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A page within Records & Registration


Deadlines & Events


Student Forms & Processes

Add/Drop (Change of Schedule)


  • After the instructor or advisor puts in the electronic permission, the student must log back into WINGS and complete the add or drop enrollment action before the add or drop deadline expires. Student directions on how to drop can be found on the WINGS Help page.
  • Instructors/advisors can find directions on giving electronic permission on the WINGS Help page.

If done on paper, drop/add forms are available at the Office of Records and Registration, 117 Graff Main Hall. Completed forms should be returned to that office. Any exceptions that are approved after the deadline passes must be approved on the paper form or by email.

Adding a Class:

  • Students may add classes on their WINGS Student Center through the 5th day of classes without permission, provided that class section is open.
  • Between the 6th and 10th day of the semester, the instructor's permission is required to register, if the course is open. Additional approval may be required if the course is closed or to override prerequisites.
  • After the 10th day, permission from the instructor, department chairperson, and student's dean is required on all adds of full semester classes.

Dropping a Class:

  • Students may drop classes on their WINGS Student Center through the 10th day of classes without permission and without affecting the student's academic record.
  • All withdrawals after the 10th day of classes for a full semester course will be recorded with a “W” on the student’s academic record, and permission is required from the instructor or the student's advisor. 
  • Any student may withdraw from a class during the first half of a course. No student is permitted to withdraw from a course later than one week after the midterm of a full semester course.
  • A student who fails to attend the first two scheduled classes or provide proper notification may be dropped from the course at the discretion of the instructor. However, a student should not assume this will happen. It is still a student’s responsibility to officially drop the course(s).
  • The drop date is recorded as of the date the student completes the enrollment process in WINGS or the form is officially processed, not the date the instructor entered in the permission in WINGS or the date of the instructor’s signature.
  • Total withdrawals from the university in the fall or spring semesters must be done through the Student Life office, 149 Graff Main Hall. For a summer or winter intersession withdrawal, see the Office of Records and Registration, 117 Graff Main Hall.

Drop/add dates for classes shorter than a full semester are prorated based on the length of the course. To see the exact drop date for a particular course, locate the small calendar icon next to the course in your schedule through your WINGS Student Center.

Application for Associate of Arts Degree

Once completed, the online application for an Associate of Arts degree is sent to the Academic Advising Center and the Records and Registration Office for review.

Associate of Arts Degree Online Application

Change of Major/Minor

Declare or change your major/minor with the appropriate College/School via this form

Duplicate Diploma Order Form

Duplicate diplomas can be ordered online, by mail, or in person. The link to order online is below. Credit/debit cards can be used when ordering online. The paper order form should be sent/brought to 117 Graff Main Hall along with the fee for the diploma. Only cash or check are accepted by mail. Credit cards are accepted in person or online, but not by phone. The fee is $25 per diploma.

Enrollment/Degree Verification

Students who need enrollment verification for Health Insurance, Loan Deferments, Scholarships, etc. can print out a formal statement of attendance by clicking the "Enrollment Verification" menu item under the Enrollment Resources menu located on the lower right side of your WINGS Student Center which will take you to a secure connection to the National Student Clearinghouse. This is a free service to our students. Verify Enrollment/Degree

FERPA Release Form - Advising

Students may complete this form when requesting a university office release part of their educational record to a third party for advising purposes (for example, a parent or guardian). This includes authorization to discuss details about the educational record directly with the third party, but for advising purposes only. Give the completed form to the university office that will be releasing the information.

Please note that this form gives a one time authorization only, and a new form will need to be completed if the request for release is made again at another time.

Authorization to Release FERPA Information - Advising purposes, one time use.pdf

FERPA Release Form - General

Students may complete this form when requesting a university office release part of their educational record to a third party (for example, to provide permission for a faculty member to release your grades or performance in their class in a letter of recommendation). This includes discussing details of the educational record with the third party. Give the completed form to the university office that will be releasing the information.

Please note that this form gives a one time authorization only, and a new form will need to be completed if the request for release is made again at another time.

Authorization to Release FERPA Information - general, one time use.pdf

Name Change Form

Name Change Form

Completed name change forms, accompanied by a copy of the legal documentation showing the name change (i.e. driver's license; marriage certificate; court decree), can be returned by:

Mail: UW-La Crosse, 117 Graff Main Hall, 1725 State St, La Crosse, WI 54601
In person: 117 Graff Main Hall


Name In Use (Preferred Name) Form

The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse has established a Name In Use (Preferred Name) Policy. To change your name to a Name in Use (preferred name) in university systems, complete the Name In Use form.

Off-Campus Evaluation and Permit Form

Students often decide to take courses at other institutions during the various breaks throughout the year (such as winter intersession or summer). Prior to taking a course at another institution, please review the steps about taking a non-UWL class before registering into the desired class.

After you have reviewed the steps at the link above, complete the Off Campus Course Evaluation and Permit Form. It will be reviewed by your College Dean's office to ensure that the credits will indeed transfer to UWL. You will get an email when the course is approved or if there are follow-up questions. Please contact you College Dean's Office with questions or concerns regarding transfer information. 


Information about overrides can be found in the Records' FAQs.

  • What is an override?
  • How do I get an override?
  • How do I use an electronic override?
  • How do I register with an override if I'm already on the wait list?
  • Is it possible to get into a class that is full?
Time Conflict Form

Time conflicts are only allowed with all of the following approvals:

  • Instructor of the first class
  • Instructor of the second class
  • The Deans office of your first major

If you need to take two classes that conflict in your schedule and cannot find another way to take both courses, first register in the course you need the most and then speak with the instructors. Both instructors must agree it is feasible to complete both classes successfully while missing a portion of one or both. They must also both agree to the same solution to making up anything missed.

If you have spoken to both instructors and they have agreed on a solution, submit a Time Conflict Override Form to collect the official approvals and get registered.

Once all parties have approved, the Records office will register you in the remaining course. You will be notified when registration is complete.

Directions on completing form:

Note: if you are not able to get permission from both instructors, please contact your advisor to discuss options.

Questions on this process may be directed to Records and Registration at or 608.785.8951. 

Faculty/Staff Forms & Processes

Curriculum Change Forms (CIM)

New programs/courses and changes to existing programs/courses are submitted through the online CIM (Curriculum Inventory Management) system.


Course Forms 
Program Forms

Getting started:

Courses help
Programs help

The Curriculum Process & Policies page has introductory material about the process, official policies, and additional help documents to get you started.

Change of Grade (backup process)

Please submit grade change requests through the grade roster in WINGS whenever possible because this method automatically pulls in the student data and notifies the appropriate office. Then the instructor simply enters the new grade and the reason for the change. Your department or the Records Office may be contacted for directions.

However, sometimes the WINGS grade roster will not allow a grade change. Some of those situations are:

  • An "NR" (not reported) grade was entered
  • One change of grade on this student in that class has already been submitted. WINGS has a limit of one grade change per student grade.
  • Technical difficulties

In those situations, the backup process may be used:

Please be careful to enter the correct information on the form as the offices notified are based on this information. The student's current major, college, level, and class standing can be found on the class roster or the grade roster in your Faculty Center in WINGS if they are active students. If some of this information is missing on the roster, please contact Kim Berg at for assistance filling out the form. 


Please note that a student's appeal of their final grade, the instructor's request to change a final grade, and the request to remove an existing incomplete grade must be submitted within a certain timeframe. Review the UWL policies below for more details.

Printable forms, if the grade roster and the electronic form aren't working:

Please contact the Records Office (Kim Berg) if there are questions.

Incomplete Grade Request Form

Please review the full Incomplete Grade Policy in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs. Click below to access the form.

An Incomplete Grade Request Form must be submitted for every "I" grade, preferably right before or within a few days of when the final grades are submitted. After discussing with the student what is required to finish the course and receiving agreement, the instructor completes the form and submits it to workflow. The student should not initiate the form as instructor approval is only obtained when the instructor submits the form.

A copy of the form is sent to both the student and the Records Office. The student updates the form with the acknowledgement that they've read and agreed to the terms of the incomplete.

The Records and Registration Office verifies that the "I" grade is on the student's record and the correct due date is listed in WINGS. The longest that can be given for a due date is one calendar year following the term in which the incomplete was incurred (see the Incomplete Policy).

Once the student completes the missing work, a Change of Grade/Removal of Incomplete Form is submitted to remove the "I" and change it to the final grade. Please note that if the student does not submit the remaining work or if a Change of Grade form is not submitted before the due date, a grade of “F” will be recorded unless an alternative grade is noted under the "Approvals and Conditions" section of the Incomplete Grade form.

Summer Session Start Date Appeal Form

Once completed, the Summer Session Start Date Appeal Form should be submitted to Records and Registration (117 Graff Main Hall) by January 15th to guarantee inclusion in the Summer Session Timetable.

Summer Session Start Date Appeal Form

WINGS Access Request Process

Important: Access to Canvas is separate from access to WINGS. A WINGS account is required to grade or give out overrides.

All new employees who may be accessing private student educational or health information should first complete the UWL Student Privacy and FERPA Training. The training must be done before access to WINGS can be approved and before viewing student information in Canvas. Go to Canvas and enroll to complete the course (login required).

Where to find the WINGS Access Request form:

  • Navigate here (login required). Each individual must complete their own form.

Once the form is submitted, the supervisor is notified to complete their portion. The offices supervising each category of data then review the request. Upon final approval, ITS will create or modify the WINGS account. You will be notified by email when the account is ready.

Who needs to complete the WINGS Access Request Form?

  • All new instructors must complete the training and form before their first day of class. The FERPA training should also be done before accessing student information in Canvas.
  • Staff members and student workers who access WINGS for their job must also complete this form.
  • Employees requesting additional access or other modifications to an existing account.
  • Instructors returning to teach after an absence of a year or more should both retake the FERPA training and complete this form.

Directions on completing form (login required):

Troubleshooting: The employee must have an active UWL email and net ID. If you do not have an active email yet, please contact HR. 

Remaining questions about the process can be directed to Victoria Rahn in Records and Registration.

UWL Student Privacy and FERPA training

UWL Student Privacy and FERPA Training may be taken by any UWL student or employee, but the training is aimed mainly at employees. The training explains the privacy rules governing student educational and health information, employees' responsibilities to protect that information, and situations when releasing information is or is not acceptable. Any employee accessing restricted student information must take this training before gaining access.

Go to Canvas and enroll to complete the course.