Profile for Nathali Jones

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Nathali Jones
Teaching Assistant Professor
Exercise & Sport Science
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Nathali Jones
Teaching Assistant Professor
Exercise & Sport Science
Specialty area(s)
Adventure Education, Aquatics, Outdoor Education, Secondary Physical Education
Brief biography
With nearly a decade of K-12 physical education expereince, Teaching Assistant Professor Nathali Jones is excited to be joing the PASHE program at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for WHPE and enjoyes presenting regionally and nationally on adventure education, physical education, and aquatics.
Current courses at UWL
ESS 121, ESS 310, ESS 363, ESS 420
M.S. University of Wisconsin La Crosse, 2015
B.S University of Wisconsin La Crosse, 2013
Teaching history
HPR 105 Lab, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse 2024 - Current
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 2023-2024
Lincoln High School, Wisconsin Rapids, Wi 2015-2023
Washington High School of IT, Milwaukee, Wi 2014
Research and publishing
Nathali Jones “Low to No Cost Adventure Activities” Presentation at Best Practices in Health Equity, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Stevens Point, WI, July, 2024
Lynsey Anderson, Nathali Jones “Adventure for All: Universal Adventure Activities for all Abilities” Presentation at the Society of Health and Physical Education America National Conference, Cleveland, OH, March 2024
Nathali Jones “(Mis)Adventures In Adventure Education” Presentation at Thursdays @ the U, Rice Lake, WI, November 2023
Lynsey Anderson, Nathali Jones “Adventure for All: Universal Adventure Activities for all Abilities” Presentation at Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Annual Convention, Wisconsin Dells, WI, October 2023
Yoonsin Oh, Nathali Jones, Lynsey Anderson, Sawyer Koplien “Technology Use in Health and Physical Education” Presentation at Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Annual Convention, Wisconsin Dells, WI, October 2023
Nathali Jones, Kurt Jensen “Raising the Relevance: Bringing Environmental Literature into Outdoor Education” Presentation at Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Annual Convention, Wisconsin Dells, WI, October 2023
Nathali Jones “H2 Oh! An Aquatics in Physical Education Roundtable” Presentation at Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Annual Convention, Wisconsin Dells, WI, October 2023
Jones, N. (2023). Nat in the Natatorium: Pt 2 Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 52(3), 12
Nathali Jones “H2 Oh! Teaching in an Aquatic Environment” Presentation at Best Practices in Health Equity, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Stevens Point, WI, July, 2023
Marney Shirly, Diane Hicks-Hughes, Eve Julian, Tamara Bretting, & Nathali B. Jones “Women in Coaching Panel” Presentation at National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association National Conference, Knoxville, TN, March 2023
Nathali Jones, “Low to No Equipment Adventure Education” Presentation at Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Professional Development Workshop, Sun Prairie, WI March 2023
Hannah Elmer, Christopher Jones, Nathali B. Jones “Appropriate Sequencing of Adventure Education” Presentation at the Society of Health and Physical Education America National Conference, Seattle, WA, March 2023
Nathali Jones, Lynsey Anderson, Tara Putman “Using Adventure to Navigate a Positive Classroom Environment” Presentation at Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Annual Convention, Wisconsin Dells, WI, October 2022
Jones, N. (2023). Casting for Candy. Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 52(1), 7.
Jones, N. (2022). Using Human Bingo for Inclusion. Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 51(3), 9.
Jones, N. (2022). Nat in the Nat(atorium): How to Teach Swim Lessons as Part of Physical Education. Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 51(2), 9.
Jones, N. (2022). Longboarding for Physical Education. Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 51(1), 13.
Niedorowski, N., Jin, J., Steffen, J., & Reineke, D. (2020) Prusik Climbing to Promote Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity for Youths. Research in Dance and Physical Activity, 4(2), pp 29-39
Nathali Jones, “Impact of Outdoor Pursuits in Education” Presentation at Thursdays @ the U, Rice Lake, WI, November 2019
Nathali B. Niedorowski, Jeffrey Steffen, Jooyon Jin, & David Reineke. “An Analysis of Prusik Climbing and Indoor Rock Climbing on Heart Rates.” Presentation at the Society of Health and Physical Education America National Conference, Minneapolis, MN, March 2016.
Nathali B. Niedorowski & Carl C. Foster. “The Rate of Reproducibility of Session RPE in Steady State Training.” Presentation at American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, May 2013.
Nathali B. Niedorowski & Carl C. Foster. “The Rate of Reproducibility of Session RPE in Steady State Training.” Presentation at National Conference of Undergraduate Research, La Crosse, WI, April 2013.
Niedorowski, N. (2013). Future Professional News. Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 42(2), 7.
Niedorowski, N. (2012). Highlights from the 2011 WHPE Convention. Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Newsletter, 41(1), 10.