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Profile for Scott Pfitzinger

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Scott Pfitzinger

Pronouns: He/Him
Assistant Professor
Murphy Library
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Scott Pfitzinger Pronouns: He/Him

Assistant Professor

Murphy Library

Specialty area(s)

Technology & Public Services Librarian

Information Literacy, Reference, Technology, Circulation, Research, Music


MM, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN, 2010
MLS, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 1994
BM, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, MI, 1990
All but dissertation toward a PhD in Education, Capella University, Minneapolis, MN, 2004


Teaching history

Information Literacy & Research Skills, 1997-present
Music Composition Lessons, 2013-2015
Adjunct Faculty, Graduate Teacher Ed. Program, 2003-2005
Medieval & Renaissance Dance, Society for Creative Anachronism, 2012-2023

Professional history

2017 - present: Technology & Reference Services Librarian, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

2012 - 2016: Multimedia Librarian, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH

2005 - 2012: Information Commons & Technology Librarian, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN

2003 - 2005: Adjunct Faculty, Teacher Education Dept., Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, MI

2000 - 2005: Director of Technology Education, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, MI

1997 - 1999: Public Services Librarian, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, MI

Research and publishing

Pfitzinger, Scott. "The Effects of Relocating the Reference Desk on the Circulation Desk." Journal of Access Services, 18(3), 2021, pp. 173-183.

Pfitzinger, Scott. Playford's Dancing Master: The Compleat Dance Guide. 2019.

Pfitzinger, Scott. Composer Genealogies: A Compendium of Composers, their Teachers, and their Students. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.

Pfitzinger, Scott. “The UPs and Downs of Citation Titles: What Librarians Should Know When Helping Students.” Indiana Libraries 30.2 (2011): 25-29.

Pfitzinger, Scott. The Memory of Persistence, for wind ensemble. MM Thesis. Butler U. 2010.

Pfitzinger, Scott. “Connecting with Community Choirs.” Overtones 53.6 (2007): 14-15.

Published Music Compositions

Pfitzinger, Scott. Wind Suite for Handbells, six movements for 3-6 octaves of handbells. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2018. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott. Haunted House, for 3-6 octaves of handbells. Handbell score. AGEHR Publishing.

Pfitzinger, Scott. Late Night Blues, for 4-6 octaves of handbells. Handbell score. From The Top Publishing,

Pfitzinger, Scott, arr. Aubrey's Waltz, for 4-6 octaves of handbells. Handbell score. From The Top Publishing,

Pfitzinger, Scott, arr. Ravel’s Bolero, for 4-6 octaves of handbells. By Maurice Ravel. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2016. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott. Summer Storm, for 4-7 octaves of handbells. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2011. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott. <Bride’s Name Here>’s Theme: A Customizable Wedding Processional, for 3-6 octaves of handbells. Commissioned handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2010. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott. Rondo Azzurro, for 3-7 octaves of handbells. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2010. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott, arr. William Bell’s Overture, for 4-7 octaves of handbells. By Gioacchino Rossini. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2009. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott, arr. Larghetto, from Sinfonia No. 11, for 3-5 octaves of handbells. By Georg Benda. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2008. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott, arr. Minute Waltz, for 3-7 octaves of handbells. By Frederic Chopin. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2008. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott. Appalachian Sunrise, for 3-5 octaves of handbells. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2007. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott, arr. Ave Verum Corpus, for 3-5 octaves of handbells and chimes. By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2006. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott, arr. Second Suite in F, for 3-7 octaves of handbells. By Gustav Holst. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2006. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott, arr. Los Peces en el Rio, for 4-6 octaves of handbells. Traditional Mexican carol. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2002. Distributed by Sonology Music.

Pfitzinger, Scott, arr. Once in Royal David’s City, for 3-6 octaves of handbells. By Henry J. Gauntlett. Handbell score. Tinnio Ergo Sum Press, 2002. Distributed by Sonology Music.



Scott Pfitzinger, Murphy Library, presented "Counting our Patrons: Highlights and Hurdles from an Academic Library's Journey" at Access Services in Libraries Conference on Nov. 17 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The conference was both in person and live streamed to attendees nationally and internationally. The presentation chronicled how Murphy Library got to where it is now with hourly patron counts being posted immediately on our website, to help other libraries benefit from our experiences.

Submitted on: Nov. 28, 2022


Scott Pfitzinger, Murphy Library, authored the article "The Effects of Relocating the Reference Desk on the Circulation Desk" in Journal of Access Services published on Sept. 27 by Taylor and Francis. The physical proximity of the Reference Desk and Circulation Desk can affect where library patrons go to get assistance and what kinds of questions they ask. Pfitzinger analyzed data collected at the Murphy Library Circulation Desk to determine how the nature and number of questions asked there has changed as the Reference Desk was located in three different places during the last six years. There are implications for other libraries that may be considering moving or removing their Reference Desk.

Submitted on: Oct. 15, 2021


Scott Pfitzinger, Murphy Library, authored the book "Playford’s Dancing Master: The Compleat Dance Guide" published on July 19, 2019 by Pfitzinger as an online Open Educational Resource. The website/book is an exhaustive compilation and index of all eighteen editions of the first volume of the Dancing Master, 1651-1728. Extensive indexes provide access to all of the almost 500 dances in a wide variety of ways, covering publication information, musical elements, arrangements of dancers, and even the dance steps. Every dance step or figure used throughout the 18 editions is indexed with a list of all the dances that use it. An excellent resource for anyone teaching or learning historical dance.

Submitted on: Aug. 30, 2019


Scott Pfitzinger, Murphy Library, received the award for CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title for 2017 at CHOICE Magazine, the publishing unit of the Association of College & Research Libraries on Jan. 8, 2018 in Chicago, IL.

Submitted on: Oct. 31, 2018