns: She/Her
Teaching Professor
Environmental Studies
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Margot Higgins Pronouns: She/Her
Teaching Professor
Environmental Studies
Specialty area(s)
Environmental Justice, Political Ecology, Environmental History
Current courses at UWL
Introduction to Environmental Studies
Feeding the planet: Environmental justice of our food systems
Environmental Justice, Injustice, and Activism: From Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter and Idle No More
Americans and the Global Parks and Wilderness
Occupying the Driftless
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Activism
Bicycling the Wisconsin Landscape: A History and Politics of Bicycling
2015 Ph.D. Environmental Science, Policy and Management
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2010 M.A. Human Development, Graduate School of Education
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2005 M.S. Environmental Studies
The University of Montana, Missoula, MT
1997 B.A. American Studies and Art History
Colby College, Waterville, ME
1996 School for International Training Semester in Kenya
Research and publishing
2014 Higgins, M. Contributing to Alaska Communities by Cultivating Local Monitoring for National Park Management, Journal of Research Practice Vol.10 (2).
2014 Diver, S. and Higgins, M. Giving Back Through Collaborative Research: Towards a Practice of Dynamic Reciprocity, Journal of Research Practice Vol. 10 (2).
2015 C.N.E.Corbin, Guillermo R. Douglass-Jaimes, Jesse Williamson, Ashton Wesner, Margot Higgins, and Jenny L. Palomino. “(Re)Thinking the Tenure Process by Embracing Diversity in Scholars and Scholarship. Graduate and Professional Student Policy Journal. Winner: Article of Distinction.
2016 Higgins, M. Book Review. “Bike Battles: A History of Sharing the American Road. By James Longhurst. Environmental History (2016) 21 (3): 566-568 doi:10.1093/envhis/emw028
2016 Higgins, M. “Ghost Dancers and Shadow Keepers,” Orion Magazine (Summer/Fall issue 2016)
2017 Higgins, M. “Inhabiting the Alaska Wild,” book chapter in an edited volume Wildness: Relations of People and Place University of Chicago Press. Edited by John Hausdoerffer and Gavin Van Horn.
2017 Higgins, M. "Beyond Copper and Conservation: Mining for New Imaginaries in Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve," book chapter in the edited volume Critical Norths: Space, Nature, Theory. University of Alaska Press, Edited by Kevin Maier and Sarah Ray.
2018 Weir, J., Wölfle, C., S., S. D., Higgins, M. Doctoral Fieldwork Experiences With and Without Indigenous Communities in Settler-Colonial Societies. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies.
2021 Higgins. M. Embodied Learning: By Way of the Bicycle. Network in Canadian History and Environment (1) 4
2021 Caroline Gottschalk Druschke1 , Tamara Dean2 , Margot Higgins3 , Marissa Beaty , Lisa Henner , Robin Hosemann , Julia Meyer , Ben Sellers , Sydney Widell , Tenzin Woser.Stories from the Flood: Promoting Healing and Fostering Policy Change Through Storytelling, Community Literacy, and Community-based Learning. Community Literacy Journal (Accepted)
2022 Gottschalk Druschke, Caroline, Margot Higgins, Tamara Dean, Eric Booth, Rebecca Lave.“Storying the Floods: Experiments in Feminist Flood Futures.” Open Rivers: Rethinking Water, Place & Community, no. 22.
2022 Gottschalk Druschke, Caroline, Dean, Tamara, Alsbury, Rachel., Buskirk, Julie, Higgins, Margot, Johnson, Eloise, Koretskov, Sharron, Ledrowski, N, Navarre, M., Steinmetz, Brad, Waldinger, Emma, Wolle, Elouise., Wood, Sam, and Zuleger, Carl. Cultivating Empathy on the Eve of a Pandemic. Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric. 21(1).