Profile for William Stobb

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William Stobb
Pronouns: He/Him/His
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
William Stobb Pronouns: He/Him/His
Specialty area(s)
Creative Writing
Brief biography
William Stobb's most recent poetry collection is You Are Still Alive (2019, 42 Miles Press). He is the author of five previous collections, including the National Poetry Series selection, Nervous Systems, and Absentia, both from Penguin Books, as well as a chapbook of desert fragments, Artifact Eleven, (2011 Black Rock Press) reflecting on the work of land artist, Michael Heizer. Stobb's short stories, essays and poems appear regularly in journals and magazines. His short story "All the Bodies" was awarded the 2018 Zona Gale Award from the Council for Wisconsin Writers, honoring the best short story published by a Wisconsin writer each year. Stobb works as Associate Editor for the literary magazine, Conduit, a leading publisher of contemporary poetry, and its book publishing arm, Conduit Books & Ephemera. Part of the Creative Writing faculty at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Stobb regularly teaches Composition and Creative Writing courses.
Current courses at UWL
English 110: College Writing (online)
English 305: Introduction to Creative Writing
English 449: Experiments in Form
Teaching history
In addition to English 110, Stobb regularly teaches English 305: Introduction to Creative Writing, English 343: Creative Non-fiction, and upper division courses in creative writing.