Profile for Rose Brougham

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Rose Brougham
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Associate Professor
Global Cultures & Languages
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Rose Brougham Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Associate Professor
Global Cultures & Languages
Specialty area(s)
Spanish American poetry, Southern Cone, daughter-mother relationships, and performance poetry
Brief biography
Originally from Michigan, Dr. Brougham has undergraduate degrees in both French and Spanish and a PHD. in Spanish. Her study abroad experiences includes six months in France and one year in Chile. Dr. Brougham is the author of many articles on daughter-mother relationships; she has a published interview with the Argentine poet María Negroni and has presented numerous conference papers at local, regional, and international conferences. Currently Dr. Brougham is interested in gaucho poetry, the argentine tango and the role of performance in literature.
Current courses at UWL
Dr. Brougham is currently on sabbatical for AY 2024-2025.
PhD. Latin American Literature and Culture, University of Colorado @ Boulder, 2006
M.A. Spanish Language and Literatures, Western Michigan University, 1999
B.A. Spanish, Western Michigan University, 1996
B.A. French, Western Michigan University, 1993
Teaching history
SPA 103 Spanish in a Global Society I & II
SPA 201 Language and Cultures in Action I
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II
SPA 300 Oral Proficiency Through Grammar Review
SPA 303 Integrated Skills Development I
SPA 307 Latin American Literature: Reading Between the Lines
SPA 310 Latin American Communities of Resistance
SPA 321 Spanish American Civilization and Culture
SPA 326 Current Events
SPA 352 Voices of Revolution in Latin America
SPA 369 Topics: Poetry and Performance
SPA 403 Topics: Tangomanía: The Sounds, the Words, and the Movements of a Culture
Research and publishing
“Yoga en ‘Septiembre’: una meditación por Gloria Gervitz.” Confluencia 29 (2014).
“La realidad, el arte y la poesía: Una conversación con María Negroni.” Confluencia.26.2 (2011): 136-42.
“Consuming Mother in Diana Raznovich’s Casa Matriz.” Romance Notes. 49 (2009): 323-30.
"Pleasure, Pain, and Paradox: Subjectivity in María Negroni's La jaula bajo el trapo.” La nueva literatura hispánica. 11 (2007): 19-38.
Conference Presentations
“The Evolution of Neo-Baroque Performance in three Poems by María Negroni.” Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA). San Diego, CA. November 2013.
“Tango as Text Act: Maria Negroni's Andanza.” Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica (AILCFH). Grand Rapids, MI. November 2012.
“María Negroni and the Art of Musical Escape.” Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA). Seattle, WA. October 2012.
“In the Mirror: Rosario Ferré and the Transgendered Polyphemous”. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Lexington, KY. April 2011.
“Madres a la venta: Casa Matriz por Diana Raznovich.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Lexington, KY. April 2009.
“Respiración, cuerpo y vida: honrando presencia en ‘Septiembre’ de Gloria Gervitz.” Modern Language Association. Chicago, IL. December 2007.
“Veinte tarjetas de la realidad inmediata: Oliverio Girondo en un tranvía.” Segundas Jornadas Internacionales de Poesía Latinoamericana. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Centro Cultural, Espacio 1900. Puebla, Mexico. July 2007.
“‘Is my grief your secret pleasure’: María Negroni reads Ingmar Bergman in La jaula bajo el trapo.” XVI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Internacional de Literatura Femenina Hispánica. Weber State University. Ogden, Utah. October 2006.
“Death, the Occult, and Rebuilding Self-Identity in Olga Orozco’s ‘Si me puedes mirar.’”
5th Latin American Literatures and Cultures Conference. Colorado State University, Colorado Springs, Colorado. February 2006.
“Alfonsina Storni’s Daughterly Voice and the Discovery of a Personal-Identity Through Mutual Recognition.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington. April 2005.
“Fun is Contagious: Graduate Teachers Having Fun in Their Classrooms.” Improving UniversityTeaching (IUT) 29th International Conference. Bern, Switzerland. July 2004.
“Cortázar: música en la palabra.” Twentieth-Century Literature Conference. University of Louisville, Kentucky. February 1994.
Book Reviews
Negroni, María. Andanza. Letras Femeninas. 37 (2011): 257-58.
María Celia Graña. La suma que es el todo y que no cesa: El poema largo en la modernidad hispanoamericana. Hispania. 19 (4) (2008): 832-33.