Profile for Ryan Friesen

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Ryan Friesen
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Teaching Professor
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Ryan Friesen Pronouns: He/Him/His
Teaching Professor
Specialty area(s)
College composition, Early Modern literature, comic books as social commentary, supernatural themes in literature, dreams as literary and cultural themes.
Brief biography
Sarah Churchwell, “Why the Humanities Matter,” Times Higher Education, 13 November 2014:
“When we stopped being citizens and began to think of ourselves—or rather, each other—only as consumers, we relinquished thousands of years of human development. How can we sustain our civilisation if we don’t understand how it works? How can we interpret Magna Carta and defend our rights if no one reads Latin? How will we protect our own laws? How can we hope for transcendence in a secular age if we give up on beauty? Even in instrumentalist terms, the humanities represent 5,000 years of free research and development in what it means to be human. I think we should make use of that.
“The humanities are where we locate our own lives, our own meanings; they embrace thinking, curiosity, creation, psychology, emotion. The humanities teach us not only what art is for, but what life might be for, what this strange existence might mean. What kind of humans would think that the humanities don’t matter? We need the advanced study of humanities so that we might, some day, become advanced humans.”
Current courses at UWL
College Writing; Literature and Human Experience: The Comic Book; Shakespeare; British Literature; English Renaissance; First-Year Seminars
PhD, University of Leeds, UK, 2005
MA, Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, UK, 2002
MA, English, Winona State University, MN, 2001
BA, Majors: English and History, Minor: Philosophy, Winona State University, MN, 1998
Teaching history
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, 2005-present, Teaching Professor
University of Leeds, UK, 2002-2005, literature instructor
Winona State University, MN, 1999-2001, composition instructor
Research and publishing
Supernatural Fiction in Early Modern Drama and Culture, Sussex Academic Press, 2009.
The Nightly Act of Dreaming: Cognitive Narratology and the Shared Identity of Myth, Sussex Academic Press, 2019.