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Profile for Sherwin Toribio

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Sherwin Toribio

Mathematics & Statistics
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Sherwin Toribio


Mathematics & Statistics

Specialty area(s)

Mathematical Statistics

Computational Statistics

Bayesian Statistics


Brief biography

I am originally from the Philippines. I got my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics with a minor in Operations Research from Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines) in 1994. I finished my Master's degree in Biostatistics from Hasselt University (Belgium) in 1996, and another Master's degree in Mathematical Statistics from Bowling Green State University (BGSU, Ohio) in 2002. I also got my PhD in Statistics from BGSU in 2006. In the Fall of 2006, I joined the department of Mathematics and Statistics of UWL.

Current courses at UWL

STAT 145 - Elementary Statistics

STAT 405/505 - Statistical Methods


Teaching history

STAT 145 - Elementary Statistics

MTH 207 - Calculus I

MTH 208 - Calculus II

STAT 245 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics

STAT 405/505 - Statistical Methods 

STAT 440 - Statistical Consulting

STAT 441/541 - Mathematical Statistics I

STAT 442/542 - Mathematical Statistics II

STAT 445/545 - Correlation and Regression Analysis

STAT 446/546 - Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments

STAT 762 - Bayesian Analysis

STAT 763 - Survey of Modern Statistical Software

STAT 766 - Biostatistics



Thomas Kernozek and Drew Rutherford, both Health Professions; Sherwin Toribio, Mathematics & Statistics; Hannah Jamie, Gundersen Sports Medicine; and Becky Heinert and C. Nathan Vannatta, both Physical Therapy; co-authored the article "Augmented Feedback Response Prediction by Peak Vertical Ground Reaction Force in Adolescent Female Athletes" in International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy published on Jan. 2 by North American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy. This was Hannah Jamie's publication from her Sports Medicine residency research experience at UW-La Crosse within the La Crosse Institute for Movement Science (LIMS). The sports medicine residency is a partnership between Gundersen Sports Medicine and the UWL Physical Therapy Program sponsored by the Gundersen Medical Foundation. Co-authors were involved in the extensive data collection efforts, writing and mentoring over the one-year residency program.

Submitted on: Jan. 21


Thomas Kernozek and Drew Rutherford, both Health Professions; Sherwin Toribio, Mathematics & Statistics; Hannah Jaime, Gundersen Sports Medicine; C.N. Vannatta, Physical Therapy (now with Gundersen Health System); and Becky Heinert, Physical Therapy (now with Winona State University); co-authored the article "Augmented feedback response by vertical ground reaction force in adolescent female athletes" in International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, which was accepted for publication by American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy. Hannah Jaime was a resident with Gundersen Health System in the Sports Physical Therapy residency program. This project was a result of ongoing collaboration between the La Crosse Institute for Movement Science (LIMS) in the UWL Physical Therapy Program and Gundersen. Annually, residents participate in research through LIMS. CN Vannatta directs the research component of the residency.

Submitted on: Nov. 4, 2024