Profile for Marie Moeller

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Marie Moeller
Pronouns: She/They
College of Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities - Associate Dean
Dean's Office-CASSH
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Marie Moeller Pronouns: She/They
College of Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities - Associate Dean
Dean's Office-CASSH
Specialty area(s)
Higher Ed Theory/Practice; Professional & Technical Writing; Medical/Scientific Rhetorics & Writing; Feminist Rhetorics; Disability Studies; Grant Writing
Brief biography
Dr. Moeller has been in administrative work since 2015. As a scholar, Dr. Moeller is invested in analyzing connections between technical communication, advocacy, NPOs, & medical rhetorics.
Teaching history
FYS 100: First Year Seminar
ENG 110: College Writing I
ENG 307: Writing for Management, PR, and the Professions
ENG 308: Technical Writing
ENG 314: Grant Writing
ENG 333: Introduction to Rhetoric and Writing
ENG 335: Introduction to Professional Writing
ENG 450: Practicum
ENG 452: Practicum in Professional Writing
ENG 497: Senior Seminar (Feminist Rhetorics; Body Rhetorics)
Research and publishing
Steiner, L. & Moeller, M. (2022). Reflections on supporting faculty and avoiding burnout. Unraveling Faculty Burnout: Pathways to Reckoning and Renewal. R. Pope-Ruark. Johns Hopkins Press, 36-38.
Knoblauch, A. & Moeller, M. (Eds). (2022). Bodies of Knowledge: Embodied Rhetoric in Theory and Practice. Utah State University Press.
Frost, E., Gonzales, L., Moeller, M., Patterson, G., Shelton, C. (2021). Reimagining the boundaries of health and medical discourse in technical communication. Technical Communication Quarterly. 30:3.
Steiner, L., McCracken, C., & Moeller, M. (2020). The minor is major: An adhocratic, relationship-based view of TPC curriculum and curriculum revision. Programmatic Perspectives. 11:2.
Moeller, M. (2018). Advocacy engagement, medical rhetoric and expediency: Teaching technical communication in the age of altruism. Key Theoretical Frameworks: Teaching Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Eds. A.M. Haas and M.F. Eble. Boulder: University of Colorado Press.
Moeller, M. and Frost, E. (2016). Food fights: Cookbook rhetorics, monolithic constructions of womanhood, and field narratives in technical communication. Technical Communication Quarterly. 25.1, 1-11.
Moeller, M. (2015). The "obese" body as interface: Fat studies, medical data, and infographics. SIGDOC Proceedings. DOI:
Moeller, M., Thoune, D., and Kopp, B. (2015). What? We’re a writing emphasis?: The rhetoric and writing emphasis at The University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. Writing Majors: 18 Program Profiles. Eds. G. Giberson, L. Ostergaard, and J. Nugent. Logan, UT: Utah State UP.
Moeller, M. and Jung, J. (2014). Sites of normalcy: Understanding online education as prosthetic technology. Disability Studies Quarterly. 34.4.
Moeller, M. (2014). Pushing boundaries of normalcy: Employing critical disability studies in analyzing medical advocacy websites. Communication Design Quarterly. 2.4, 52-80.
Moeller, M, Jenkins, T., Heller, J.R., and Mechenbier, M.X. (2011). Forum on organizing. College English. 73.4, 450-465. Online.