Profile for Nathan Warnberg

Contact me
Nathan Warnberg
Associate Professor
Mathematics & Statistics
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Nathan Warnberg
Associate Professor
Mathematics & Statistics
Specialty area(s)
Anti-Ramsey Theory, Graph Theory, Combinatorics
Brief biography
I grew up in Wisconsin (Barron, WI), am a graduate of the UW system (UW-Platteville), and after a graduate career at Iowa State University I am glad to be back in my home state.
My current mathematics research interests are the interplay between graph theory and matrix theory, a.k.a. combinatorial matrix theory. I also really enjoy avoiding rainbows in the research area of Anti-Ramsey Theory.
I am interested in learning theory and applying the theory to my classrooms. This leads to my passion about helping my students become independent learners. So, if you are in one of my classrooms do not be surprised if you end up participating in some different activities!
Current courses at UWL
Math 150 (College Algebra)
Math 207 (Calculus I)
Ph.D. Mathematics (Physics minor), Iowa State University, 2014.
B.S. Mathematics (Economics minor), University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 2008.
Teaching history
MTH 150 (College Algebra), MTH 151 (Precalculus), MTH 175 (Business Calculus), MTH 207 (Calculus I), MTH 208 (Calculus II), MTH 309 (Linear Algebra), MTH 310 (Calculus III), MTH 317 (Graph Theory), Math 395 (Special Topics), MTH 495 (Special Topics), MTH 498 (Independent Study), MTH 499 (Undergraduate Research)
Professional history
Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, August 2021 - Present.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, August 2014 - August 2021.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Iowa State University, June 2009 - May 2014.
Lead Teaching Assistant, Iowa State University, May 2012 - May 2013.
Research and publishing
- Anti-van der Waerden Numbers on Graphs. (with Z. Berikkyzy t al.). Graphs and Combinatorics, 38(124), (2022).
- On leaky forcing and resilience (with J. Alameda, J. Kritshgau and M. Young) Discrete Applied Math, 306, 32--45 (2022).
- Rainbow Numbers of Z_n for a_1x_1+a_2x_2 + a_3x_3 = b (with K. Ansaldi et al.) INTEGERS, 20, A51 (2020).
- Anti-Schur numbers for sum_{i=1}^{k-1} x_i=x_k in [n], (with K. Fallon et al.), Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 77(1), 1--8 (2020).
- Properties of a $q$-analgue of zero forcing, \emph{Graphs and Combinatorics (with S. Butler et al.), 36, 1401--1419 (2020).
- Directionality of the Equals Sign (with T. Das and W. George), PRIMUS, 2019.
- Anti-van der Waerden Numbers on Graph Products (with H. Rehm and A. Schulte), Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 73(3), 2019.
- Zero forcing propagation time on oriented graphs (with A. Berliner et al.), Discrete Applied Math, 224, 2017.
- Rainbow arithmetic progression (with S. Butler et al.), Journal of Combinatorics, 7(4), 2016.
- Positive semidefinite propagation time. Discrete Applied Math, 198, 2016.
- Path cover number, maximum nullity, and zero forcing number of oriented graphs and other simple digraphs (with A. Berliner et al.). Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, 8(1), 2015.
- Computing positive semidefinite minimum rank for small graphs (with S. Osborne). Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, 7(5), 2014.
- Positive semidefinite zero forcing (with J. Ekstrand et al.). Linear Algebra and Applications, 439(7), 2013.
Papers Under Review
- K. Fallon, E. Manhart, J. Miller, H. Rehm, N. Warnberg and L. Zinnel, Rainbow numbers of [m]\times [n] for x_1 + x_2 = x_3. Preprint:
- J. Miller and N. Warnberg. Anti-van der Waerden Number of Graph Products of Cycles. Preprint: