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Profile for Stacy Narcotta-Welp

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Stacy Narcotta‑Welp

Pronouns: She | Her | Hers
Vice Chancellor
Diversity & Inclusion
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Stacy Narcotta‑Welp Pronouns: She | Her | Hers

Vice Chancellor

Diversity & Inclusion

Specialty area(s)

Leadership development instructor and trainer, including: Strengths-based Leadership; Culturally Intelligent Leadership, National Coalition Building Institute workshops, strategic planning, and team building.

Former Lecturer, UWL Student Affairs Administration Graduate Program.

Adjunct Instructor, The University of Iowa Leadership Studies Department.

Brief biography


Over twenty years of experience leading staff; engaging in leadership development work; implementing grant funding; and designing and delivering programs with high impact practices across a wide range of settings. Experienced in using best practices to assess constituent-specific, departmental, and institution- wide needs related to:  programming that builds community, holistic advising, leadership development, tutoring, and student services. Proven ability to create, align, implement, and assess strategic plans that address student success and retention goals in higher education.

Current courses at UWL

UWL: SAA 704 Leadership and Organizational Theory in Higher Education



M.A., Counseling, Rehabilitation, and Student Development, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA                    May 2009

B.A., Anthropology, Minor – Biology, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK                                                               December 1994


Teaching history

Lecturer in Student Affairs Administration Graduate Program at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

January 2018 - May 2022

  • Instruct SAA 704 Leadership and Organizational Theory in Higher Education
  • Co-instructed UWL 100 

Adjunct Instructor for Leadership Studies at The University of Iowa                 

August 2007 – Present

  • Instruct LS:3004 Perspectives in Leadership and LS:3012 Leadership Theory to Practices Courses for the Certificate in Leadership Studies at the UI
  • Co-created and instructed all Career Leadership Academy Courses LS:2000, LS:2001, LS:2002, LS:3001, LS:3002, and LS:4001
  • Created and instructed LS:3009 and LS:3010 The Global Leadership Initiative online courses
  • Co-created and instructed LS:3003 Culturally Intelligent Leadership

Professional history

See LinkedIn:   Stacy Narcotta-Welp Profile