Profile for Susan Kelly

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Susan Kelly Pronounce my name
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Mathematics & Statistics
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Specialty area(s)
My areas of research are harmonic analysis and mathematics history focusing on stories that tell a social justice story. I like how my math history stories can highlight stories of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I work with undergraduates on much of this research.
Student Research topics:
In both analysis and math history, I have had students present at State and National conferences of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), at National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR), and at the Research in the Rotunda. Several students have published papers.
Analysis Research:
One area of specialty for me is Harmonic Analysis. This is a topic that students can study after some background in Real Analysis or Mathematical Physics and Linear Algebra. Several of my papers can be read by students. One paper students may want to see is my paper on the mathematics of how compact discs are made Compact Discs and Sampling Theory . This paper explains how the Shannon Sampling Theorem (discovered in the 1940's) is used to digitize music. This paper was published in the Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications (UMAP) Journal. If you cannot gain access to the paper at the above link, you could also ask me for a copy. Student research projects in analysis have been done in Wavelet theory and Fourier Analysis. One student project in Harmonic Analysis can be found at Student Analysis Paper .
Math History Research (Roles of Women and Minorities in Mathematics):
I also work with students on Math history projects which focus on women and minorities. This is an area that students can work in even early in their studies. The following paper I did with one student was published in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society and was also translated for distribution in China Notices Article . Two of my students did a paper on Christine Ladd-Franklin . She was the American first woman to "earn" a PhD in mathematics, but she did not receive the degree for about 50 years since the school did not award degrees to women at that time. I usually have ideas for new such projects that can be long or short.
If you are interested in research in Analysis or Math History, please come talk to me.
Brief biography
Outside of work, I enjoy oil and water color painting as well as photography. Snow skiing, water sports and biking are some activities I do with my family and love to travel when I get the opportunity. I enjoy gardens, but I don't think I would miss the weeding. I am a big fan of science and love hearing about new explorations and discoveries.
Current courses at UWL
Calculus II (207) and Calculus II (208)
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Washington University
M.A. in Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis
B.S. Mathematics and Physics, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
Ph. D. Dissertation: Pointwise Convergence for Wavelets
A more interesting history can be found by looking at the genealogy of my teachers Who were my teachers teachers?
Teaching history
Courses Taught at UW-L
Real Analysis I and II
Mathematical Physics
Complex Analysis
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Mathematical Logic
Calculus I - III
Applied Calculus
Mathematics for Business
Elementary Statistics
College Algebra
Professional history
Ph.D. Mathematics, Washington University
M.A. Mathematics,Washington University (St. Louis)
B.S. Mathematics and Physics, University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire
Research and publishing
Selected Publications:
S. Kelly and R. Torres, Guido Weiss: From Immigrant Boy to Internationally Renowned Mathematician, The Journal of Geometric Analysis, Special Issue Dedicated to Guido L. Weiss (January 2022).
S. Kelly and B. Bhattacharyya, Twenty Years of Middle School STEM Camps at UW La Crosse, Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Proceedings (February 2019). Twenty Years of Middle School STEM Camps at UWL
S. Kelly, C. Shinner, K. Zoroufy, Euphemia Lofton Haynes – Bringing Public Education Closer to the Goal of Perfection – Published as one of the featured articles in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society, October 2017. Euphemia Lofton Haynes Notices paper
S. Kelly, C. Shinner, K. Zoroufy, Euphemia Lofton Haynes – Bringing Public Education Closer to the Goal of Perfection, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, to be published in October 2017. (A longer version of this paper is published in the Cornell archive web site arXiv arXiv:1703.00944 [math.HO] )
S. Kelly, S. Rozner*, Winifred Edgerton Merrill: “She Opened the Door”, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 59, Number 4 (April 2012) 505-512. *S. Rozner worked on part of this project as an undergraduate research project. Selected in 2013 to be translated to Chinese and published in the Mathematical Advance in Translation, a non-profit translation journal which is sponsored by the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (Chinese Academy of Science). Winifred Edgerton Merrill Notices paper
S. Kelly, S. Rozner*, Winifred Edgerton Merrill: The First American Women to Receive a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Midwest History Conference Proceedings (2008) 27-39 and featured on cover of the proceedings.
S. Kelly, Fifteen Years of Girls Science Program … Now also Boys, UW-L CSAH Newsletter, winter 2014.
S. Kelly, J. Walker. Efficient Signal Transmission and Wavelet-based Compression, The Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications, Volume 24, Number 4 (2003) 395-416. Efficient Signal Transmission and Wavelet-based Compression
S. Kelly, R. LeDocq, Incorporating Writing in an Integrated Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Sequence, Primus, Volume 11, Number 1 (2001) 67-78.
S. Kelly, Using the Shannon Sampling Theorem to Design Compact Discs, The Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol 21, Number 2 (2000) 157-166.
S. Kelly, Gibbs Phenomenon for Wavelet, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Number 3 (1996) 72-81. Gibbs Phenomenon
S. Kelly, M. Kon and L. Raphael, Local Convergence for Wavelet Expansions, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol 126, Number 1 (1994) 102-138. Local Convergence Wavelets
S. Kelly, Gibbs Phenomenon for Wavelet Expansions of a Function, Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics 1994.
S. Kelly, M. Kon and L. Raphael, Pointwise Convergence of Wavelet Expansions, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 30, Number 1 (1994) 87 - 94. Pointwise Convergence Wavelets