CIM Courses
A page within Records & Registration
Getting started:
- Select the appropriate CIM form above and login.
- Search for an existing course in the Course Management screen, and
- Revise an existing course.pdf,
- Select the appropriate CIM form above and login.
- Propose a new course.pdf
Help bubbles: Blue help bubbles are next to many questions to help proposers complete the form. Some bubbles contain links to documents with longer explanations.
Guidance from the Committees & Academic Affairs:
- FAQs for Course Forms
- Guidance on formulating Student Learning Outcomes included
- UCC/GCC Guide to Preparing and Submitting CIM Forms
- UCC Quick-Reference Guide for CIM Course Forms
- Current program learning outcomes by program/department
- Assessment resources for writing Student Learning Outcomes (especially the Assessment Toolkit)
- More about learning assessment
Mac users in CIM: scroll bars may not appear in windows until you hover over the right-hand side of the screen.
Additional guides
- Deactivating a Course
- UCC CIM Form Style Guide
- Curriculum Change Process & Policies
- The CIM Ecosystem - The CIM Ecosystem shows courses, programs, and catalog pages that are related to the course being viewed, and catalog pages that house the program being reviewed.
Special course types
General Education Courses
Both UCC and the General Education Committee review all changes to courses in the General Education Program, including new courses being added, courses being deactivated, and all updates to current courses in the program. The general education portion of the CIM Course Form must be completed for all general education courses.
Helpful links
- New General Education Categories - includes approved courses (starting Summer 2025)
- New General Education Categories, Descriptions and Program Outcomes (starting Summer 2025)
- Current General Education Student Learning Outcomes (thru 2024-25 catalog)
- Current General Education Program (thru 2024-25 catalog)
- General Education Assessment (site is being updated)
General Education Director: Bryan Kopp,
Cross-Listed Courses
What is a cross-listed course? A course offered by more than one department that has the same course description, credits, and title but different prefixes is a cross-listed course (e.g., ECO/THA 376; BIO/MIC 714). Students may earn credit only once for taking a cross-listed course.
Umbrella Courses & Subtopics
An umbrella course is a generic course "shell" that allows departments to test individual topics under the umbrella of the parent course's number and see if the topic would be useful as a regular course. If there is enough interest, the test topic become an independent course with its own number. A full explanation of umbrella courses and how they differ from regular topic courses is in the Umbrella Courses Policy.
An Umbrella Topic Form should be in workflow before the topic is scheduled. Please contact your ADA for the scheduling deadlines. The department should resubmit the form each time the test topic is offered so the most up-to-date version of the approved outline and outcomes are on record. If the instructor wants to change the topic's title, a new form should be submitted.
Creating a New Test Topic or Reusing an Existing Topic:
- Refer to the Umbrella Topics guide.
- Umbrella topics require approval from the department chair, dean's office, and the Registrar. Your college's curriculum committee may also need to approve.
Creating a New Umbrella "Parent" Course:
- Refer to the Create a New Course guide and follow the steps.
- Select "Yes" for "Is this an Umbrella Course?" and complete the rest of the form as directed.
- A new umbrella parent course or change to a parent course requires approval from department chair, dean's office, Registrar, and UCC/GCC. Your college's curriculum committee may also need to approve.
The Records office works with the department to ensure approved topics appear on the students’ transcripts and in the schedule.
Additional info
CIM stands for Curriculum Inventory Management, which is a system of online curriculum forms and an approval workflow to change academic curricula in a smooth and transparent process. Users can see what step the proposed change is at in the process at any time, and approvers are notified when they have a proposal to review. New faculty/staff who are not able to login should email
Additional materials:
- UWL's curriculum policies and procedures: Curriculum Change Process & Policies
- UCC materials
- GCC materials
FYI notifications: These notifications alert related departments about active proposals submitted by another department.
Deadline to make the next meeting: Proposals must be at the Registrar's step in workflow (received dean's office approval) by the noon on Wednesday of the week before the UCC or GCC meeting.
Saving a draft: To save without submitting to workflow, select the "Save as Draft" button. Do not exit by closing the edit window or you may lose work.
Submitting to workflow: When ready, select the green "Start Workflow" button, you can no longer make edits. If you need to make further edits after submitting, contact the next person in workflow to either roll the form back to you for more editing or to enter the changes on your behalf.
Stale proposals: Proposals not submitted into workflow or sitting at the same step in workflow after 6 months or more are subject to review. The Records office will verify with the department if the proposal is still moving forward. If the proposed change is no longer being worked on, please contact Records to shred the proposal.
Logging out: Closing your browser fully will log you out, or you will be logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Questions? Want training?
Contact the UWL Curriculum Team at