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Academic scheduling

A page within Records & Registration


Deadlines & Events


Academic Classes Room Scheduling

The Records and Registration Office holds the primary responsibility for scheduling rooms for academic classes that meet during normal academic terms (including general classrooms and departmental priority instructional spaces) and the scheduling of computer classrooms. 

Events and meetings outside of a course's normally scheduled class time should be scheduled through University Reservations. No reservations will be made in academic spaces until the first week of the semester is over.  Exceptions to this policy are:

  • 1400 Centennial and 260 Graff can be scheduled if the event starts after 5 pm and is a contracted event for which a location must be determined.
  • Rooms for academic purposes (e.g., review sessions) can be scheduled as of August 1st  for Fall Semester and January 1st for Spring Semester if they happen after 5:30pm.

To find out more about a specific campus classroom and the technology/attributes in that room, check out the online classroom directory.

University Scheduling Policies

Departmental Room Priorities

First Priority: Spaces specifically set aside and allocated to academic units or department for instructional activities requiring permanently installed or specialized pedagogical equipment. These space-specific classrooms will include, but are not limited to, laboratories, recital halls, theatres, art studios, etc.

Second Priority: Classrooms containing specialized equipment purchased by an individual department will be allocated to that department for scheduling whenever feasible.

Departments with rooms assigned for scheduling have an obligation to allow scheduling by other departments in these rooms during the scheduling time frame when their own scheduling is complete. Outside requests to use these spaces will be handled through the individual department during the departmental scheduling time frame.

Large Lecture Rooms

Below information is also in the UWL Classroom Scheduling Policy.

Large lecture rooms will be assigned to the most appropriate course based on the following criteria (in priority order):

  • Disability accommodation, if necessary
  • Courses that meet 4-5 days per week
  • Courses that adhere to the standard meeting pattern
  • Class enrollment:
    •  When demand exceeds large lecture room availability, and where actual enrollment for a specific section is less than the anticipated enrollment, Records and Registration reserves the right to move the section to a more appropriate room, regardless of the room location.
    • When two or more departments request the same day/time schedule for a large lecture room, the class with greatest enrollment is given first priority
  • Multiple sections of a course taught by the same instructor (back-to-back)
  • Need for classroom prep time (setup/take down of equipment, etc.)
  • Geographic location of classroom in relation to instructor office

Cancelling Classes

If departments must cancel a course due to low enrollment, the cancellation should be no later than one week prior to the start of the class. For summer sessions, departments should cancel classes that have not met a minimum enrollment number no later than two weeks prior to the first day of that summer session. Students must be notified of the cancellation before the class can be cancelled.

Standard Meeting Patterns

Three-credit classes meet for 55 minutes a week Monday/Wednesday/Friday (MWF). Three credit x-classes meet for 85 minutes a week Tuesday/Thursday (TH). All classes should adhere to a standard of 770 minutes per credit per term, with lab classes expected to exceed the minimum.

X-classes may be scheduled on MW after 2:15 pm.

Three-credit course standard daily schedule for 14 week classes is as follows:

Standard classes (MWF)

Period 1

7:45-8:40 am

Period 2

8:50-9:45 am

Period 3

9:55-10:50 am

Period 4

11:00-11:55 am

Period 5

12:05-1:00 pm

Period 6

1:10-2:05 pm

Period 7

2:15-3:10 pm

Period 8

3:20-4:15 pm

Period 9

4:25-5:20 pm

Standard x-classes (T/TH)*

Period 1-2

7:45-9:10 am

Period 2-3

9:25-10:50 am

Period 3-4

11:00 am-12:25 pm

Period 4-5

12:40-2:05 pm

Period 5-6

2:15-3:40 pm

Period 6-7

3:55-5:20 pm

*Combines one standard period with part of the next

A one credit class meets for one hour per week. A two credit class meets for two hours per week. A four credit class meets for four hours per week. A five credit class meets for five hours per week.

UWL Classroom Scheduling Policy

Additional Scheduling Guides

Computer Classrooms

Reserving a computer classroom is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3!

  1. Check room availability by viewing the calendar
    1. Sign in using your UWL username and password.
    2. Select the "Academic Computer Labs" link in the left column, under Calendar Scheduling Grids.
    3. Change the date at the top left and view by day or by week.
  2. Request a computer lab by using the computer lab request form.
  3. Allow up to 2 business days for your request to be processed and confirmed.

A university faculty or staff member must make the reservation. Computer labs cannot be reserved by students. Some computer labs have open hours for UWL students. Contact the Eagle Help Desk at 608.785.8774 to find out which computer labs have hours for students. 

ITS classrooms must be supervised at all times during a reservation. If you have any questions about reserving a computer classroom, contact Janelle Nelson at 608.785.8577.

School of Ed Collaborative
Learning Studio (Centennial 3212) 

Contact Jill Kirkpatrick 

Distance Education/
Video Conferencing Rooms

(ex: Wing 31, 102, or 104)

Contact the Academic Scheduling Team (

Murphy Library Murphy Library room reservations
Non-academic classroom requests
or additional spaces
Contact University Reservations
Instructional non-academic 
computer lab requests
Complete the computer room request form