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Profile for Tesia Marshik

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Tesia Marshik

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Tesia Marshik Pronouns: She/Her/Hers



Specialty area(s)

Developmental and Educational Psychology (motivation, effective teaching and learning strategies, self-regulation, educational myths/misconceptions, teacher-student relationships)

Brief biography

Dr. Marshik's research focuses on understanding students' motivation, learning strategies, self-regulation, and teacher-student relationships (and, ultimately, how all of these factors interact to influence students’ development and academic adjustment). She is also active in debunking pseudoscience, exploring the roles of cognitive biases and logical fallacies in perpetuating misconceptions, and promoting effective (evidence-based) teaching, learning, and parenting practices. Recently, she has explored perceptions and uses of AI in education. In her teaching, she strives to help her students develop scientific and information literacy, along with critical thinking skills that will enable them to make informed decisions in their personal and professional lives. She enjoys making psychological science accessible and relevant to public audiences and regularly presents for  professional organizations within and outside academia (locally, nationally, and internationally).

Current courses at UWL

Research Methods, Educational Psychology, Lifespan Development, Adolescent Development, Motivation, General Psychology, Senior Seminar, First Year Seminar, Teaching Apprenticeship, Research Apprenticeship, Honors/Independent Research Projects


Ph.D., Educational and Developmental Psychology (University of Florida)

M.A.E., Educational Psychology (University of Florida)

B.S., Psychology and Philosophy (John Carroll University)


Professional history

Professor, Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse 

Fellow: Assessing & Documenting Student Learning, Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Associate Professor, Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse 

Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse 

Instructor, School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education, University

of Florida

Mentor and Academic Liaison, Academic Success Inc. 

Research Assistant, Florida Museum of Natural History 

Research and publishing


  • Marshik, T., McCracken, C., Kopp, B., & O’Marrah, M. (2024). Student and instructor perceptions and uses of artificial intelligence in higher education. Teaching of Psychology.
  • Kortenkamp, K., Marshik, T., & Thakkar. T. (2023). Writing across the curriculum: A longitudinal assessment of psychology majors’ writing development. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.
  • Marshik, T., Driscoll, A., Remsburg, A., Yu, A., Dutta, N., & Klein, J. (2023). New frontiers in student evaluations of teaching: University efforts to design and test a new instrument for student feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-14.
  • Marshik, T., & Cerbin, W. (2022). Learning styles & cognition. In S. Hupp and R. Wiseman (Eds.) Investigating Pop Psychology Pseudoscience, Fringe Science, and Controversies: Improving Critical Thinking Skills. Routledge.
  • Marshik, T. (2022). Learning How to Learn. [Audiobook]. The Great Courses.
  • Marshik, T., Ashton, P, & Algina, (2017). Teachers’ and students’ needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness as predictors of students’ achievement. Social Psychology of Education, 20(1), 39-67.
  • Marshik, T., Kortenkamp, K., Dixon, R., & Cerbin, B. (2016). Understanding and Enhancing Students' Motivation: A lesson study approach. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 1(4), 298-311.


  • Marshik, T. (2024, September). AI in Education: Challenges and Opportunities. Oral presentation at UWL Psychology PsychHour.
  • Marshik, T., McCracken, C., & Kopp, B. M. (2024, May). Student and Instructor Uses and Perceptions of AI at UWL. Oral presentation at the UWL CATL AI Summit, La Crosse, WI. 
  • Marshik, T. (2023, October). Insights from Educational Psychology, Learning, and Development. Invited guest on theRe-thinking the Human Factor” podcast, Bruce Hallas (Host).
  • Klein, J., Dutta, N., Yu, A. M., Driscoll, A., Kopp, B., Marshik, T, Remsburg, A., & Koepke, K. (2021, August). Spring 2021  Pilot  Study  of the  Learning  Environment Survey the  University  of  Wisconsin-La Crosse.  Poster presentation at the 22nd UWL CATL Conference on Teaching and Learning, La Crosse, WI
  • Driscoll, A., Marshik, T., & Remsburg, A. (2021, April). Development of a New Instrument for Student Ratings of Teaching: The Learning Environment Survey. Oral presentation at the UW-System Office of Professional Instruction and Development annual conference.
  • Marshik, T. (2020, February). Urban Myths in Education: Massaging our Beliefs for Better Results. Invited keynote presentation at the American Massage Therapy Association Annual Education Summit, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Marshik, T. (2020, January). Learning Styles – Unpacking the Myth Mayo Clinic. Invited guest on Educator's Central podcast, Mayo Clinic.
  • Marshik, T. (2019, October). Bridge or Barrier? Understanding How Prior Knowledge and Cognitive Limits Influence Learning. Invited keynote presentation at the Aims Community College annual fall teaching conference, Greeley, CO. 
  • Marshik, T. (2019, October). Learning Beliefs and Misconceptions. Invited guest onHere We Are” podcast, Shane Mauss (Host).
  • Marshik, T., & Hoskins, D. (2019, September). What Makes a Practice High-Impact? Workshop presentation, UW-La Crosse Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning.
  • Marshik, T., Solverson, N., & Barlow, P. (2019, August). Instructor and Student Outcomes Related to Campus-Wide Efforts to "Reimagine the First Year." Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) annual convention, Chicago, IL.
  • Marshik, T. (2019, July). From Barriers to Bridges: Examining Cognitive and Neurological Influences on Learning Motivation. Invited keynote presentation at the annual conference of the Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA), Indianapolis, IN.
  • Marshik, T. (2019, February). “Why Don’t They Learn?!” Overcoming Misinformation and Resistance to Change in Education. Invited keynote presentation at the Midwestern Institute for the Teaching of Psychology (MISTOP) conference, Glen Elyn, IL.



Bryan Kopp and Christopher McCracken, both English; and Tesia Marshik and Morgan O'Marrah, both Psychology; co-authored the article "Student and Instructor Perceptions and Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education " in Teaching of Psychology, published on Monday, Nov. 25 by Sage.

Submitted on: Nov. 25, 2024


Heather Walder, Archaeology & Anthropology; Kristin Koepke, CATL; Astrid Lorena Ochoa Campo, Global Cultures & Languages; Melissa Weege, Health Professions; Rachel Funk-Johnson, Management; Jeff Baggett, Mathematics & Statistics; Xinhui Li, Microbiology; Tesia Marshik, Psychology; and Tori Svoboda, Student Affairs Administration; served as UWL representatives at the Universities of Wisconsin event, Faculty College. Faculty College was held May 28-31 in Elkhart Lake, WI. The theme was "Rethinking/Redesigning Student Assignments" and Ashley Finley of AAC&U was the guest presenter.

Submitted on: June 4, 2024


Bryan Kopp, Tesia Marshik and Christopher McCracken, all CATL, directed "AI Summit" on Friday, May 17 in La Crosse, WI. In partnership with the CATL AI Community of Practice, this was a successful event that facilitated conversations and shared useful information to start a campus-wide conversation about AI usage across campus.

Submitted on: May 17, 2024


Jennifer Klein and Alder Yu, both Biology; Nabamita Dutta, Economics; Alysa Remsburg, Environmental Studies; Tesia Marshik, Psychology; and Adam Driscoll, Sociology & Criminal Justice; co-authored the article "New frontiers in student evaluations of teaching: university efforts to design and test a new instrument for student feedback" in Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education published on April 5 by Taylor and Francis Online. This article summarizes the efforts put forth by the Ad-Hoc SEI committee with exploring the problematic use of SEIs on campus, selecting and modifying an alternative tool (the soon to be adopted LENS system), and conducting some early findings regarding its efficacy.

Submitted on: April 11, 2023


Bill Cerbin, Psychology/CATL, and Tesia Marshik, Psychology, co-authored the chapter "Learning Styles and Cognition" in Investigating Pop Psychology published on Dec. 13, 2022, by Routledge Press.

Submitted on: Feb. 20, 2023