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Profile for Sujat Sen

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Sujat Sen

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Associate Professor
Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Sujat Sen Pronouns: He/Him/His

Associate Professor

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Specialty area(s)

Electrochemistry, Electrochemical Engineering & Materials Science 

Brief biography

​Dr. Sujat Sen is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin Lacrosse, Wisconsin (UWL). He currently teaches the introductory level General Chemistry (CHM104) course as well as an upper level, Chemistry of Materials (CHM322) and Instrumental Chemistry (CHM441). He also leads a research group for undergraduate students exploring  topics in electrochemical engineering. This includes novel materials for energy-related applications such as batteries and fuel cells. 

Prior to UWL, he completed postdoctoral appointments in the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT, and in the Energy Systems Division at Argonne National Lab. He earned his PhD and MS degrees in Chemistry from Brown University and the University of Reading respectively.  

See more details at the Research Group Website! 


Current courses at UWL

Chemistry of Materials - CHM322, 4 credits, Offered every Spring

This course introduces you to the world of materials science and engineering, and the role that chemistry plays in both synthesis and applications of various materials. Students will begin with an overview of specific classes of materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors and carbon-based nanomaterials with a focus on commercially relevant systems. This knowledge will then be applied to understand composite materials and how they are used in specific applications such as fuel cells, batteries, solar cells and electrolyzers. A preliminary knowledge of organic nomenclature and analytical chemistry is a prerequisite. Laboratory exercises will be designed to complement your learning in lecture as well as augment skills in scientific writing. Lect. 3, Lab 3. Prerequisite: CHM 301CHM 300 or CHM 303.  

Instrumental Chemistry - CHM 441 

A study of the theory and principles of chemical instrumentation including the application of basic electronics, spectroscopy, separation science and electroanalytical methods of chemical analysis. Lect. 3, Lab 3. Prerequisite: CHM 301; junior standing. Offered Fall. 

General Chemistry - Part II - CHM 104 

The second half of the two-semester sequence in general chemistry. The course provides an introduction to the topics of chemical kinetics, equilibria in the gas and solution phases, acid-base chemistry, solubility, thermochemistry, and electrochemistry. The laboratory portion of the course serves to reinforce and demonstrate the above concepts through experimentation. Lect. 3, Lab 3, Disc. 1. Prerequisite: grade of "C" or better in CHM 103. Students who are currently enrolled in CHM 104 may not register for this course again until after priority registration (unless they have instructor/department consent). Offered Fall, Spring.


Ph.D. Chemistry, Brown University, RI, 2014

MS Polymer Chemistry, University of Reading, U.K.

B.Sc. (Honors) Chemistry, St.Stephen's College, Delhi, India 


Teaching history

Kaufman Certification in Teaching, MIT,

Professional history

Postdoctoral Appointee, Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Lab, 

Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 

Research and publishing

Selected Works (* indicates undergraduate author): 

  1. S. Sen, E. Moazzen, S. Acuna, E. Draxler*, C. U. Segre and E.V. Timofeeva, “Nickel Hydroxide Nanofluid Cathodes with High Solid Loadings and Low Viscosity for Energy Storage Applications”, Energies, 2022, 15(13), 4728. 
  2. L. Fuller*, J. Martin*, Y. Ma*, S. King and S. Sen, “Control of Texture and Morphology of Zinc Films through Pulsed Methods from Additive-Free Electrolytes”, 6, 22, pp.5426 - 5434, ChemistrySelect, 2021
  3. Sen, S., Leonard, M., Skinn, B., Hall, T., Inman, M., Taylor, E.J. and Brushett, F.R. (2018), Pulsed Electrodeposition of Novel Copper Nanostructures for CO2 Reduction to Hydrocarbons, MRS Advances,  3, 23, 2018, 1277 - 1284
  4. Sen, S., Moazzen, E., Chow, C.M.*, Katsoudas, J., Singh, D., Timofeeva, E.V., and Segre, C., (2017) Electroactive Nanofluids with High Solid Loading and Low Viscosity for Rechargeable Redox Flow Batteries, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 47, 5, pp. 593-605
  5. Sen, S., Govindarajan, V*., Pelliccione, C., Wang, J., Miller, D.J., and Timofeeva, E.V. (2015) Surface modification approach to TiO2 nanofluids with high particle concentration, low viscosity and electrochemical activity", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 37, pp 20538–20547
  6. S. Sen, S. Kim, S. Jin*, L. Palmore*, N. Jadhav, E. Chason, G. T. R. Palmore, “In Situ Measurement of Voltage-Induced Stress in Conducting Polymers with Redox-Active Dopants”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,. 2016, 8 (36), pp 24168–24176
  7. Sen, S., Liu, D., Palmore, G.T.R, (2014), Electrochemical reduction of CO2 at copper nanofoams”, ACS Catalysis, 4, 16, pp. 3091-3095
  8. S. Sen, J.  Saraidaridis*, S. Y. Kim, G. T. R. Palmore, “Viologens as charge carriers in a polymer-based battery anode”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5 (16), pp7825-7830

See more details at the Research Group Website! 




Sujat Sen, Chemistry & Biochemistry, received a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) grant from the National Science Foundation for the project, "Fundamentals and Applications of Electrochemically Active Nanofluids for Energy Storage and Conversion." This five-year grant totaling $556,579 includes research focused on electrochemistry with undergraduate students, development of chemical simulation tools for both teaching and research, as well as workshops to explore renewable energy devices such as solar cells, fuel cells and batteries in local high schools.

Submitted on: Mar. 19


Sujat Sen, Chemistry & Biochemistry, authored the article "Grazing incidence X-Ray diffraction: identifying the dominant facet in copper foams that electrocatalyze the reduction of carbon dioxide to formate" in Nanoscale published on Friday, Sept. 2 by Royal Society of Chemistry .

Submitted on: Sept. 2, 2022


Sujat Sen, Chemistry & Biochemistry, received the award for Collaborative Research from National Science Foundation for the project "An Engineering Design Approach for the Tandem Catalysis of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) using Nanoporous Bi-layer Structures." As part of the collaborative research effort, students from UWL will visit Purdue and learn state-of-the-art experimental techniques in thin film deposition. Sen is the lead PI on this grant between UWL and Purdue that have been collectively awarded $425,000 over the next three years.

Submitted on: Aug. 30, 2022


Sujat Sen, Chemistry & Biochemistry, authored the article "Nickel Hydroxide Nanofluid Cathodes with High Solid Loadings and Low Viscosity for Energy Storage Applications " in Energies published on Tuesday, June 28 by MDPI. This research was part of an externally funded, industry sponsored effort in collaboration with Influit Energy LLC ( UWL student co-authors include Evan Draxler.

Submitted on: June 28, 2022


Sujat Sen, Chemistry & Biochemistry and Seth King, Physics, co-authored the article "Control of Texture and Morphology of Zinc Films through Pulsed Methods from Additive-Free Electrolytes" in ChemistrySelect published on May 25 by European Chemical Society Publishing (Wiley). Student co-authors include Lee Fuller, Jason Martin and Yuanman Ma.

Submitted on: June 11, 2021


Sujat Sen, Chemistry & Biochemistry, authored the article "Electroreduction of carbon dioxide to formate at high current densities using tin and tin oxide gas diffusion electrodes" in "Journal of Applied Electrochemistry" published on July 24, 2019 by Springer.

Submitted on: July 25, 2019