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Profile for Teri Holford

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Teri Holford

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Associate Professor
Murphy Library
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Library space and online content

Teri Holford Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Associate Professor

Murphy Library

Specialty area(s)

Children's Literature

Information Literacy

Integrated Librarianship

Local History & Historical Primary Sources



Brief biography

I started working at UWL in 2009 in Murphy Library's Special Collections and Area Research Center where I became involved with campus, local and public history initiatives. In 2012, I transitioned as Assistant Professor Academic Engagement and Curriculum Collection Librarian.  Reaching out and building bridges with the community of La Crosse and beyond, my interests include everything children's literature, connecting teacher candidates to the learning that happens in stories, introducing college bound high school seniors to information literacy at the college level and using storytelling to create narratives to share with stakeholders. If you are having a rough day, come over to the Curriculum Center on the 2nd floor of the library and read a kid's book. Guaranteed improvement. 


M.L.S. UW Madison (Library & Information Science)

B.A. UW Madison (French and ESL/Spanish concentration)


Teaching history

UWL 100 (2012-2016)

First Year Seminar (2023)

Professional history

Librarian/Archivist Murphy Library Special Collections & Area Research Center

English Professor Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle Beauvais, France


Research and publishing

Nurnberger-Haag, J., Holford, T. L, Bryk, K. M, Strozyk, H., Harder, M., & Davidsaver, K. (2019). A ball is not a circle: How to spot mathematical inaccuracies to improve and use shape book collections. Teacher Librarian (Vancouver)47(1), 8–13.

Godden, L, Holford, T. L., Stovey, P., & Trimmer, T. (2021). In Silke Higgins & Ngoc-Yen Tran (Eds.), Friendly Finding Aid: A collaborative way to build primary source research foundations. Embracing change: Alternatives to traditional research writing assignments (ACRL Press). 





Taylor Cole Miller, Communication Studies; Valerie Krage, Educational Studies; Teri Holford and Kendall Morgan, both Murphy Library; Pete Rydberg, Visual & Performing Arts; and Kjerstin Lang, University Marketing & Communications; served on the TEDxUWLaCrosse committee. The group planned and organized a successful TEDxUWLaCrosse event on Oct. 10, 2024, in The Bluffs, Student Union. Their dedication to fostering thought-provoking dialogue not only enriches the university community but also engages the broader public. One third of the attendees were from the wider La Crosse community. Thank you to the committee for making TEDxUWLaCrosse a memorable and inspiring experience for a full house of attendees.

Submitted on: Oct. 14, 2024


Teri Holford, Murphy Library, presented "Course Design: Adapting to College-There's a Picture Book for That" at Fostering Dialogue: Teaching Children's Literature at University on Nov. 18 online. This course design section of the second international online conference, originally conceived and hosted by the University of Padua (Italy), was hosted this year by Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Submitted on: Nov. 23, 2022


Patricia Stovey and Tiffany Trimmer, both History; and Laura Godden and Teri Holford, both Murphy Library; co-authored the chapter "Friendly Finding Aid: A Collaborative Way to Build Primary Source Research Foundations" in Embracing Change: Alternatives to Traditional Research Writing Assignments published on July 11 by The Association of College & Research Libraries.

Submitted on: July 16, 2022


Teri Holford, Murphy Library, co-authored the article "A Ball Is Not a Circle How to Spot Mathematical Inaccuracies to Improve and Use Shape Book Collections" in "Teacher Librarian: the Journal for School Library Professionals" published on Jan. 9 by Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. Citation: NURNBERGER-HAAG, J., HOLFORD, T. L., BRYK, K. M., STROZYK, H., HARDER, M., & DAVIDSAVER, K. (2019). A Ball Is Not a Circle: How to Spot Mathematical Inaccuracies to Improve and Use Shape Book Collections. Teacher Librarian, 47(1), 8–13.

Submitted on: Jan. 10, 2020


Teri Holford and Elizabeth Humrickhouse served as local conference organizers and hosted the third annual Conference About Libraries and Learning (C.A.L.L.) for area librarians (school, public, academic and special). Keynote Sarah Johnson, Mental Health Director at the La Crosse Area Family YMCA, spoke on this year's theme "Self-Care and the Emotional Labor of Librarianship".

Submitted on: May 6, 2019