Profile for Ronda Leahy

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Ronda Leahy
Communication Studies
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Ronda Leahy
Communication Studies
Specialty area(s)
Professional and Organizational Communication
Brief biography
I received my Ph.D. in Organizational Communication from Kent State University and began my career at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in 1996. I have served as the Interim Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Studies, Director of the School of Arts and Communication and Chair of the Communication Studies Department. Currently I am in the role of Faculty Assistant to the Provost. I maintain an active teaching schedule, with a focus on Interviewing, Organizational and Professional Communication.
Current courses at UWL
CST 110: Communicating Effectively
CST 260: Professional Communication
CST 351: Interviewing
CST 499: Senior Project in Communication Studies
Kent State University, School of Communication Studies, Kent, Ohio (1992-1996)
Ph.D., Communication Studies
Primary Area: Organizational Communication
Secondary Area: Health Communication
Ball State University, Department of Speech Communication, Muncie, Indiana (1991-1992)
M.A., Interpersonal Communication
University of Indianapolis, Speech Department, Indianapolis, Indiana (1987-1991)
B.S., Communications in Business