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Profile for Rebekah Fowler

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Rebekah Fowler

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Rebekah Fowler Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Associate Professor


Specialty area(s)

Medieval Literature, Arthurian Literature and Lore, Medievalisms, History of the English Language, Early Modern Literature, Ethics and Emotions; Contemplative Practices and Compassion in Higher Education

Current courses at UWL

ENG 413: Capstone Research Project

ENG 200: Literature and the Human Experience (Literature and Compassion)

ENG 110: College Writing



Illinois State University, B.S in Art, Minor in English

University of Illinois at Springfield, Masters in English

Southern Illinois University, PhD in English with an emphasis in Medieval Studies


Teaching history

ENG 110: College Writing I

ENG 112: College Writing AP

ENG 200: Literature and the Human Experience: Medievalisms

ENG 203: English Literature I

ENG 205: Western Literature I

ENG 300: Intro to English Studies 

ENG 301: Foundations for Literary Studies

ENG 302: Intermediate Topics in Literature: Medieval Romance

ENG 302: Intermediate Topics in Literature: Medieval Mystics

ENG 330: History of the English Language

ENG 336: Varieties of English (Middle English)

ENG 361: Old and Middle English Literature

ENG 363: Shakespeare I

ENG 364: Shakespeare II

ENG 403: Individual Project (various topics, including Medieval Women, Chaucer, and Medieval Drama)

ENG 413: Capstone Research Project

ENG 450: English Internship (research/teaching assistantship)

ENG 462: Seminar in British Literature (Medieval Women)

ENG 463: Chaucer 

ENG 494: Literature Capstone 


Research and publishing


"Sansa's Songs: The Allegory of Medieval Romance in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Series," "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the Medieval Literary Tradition. Warsaw, Poland: Warsaw UP, 2014, 71-94. 

"How Men Grieve: A Contemporary Allegory of the Grieving Process in Sir Orfeo," The Final Crossing: Death and Dying in Literature. New York: Peter Lang, 2015, 101-114.

"Interstices: Fountain as Cultural Bleed in Owein and Doshi’s Fountainville." Essays in Medieval Studies, vol. 32, 2016, 65-72.

"Caritas Begins at Home: Virtue and Domesticity in Chrétien’s Yvain." Arthuriana, vol. 27, no. 1, 2017, pp. 43-72.

"He Had Forgotten His Leman": Fealty and Homage in the Middle English Ywain and Gawain."Journal of English and Germanic Philology. (Under Review)

Recent Conferences

"'He Had Forgotten His Leman': The Lady of the Fountain as Fides Forgotten." Leeds International Congress, Leeds, UK, July 2018. 




Rebekah Fowler, English, was interviewed by News8000 on May 25. Rebekah gave a workshop at the Greenhouse Holistic Co-op Center titled, "Cultivating Self-Compassion."

Submitted on: May 28

Memberships & affiliations

[{"organization":"Modern Languages Association (MLA)","position":"","url":""},{"organization":"National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)","position":"","url":""},{"organization":"Medieval Academy of America (MAA)","position":"","url":""},{"organization":"International Arthurian Society, NA Branch","position":"","url":""},{"organization":"Center for Contemplation and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE)","position":"Ambassador","url":""}]