Profile for Sierra Rooney
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Sierra Rooney
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Sierra Rooney Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Associate Professor
Specialty area(s)
Art History
- Art of the United States
- Public Art, Monuments and Memorials
- Museum Studies
- Gender Studies
Brief biography
Dr. Sierra Rooney is Associate Professor of Art History at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, specializing in art of the United States, particularly public art and monuments. She is joint editor with Jennifer Wingate and Harriet F. Senie, of Teachable Monuments: Using Public Art to Spark Dialogue and Confront Controversies (Bloomsbury, 2021). Her writing has appeared in journals such as Panorama, Public Art Dialogue, De Arte, Journal of Urban History, and Capitol Dome. She earned a PhD in Art History and Criticism from Stony Brook University, and an MA in Art History and Museum Studies from The City College of New York (CUNY).
Her in-progress work, Monumental Women: Gender, Representation, and Heroic Ideal in the United States is a digital humanities project that documents the over 400 public monuments dedicated to historic women in the United States through an open access catalog, interactive map, and accompanying book.
Current courses at UWL
ART 215: Introduction to Museum Studies
ART 315: Writing About Art
ART 332: Themes of Contemporary Art
Ph.D., Stony Brook University
M.A., The City College of NewYork
B.A., Emerson College
Research and publishing
Teachable Monuments: Using Public Art to Spark Dialogue and Confront Controversies, co-edited with Jennifer Wingate and Harriet F. Senie (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021).
Journal Articles (peer reviewed)
"The Politics of Commemorating the Woman Suffrage Movement in New York City: On Women's Rights Pioneer Monument," Journal of Urban History (August 2020).
“The Glendale Comfort Women Memorial and the Complications of Transnational Commemorations.” De Arte 53, no. 2 (Fall 2018).
“It’s Not About a Statue: Fred Wilson’s E Pluribus Unum.” Public Art Dialogue 4, no. 2 (2014).
Anthology Essays & Other Publications
Guest Editor, special issue "Public Art and Gender," Public Art Dialogue 11, no 1 (Spring 2021).
“Sakakawea’s Long Trek to the United States Capitol: Representation and Diversity in the National Statuary Hall,” Capitol Dome (Fall 2019).
“Your City is the Source: A Conversation About ICA/Vita Brevis.” In Museums and Public Art? Cher Krause Knight and Harriet Senie, eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.
“Vita Brevis: A Public Art Initiative at Boston’ Institute of Contemporary Art.” In Artists Reclaim the Commons: New Works/ New Territories / New Publics. Glenn Harper and Twlene Moyer, eds. ISC Press, 2013.