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A page within Rec Sports

Rec Sports Policies, Rules & Regulations

Ensuring a safer, enjoyable experience for all
Rec Sports’ top priority is the well-being of ALL those in our community.

Recreational Sports policies, rules and regulations are designed to promote a safe and pleasurable recreation experience. They are not intended to be exhaustive. Rec Sports reserves the right to prohibit behavior, which in the professional judgment of Rec Sports staff, may place either patrons or Rec Sports facilities at risk. Violations of Rec Sports policies, rules and regulations may result in suspension of recreation privileges or administrative and/or judicial sanction. In the case of violence, the threat of violence, or a severe violation of Rec Sports rules, copies of the Incident Report form will be forwarded to the UW-La Crosse Dean of Students Office and the UW-La Crosse Police Department.

Policy categories are listed alphabetically. If you are on a computer you can search with Control+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac.  

  • All users must have a valid membership or day/guest pass
  • Members must present proper University of Wisconsin-La Crosse or Rec Sports identification to obtain access to all facilities
    • Members are highly encouraged to download the UWL Rec Sports app for barcode access into the facility
  • All members are allowed three courtesy passes per year if they need to gain access to Rec Sports facilities without their card/App Barcode present; once all three passes are used, members will not be allowed access to the facilities without proper identification
  • Non-UWL students under the age of 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. One adult may supervise up to 3 youth.
    • Guests under 14 years of age are not permitted in fitness classes, the Fitness Center or allowed to use fitness equipment throughout the facility.
    • The Climbing Wall and EZONE have separate youth policies.
    • All users under age 18 must have legal parent/guardian sign a waiver prior to access.
  • Members and guests are prohibited from:
    • Attempting to gain access into any Rec Sports facility with an ID other than their own
    • Allowing another person to use their ID to gain access into Rec Sports facilities
    • Attempting to sneak themselves or someone else into the facility through other points of access not designated as a main entry
    • Exiting through emergency exit doors during a non-emergency
  • By entering Rec Sports facilities and participating in Rec Sports activities, I agree to the following: 
    • Participation in Rec Sports activities, including use of facilities and equipment, is completely voluntary.  
    • There are risks and hazards, minor and serious, associated with participation in athletic, recreation and fitness related activities.  
    • The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, its officers, agents, and employees is not responsible for any loss, damage, illness, or injury to person or property arising out of or relating to participation in Rec Sports activities, including the use of Rec Sports facilities and equipment.  
    • In consideration of permission for me to voluntarily participate in Rec Sports activities, today and on all future dates, I, for myself, my heirs, personal representatives or assigns, agree to defend, hold harmless, indemnify and release the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, and their officers, employees, agents, and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action of any sort on account of damage to personal property, or personal injury, or death which may result from my participation in the above-listed program. This release includes claims based on negligence of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, and their officers, employees, agents, and volunteers, but expressly does not include claims based on their intentional misconduct or gross negligence. I understand that by agreeing to this that I am releasing claims and giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. 
    • The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse does not provide medical, health, or other insurance for participants. Purchasing adequate health/medical insurance prior to participation is strongly recommended. 
    • I authorize the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and its designated representatives to consent, on my behalf, to any emergency medical/hospital care or treatment to be rendered upon the advice of any licensed physician. I agree to be responsible for all necessary charges incurred by any hospitalization or treatment rendered pursuant to this authorization
    • I hereby confer upon the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Alumni & Friends Association the unrestricted and irrevocable right and permission with respect to the photographs and/or video taken of me or my children or in which we may be included with others: a) To use, reuse, publish and republish the same intact or in part, separately or in conjunction with other photography, in any medium now and hereafter known, and for any purpose whatsoever (including illustration, promotions, advertising and trade) and; b) To use my name and any testimonial I have provided to the university in connection therewith if UWL so decides. I hereby release and discharge the photographer and/or videographer and the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Alumni & Friends Association from all and any claims and demands ensuing from on or in connection with the use of the photographs including any and all claims for libel and invasion of privacy.
  • All animals, with the exception of service animals, are prohibited. 
    • Trained service animals may enter the facility with proper identification and training
    • A service dog or animal may be asked to leave the facility if the animal’s behavior or presence poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others (i.e. a service dog that displays vicious behavior toward people)
    • Please click here for more information on UW-La Crosse’s Service Animal Policies

In order to maintain a safe and welcoming environment the following apparel policies are in place: 

  • Tops (t-shirt, sports bra, cut-off shirt, etc.), bottoms, and footwear are required in all public areas. See-through garments are prohibited.
  • While engaged in activity, shoes must be non-marking/damaging. For your safety, shoes with a full back and closed toe are recommended. Bare feet or socks are acceptable for some group fitness classes or activities.
    • To keep salt and sand off the equipment and courts, users are encouraged to bring a change of footwear to wear while using the facility in the winter months.
    • Programs, including, but not limited to Intramural Sports, may have more strict footwear policies.

“Shirts vs Skins” Alternatives
Come prepared with light and dark colored clothing. A limited number of pinnies are available at the Info Counter for checkout. Pinnies must be worn over your clothing.

Climbing Gym

General Policies

  • ARRIVAL: Everyone must sign-in with UWL REC Climbing Gym staff at the desk.
  • WAIVER: Everyone must have a current, signed copy of the UWL REC Climbing Gym waiver to enter.
  • ORIENTATION: First time attendees are required to participate in a brief orientation.
  • PERSONAL ITEMS: All bags and personal items, including food and drinks, should be stored securely off the ground, in a designated cubby area out of the way of participants. Any jewelry, objects in pockets, or items affixed to one’s body, that may pose a threat or damage to a climber, belayer, flooring, or parts of the facility must be removed prior to using the facility.  (i.e. rings, scarves, bracelets, necklaces, pens, keys, phones, etc.)
  • FOOTWEAR: Shoes with non-marking soles must be worn at all times inside the facility. Additionally, climbing in socks, barefoot, open-toed sandals, or hard-soled shoes is not permitted.
  • PERSONAL GEAR: All personal gear is used at your own risk and by UWL REC Climbing Gym staff. Climbers and belayers are responsible for a belay device and harness certified and designed for climbing use.
  • NO LOOSE CHALK: Chalk in a contained form, like balls, socks, or liquid, may be used and help minimize the amount of chalk dust in the air and on surfaces within the gym.
  • BEHAVIOR: Be attentive to all climbers and belayers.   No dangerous or rough behavior in the facility including gymnastics or running.  No swinging on the ropes.
  • AGE RESTRICTION: The youngest age to climb is 3 years old. Children under the age of 3 years old are not allowed to walk or be placed in the active climbing areas and require 1:1 – adult to child – supervision. Any adult supervising a child under the age of 3 may not count as supervision of any other youth.
  • ADULT SUPERVISION: Adult to participant ratio of youth 3-15 years old must not exceed 1:3, adult to youth. Youth inside the gym ages 3-15 must be actively supervised by an adult 18 years or older. Adults are responsible for the behavior of their children or youth they are supervising.
  • REPORTING: Follow all UWL REC policies and report any issues or hazards to UWL REC and Climbing Gym staff. Staff reserve the right to suspend anyone acting unsafe or objectionable to others.


  • SPOTTERS: Spotters are recommended when bouldering, and are the climber’s responsibility
  • MAXIMUM HEIGHT: All climbers when bouldering must keep both hands below the etched line on the wall shown with the bouldering height warning symbol.
  • SPACING: Stay a safe distance from others that are climbing, including fall zones. Only one climber at a time is recommended in the archway. Climbers must not climb across the archway while off belay.

Belaying & Auto-Belays

  • SKILLS CHECKS:   Top rope belayers
  • SAFETY CHECKS: Belayers and climbers must complete full system safety checks for each other - check all knots and connections, harnesses, ropes, belay devices, etc. before climbing. Climbers must tie-in directly to their harness using a figure 8 follow-through knot.  Avoid standing on ropes. 
  • COMMANDS: Always use standard commands: “On belay?”, “Belay on!”, “Climbing?”, “Climb on!”, etc.
  • BELAYING: Climbers must not climb faster than the belayer can take in slack and must not climb off route when on belay. When belaying, always keep your eyes on your climber. No sitting or lying down while belaying.
  • AUTO-BELAYS: Auto-Belays may be used if these additional steps are conducted:
    • Test the device before leaving the ground
    • Double check that everything is secured correctly
    • Do not allow slack to develop



Rights and Responsibilities

  • Students have the right to live and learn in safe environments
  • Students have the obligation to act with integrity
  • Students are accountable for the consequences of their actions
  • The mission of the University of Wisconsin System and its individual institutions can be realized only if the university’s teaching, learning, research, and service activities occur in living and learning environments that are safe and free from violence, harassment, fraud, theft, disruption and intimidation; in promoting such environments, the university has a responsibility to address student non-academic misconduct

Standards of Conduct

  • UW-La Crosse students and Rec Sports members and guests assume an obligation to conduct themselves in accordance with UW-La Crosse standards
  • When is granted access to a Rec Sports facility or program, they agree to act courteously, cooperate with staff, and display positive behavior while utilizing Rec Sports facilities and/or programs

Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct

The following is prohibited

  • Use of obscenities and insulting language
  • Spitting
  • Harassment and/or hazing of other members or staff
  • Vandalism
  • Fighting
  • Verbal altercations
  • Bullying
  • Spirited competition is encouraged, but unsportsmanlike conduct and the use of profanity is discouraged.
  • Hanging on basketball rims is not permitted
  • Court 1 Basketball Challenge System
    • Pickup basketball games on Hardwood Court #1 are to be played using a challenge system.  
    • Waiting players issue a challenge to the teams that are currently playing. 
    • At the conclusion of the game being played, all players waiting will shoot for an opportunity to be on the next team. 
    • All shots will be taken from the 3-point line. 
    • The first 5 players to make their shot, will be on the challenging team. 
    • Players from the losing team are not allowed to be on the next challenging team and must sit out a minimum of one game. 
    • Games are played to 15 (by 2s and 3s) and you must win by at least 2 points. Teams winning three consecutive games must sit out a minimum of one game if other players are waiting. 
  • During Open Rec, the sport designated on the Open Rec schedule has court priority; Rec Sports staff reserves the right to stop all activity other than the designated sport
  • Any equipment or activity that is not the intended use of the space must first be approved by Rec Sports professional staff
  • Spitting or chewing gum is prohibited


EZONE Esports & Gaming

All users must sign the Use Agreement prior to participating. The agreement must be signed once per membership period or once per calendar year if a day pass is sold.    

Appropriate Use Policy

UWL Rec Sports welcomes and respects gamers of all types, from all places and backgrounds. In keeping with our inclusion statement, we are committed to equal access to our facility and programs regardless of ability, age, citizenship, economic status, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Therefore, the following policies are in place to create a welcoming, safe, and fair gaming community.

  • Act with character and courtesy while respecting the rights, welfare, and dignity of all others in the facility
  • Harassment and behaviors that create an intolerable environment such as bullying, threats of violence, stalking, or other forms of intimidation (physically or online) will not be tolerated. These include but are not limited to:
    • Spamming, raiding, hijacking, or inciting disruption of streams or social media
    • Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”)
    • Unwelcome sexual attention to include unwelcome sexualized comments, jokes, and sexual advances
    • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior
  • Refrain from excessive volume, swearing, vulgar language, acts of physical rage and offensive conduct
  • Personal gear, including peripherals, backpacks, etc. must not show discriminatory or profane decals
  • No cheating or illegal activity allowed
  • Balance gaming with other university responsibilities, including class. We want you to be a successful competitor, but not sacrifice your studies or other responsibilities
  • All UWL students are expected to comply with the UWL Student Code of Conduct
  • Users of the facility must comply with all departmental, University, UW-System, state, and federal technology use policies (i.e. no installation of programs on computers, etc.)

To report an incident, please complete the online incident report form.

Youth Policy

  • Users under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older. One adult may supervise up to 5 youth.
  • Participants under the age of 18 must have the EZONE Use Agreement signed by a parent or legal guardian unless the participants are full-time UWL Students. The agreement must be signed once per membership period or once per calendar year if a day pass is sold.

Facility Policies

  • A government issued ID is required for all non-UWL patrons over the age of 16.
  • Computers are to be used for approved gaming purposes only, unless otherwise approved by a member of the Rec Sports professional staff
  • Audiovisual equipment may be controlled by trained Rec Sports staff members only.
  • All equipment, including hardware, peripherals, furniture, etc. is not to be removed from the facility
  • No food allowed; beverages allowed in a sealed, leak-proof container only and must be placed on the floor away from computers and peripherals
  • Contact a member of the Rec Sports staff should a spill or incident occur
  • Bags and personal belongings must be stored in the lockers or outside the facility
  • Users may bring their own peripherals and gaming controllers
  • Rec Sports is not responsible for lost or stolen items
  • Users may be held responsible for damage related to their conduct (violation of these policies)

Gaming Policies

  • Unless otherwise reserved or approved by Rec Sports professional staff, gaming sessions will be capped at 90 minutes if there are others waiting to use the PCs/consoles and gaming is limited to 3 hours per user per day. Please honor and respect the time of others. 
  • No new users and no new games should be started with less than 30 minutes left in operating hours; must exit the game upon closing.
  • Log out of all game accounts before leaving your station
  • When concluding time on PCs and consoles, clean up your area and wipe down equipment with cleaning materials provided
  • Gambling of any kind is strictly prohibited on any EZONE activities
Firearms & Weapons
  • Firearms and weapons of all kinds are prohibited in all Rec Sports facilities and outdoor facilities
  • Martial arts equipment is permissible when it is used during a Rec Sports-sponsored or supervised practice or event
Fitness Equipment/Spaces
  • All equipment must be returned to the appropriate location, and all weights must be re-racked
  • All bars must remain within racks or bar holders when not in use
  • Various equipment is available for checkout at the Fitness Center desk. Personal weight lifting belts, weight training gloves, and wrist straps are permitted in the facility
  • Machines and equipment should not be moved or modified in any way and should be used for its intended purpose; do not add more than the recommended amount of weight to any piece of weight equipment
  • Safety clips/collars must be used for all free weight bars
  • Safety catches must be used on all barbell squat exercises
  • Weights should not be dropped or banged; participants are encouraged to always maintain control while exercising
  • The use of a spotter or assistance from Rec Sports staff is recommended when needed
  • Be conscious of your time on equipment during busy hours
  • Wipe down equipment after use with towel and disinfectant spray; instead of spraying equipment directly, spray directly on to the towel
  • Personal trainers who are not employed by Rec Sports are not permitted to train clients in Rec Sports facilities; we are the sole provider of individual or group training programs within Rec Sports facilities
General Facility Policies
  • Exercises and activities that may endanger you or others are strictly prohibited; we have the right to stop any activity we deem unsafe
  • We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items; all personal belongings, including backpacks and duffle bags, should be secured in a daily use or rental locker. It is strongly recommended that members do not bring valuables into Rec Sports facilities
  • Food, unless otherwise authorized, and gum is prohibited in activity spaces
  • All drinks must be in a sealed container
  • All equipment must remain in its designated location and should never leave the room it is in
  • Equipment may not be brought in from other areas (such as basketballs into racquetball courts, racquets into strength areas, etc.)
  • As a courtesy to others, please limit cell phone voice/video calls in facilities
  • The use of headphones is required for all audio output devices. The use of speakers is prohibited except in designated areas or for approved purposes
  • Distribution of marketing messages and materials within Rec Sports facilities is prohibited without explicit permission and prior approval from a professional staff member
  • Obey all posted signs, placards, and warnings
  • Follow instructions of uniformed Rec Sports personnel
Group Fitness
  • Unless otherwise communicated, a Group Fitness Membership is required to participate
  • Bring your Eagle ID with you to class
Guests & Sponsors
  • Potential guests may not solicit Rec Sports members for guest pass sponsorship
  • A sponsor must accompany their guest(s) as they enter, and remain in the facility while their guest(s) is/are in the facility, but the sponsor and guest(s) do not have to be in the same area at the same time throughout their visit unless the guest(s) is/are under 16 years of age, then they must be accompanied at all times
  • Guests are not permitted to borrow equipment. A sponsor may check out equipment for use by a guest but will be held responsible, financially or otherwise, for any damage or loss
  • Sponsors are responsible for ensuring that their guests comply with all Rec Sports policies and procedures regarding the use of Rec Sports equipment and facilities and may be held responsible, financially or otherwise, for the actions of their guests as well as for any damage or loss to equipment or facilities caused by their guest
  • Rec Sports reserves the right to revoke guest pass privileges at any time
  • Guest passes are valid only on the date of purchase and are non-transferable and non-refundable
Health & Safety
  • Injuries
    • All injuries sustained within Rec Sports facilities should be reported to Rec Sports staff
    • Anything that poses an immediate safety threat should be reported to Rec Sports staff
  • Fire Emergency
    • If a fire alarm sounds, everyone must exit the facility immediately and move at least 500 feet away from the facility
    • Falsely pulling a fire alarm is strictly prohibited and is punishable by law
    • Areas of egress must be clear, at all times, for emergency purposes due to building fire code (i.e. stretching in the hallways, taking weights from the weight room, and bouncing balls in the hallways are not permitted); in rare circumstances, activities such as these can be approved by Rec Sports professional staff members
  • Weather
    • In the case of a weather emergency, all members and guests must follow the direction of Rec Sports staff
    • No one is allowed to remain in non-shelter areas during a weather emergency
  • Video Surveillance
    • For your safety and protection, some areas of Rec Sports facilities are under 24-hour video surveillance
Intramural Sports

Participants are held accountable to the Intramural Sports Participant Handbook, general rules and activity rules.

Locker Rooms & Restrooms

We invite all members to use the locker room and restroom that is most comfortable and appropriate for them. We will not assume an individual’s gender identity and will not tolerate acts of harassment or discrimination against anyone on the basis of gender identity. Such instances will be immediately addressed by our staff.

  • Photography and videography is prohibited in locker rooms and restrooms at all times
  • Footwear is strongly recommended in locker rooms and restrooms
  • Personal items should be placed inside and locked within a locker, not placed outside
  • Lockers are for day-use only. Locks must be removed after use/nightly.
  • A full list of all gender facilities can be found here
  • Locker rental and towel service is available for a fee
Lost & Found
  • Personal items found in all facilities will be placed in the Lost & Found at that facility
    • Recreational Eagle Center: Information Counter
    • Mitchell Hall: Mitchell Hall Rec Sports Office
    • Hetzel Fieldhouse: Front Desk
  • Lost items may be held at a service area desk until end of shift. For example, a lost item in the Fitness Center may be held there until a staff member completes their shift
  • Items that will be held for 30 days
Outdoor Connection Equipment Rentals

Renter assumes total sole responsibility for the safe use and proper care/handling of the equipment and agree to pay the cost of repairs whether caused by accident, neglect, or misuse. Failure to pay the damages will result in legal action in a court of law and/or holding of official records.

There are no refunds on reserved equipment with less than three (3) days advance notice.

Potential Additional Charges

Late Fee: Renters are responsible for making arrangements to ensure that equipment is returned on time. Equipment MUST be returned to the Outdoor Connection before closing of the Recreational Eagle Center, unless special arrangements have been made. Late returns will be subject to additional rental charges equal to the daily “add a day” rate.

Damages, Repair & Cleaning: Damage, repair, and cleaning charges are based on returning the equipment in the same condition as when issued.  Normal wear and tear due to appropriate use is expected.  Charges include $15/hour labor for repair or cleaning, cost of replacement parts or materials, and any other related expenses.

Loss or Theft: Full financial responsibility will be assumed by the renter to compensate for the loss or theft of equipment. Replacement costs will be calculated using current market prices.

Outdoor Spaces
  • Fields are for use by University of Wisconsin-La Crosse students, affiliated members and authorized guests; Identification is required
  • Gum, sunflower seeds, and all other forms of food are prohibited
  • Rubber or plastic cleats are allowed
  • Penetrating the field with stakes or spikes of any kind is prohibited; tents and other equipment should be secured with water barrels or approved weights
  • Water is allowed in sealable, shatter-proof containers only; all other drinks are prohibited on the fields
  • Bicycles, scooters, and mopeds should be parked in designated areas or on sidewalks outside of activity spaces
  • Rollerblades, skates, skateboards, and motorized “hover” boards must be carried onto the field and may not be utilized or operated on the field in any capacity
  • The use of kites or motorized flying vehicles such as unmanned aircraft drones is prohibited
  • Animals are not permitted, with the exception of trained service animals
  • Return all equipment to appropriate location when use is finished
  • Alcohol, drugs, e-cigarettes and all other tobacco products are prohibited
  • Trash and recycling must be placed in appropriate containers
Photo & Video

Informal Photography & Video in Rec Sports facilities

  • Photography and videography is prohibited in restrooms, locker rooms, and the pool at all times
  • Pictures and videos taken within the facility for non-commercial, professional, or project-based purposes must not target groups or individuals without consent
  • Any abusive expression that violates the student non-academic misconduct procedures (Chapter UWS 17) will be reported accordingly and will be subject to disciplinary action or suspension by Rec Sports
  • Photographs and videos may be taken of informal recreation and programs by Rec Sports or University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Communications and/or Marketing. These photographs/videos are used for promotional purposes. Those preferring not to be photographed/filmed may notify the photographer

Commercial, Professional, or Project-Based Photography & Video in Rec Sports facilities

  • Approval by Neil Ostlund, Associate Director of Operations is required to take pictures or film in Rec Sports facilities for commercial, professional, or project-based purposes
  • No approval will be granted for photography or video in restrooms, locker rooms, or pools during building hours; special reservations outside building hours are required for photography and video in these areas
  • All subjects should provide model release consent prior to production
  • Subjects in photo/video must follow all Rec Sports policies and procedures (including dress code) unless granted written permission
  • Photoshoots or filming (including equipment) may not disrupt scheduled activities or block traffic flow in facility
  • The Rec Sports logo or insignia may not be included in photos or video unless granted written permission by Rec Sports
  • Credit should be given to the Rec Sports in post-production
  • Please check in with the Information Counter on the day of production
  • Commercial photography or filming projects must be reserved through University Communications
  • A lifeguard must be present before entering the water
  • Diving into the pool is not permitted
  • Do not enter the pool if you have a communicable disease or an open cut
  • Shower before entering the pool and after using the toilet facilities
  • Running or engaging in rough play is not permitted in the pool area
  • Proper swimwear is required
  • Glass and breakable items are prohibited in the pool area
  • Food, drink, gum, and tobacco are prohibited in the pool
  • Activity deemed unsafe by the lifeguard will be prohibited
Refunds & Payments

The Recreational Sports Department, on occasion, provides refunds for the programs and services that are offered.  To request a refund for any program offering or membership, please contact the Rec Sports Office at 608.785.5225 or  After receiving an initial request for a refund, it may take up to 3-5 business days for the request to be processed.  

For further details, please review the refund policies for each program area.

The refund policies are subject to our Terms and Conditions, and we reserve the right to modify or update them as necessary.

Climbing Wall

  • All climbing wall memberships are eligible for a full or partial refund.
    • Check/Credit Card Payments
      • A full refund is available if a request is made the same day of purchase.
      • After the first day of purchase, a pro-rated refund will be provided for the remaining time left on the membership.
    • Single day passes or guest passes are not eligible for a refund.
    • For any membership that requires purchasing a climbing wall card, the member will not receive a refund for the card.

 CPR/First Aid Courses

  • Refunds are available up to one week prior to the schedule skills session due to limited space available.
  • Schedule changes follow the same timeline as refunds. If you need to switch to a different skills session due to a change in your schedule, you have until one week prior to the scheduled skills session to request a change.
    • For extenuating circumstances, Rec Sports may allow a schedule change up to the registration deadline, however, a $10 service fee will be charged.
    • If a request is made after the registration deadline, but prior to the scheduled skills session, Rec Sports may allow a schedule change, however, the participant will be charged a $10 service fee plus 50% of the class registration fee to make the schedule change.
  • The format that we teach is a blend of online and in-person skills. Due to this, each participant must complete the online training portion prior to attending their scheduled in-person skills session.  If participants do not have this training completed, they will not be able to take part in the scheduled skills session.  Participants may request to take part in another scheduled skills session; however, the participant will be charged a $10 service fee plus 50% of the class registration fee.  No refund will be provided for the originally scheduled skills session.

Note:  All requests for skill session changes are not guaranteed as they are dependent on class availability.

EZONE Esports & Gaming

  • All EZONE memberships are eligible for a full or partial refund.
    • Check/Credit Card Payments
      • A full refund is available if a request is made the same day of purchase.
      • After the first day of purchase, a pro-rated refund will be provided for the remaining time left on the membership.
    • Single day passes are not eligible for a refund.

Group Fitness Membership

  • Semester
    • Full refunds are available if a request is made the same day of purchase.
    • After the initial purchase date, pro-rated refunds are available up to two weeks after the start of each semester (1 week after free week).
    • No refunds will be allowed if a membership is purchased after the second week of the semester.
  • Academic Year
    • Full refunds are available if a request is made the same day of purchase.
    • After the initial purchase date, pro-rated refunds are available up to two weeks after the start of the fall semester (1 week after free week).
    • If a refund is requested at the start of the spring semester, members are eligible for a refund of $25.
    • Refunds will not be allowed after the first week of the semester.
  • Single Day
    • Refunds are not available for single-day purchases.

Intramural Sports

  • Individuals and teams have up to the first day of league or tournament play to receive a full refund, minus a $0.50 processing fee to remove teams from the program.
  • After the league or tournament has started, partial refunds may be given depending on the number of games the individual or team has played.
  • For single and team leagues, no refunds will be given once league playoffs start.
  • For one-day tournaments when a fee is required, refunds will not be given once the tournament begins.
  • To request a refund for intramural sports, contact the program at or call the REC at 608.785.8698. When requesting a refund, please provide the following information:
    • Name (person who paid the registration fees)
    • UWL Student ID Number
    • Preferred Phone Number
    • Preferred Address to Receive Refund
    • Sport and Team Name
    • Reason for Requesting Refund
    • Attach a copy of your receipt or bank statement that shows the transaction.
      • Make sure this is not the confirmation email from IMLeagues.

Do not delete your team from IMLeagues prior to the refund being issued.

Outdoor Connection

  • Trips, Clinics, Special Events
    • Half-day/One-day/Weekend
      • Cancellations five days or more prior to trip departure are eligible for a full refund (to their original payment method); OR a full credit for a for a future Outdoor Connection purchase (Rec Bucks).
      • Cancellations three or four days prior to trip departure are eligible for a full credit for a future Outdoor Connection purchase (Rec Bucks).
      • Cancellations two days or less prior to trip departure are not eligible for any refunds.
    • Summer/Spring/Winter Break
      • The Outdoor Connection incurs, in advance, certain expenses related to each trip, such as contracted guides, facility reservations, and specialized equipment purchases or rental.  A 50% deposit is required prior to registration with the balance due 30 days prior to the departure date. 
      • Cancellations 45 or more days prior to trip departure will receive a full refund minus the Rec Sports $35 administrative fee.
      • Cancellations less than 45 days and up to 30 days prior to the trip departure will receive a full refund minus the 50% deposit.
      • Cancellations less than 30 days prior to the trip departure are not eligible for any refund. 
    • Rentals
      • Eligibility for Refunds: 
        • We offer refunds if the gear you rented breaks or becomes unusable due to circumstances beyond your control. This includes but is not limited to natural disasters, equipment malfunctions, or manufacturing defects. 
        • Rental reservation deposit refunds
          • Cancellations prior to five days are eligible for a full refund (to their original payment method); OR a full credit for a for a future Outdoor Connection purchase (Rec Bucks). 
          • Cancellations less than five days, the Outdoor Connection retains the full amount of the reservation
        • Reporting the Issue: 
          • If you encounter any problems with the rented gear during your rental period, please contact us immediately. It is essential to report the issue promptly so that we can assess the situation and provide appropriate assistance. 
        • Return of the Gear: 
          • You must return the damaged or unusable gear to our rental shop as soon as possible. We will evaluate the item to determine the cause of damage and confirm its eligibility for a refund. 
        • Refund Options: 
          • If the gear is deemed unusable due to factors beyond your control, we offer the following refund options: 
          • Full Refund: You will receive a full refund of the rental fee. 
          • Gear Replacement: If the same gear is available, we can offer a replacement instead of a refund.  
        • Refund Process: 
          • To initiate the refund process, please provide us with the following information: 
          • Details of the incident that caused the damage or rendered the gear unusable. 
          • Any supporting evidence, such as photographs, if available. 
        • Refund Timeframe: 
          • We will process your refund request within 7 business days upon receiving the necessary information and verifying the eligibility for a refund. Please note that it may take additional time for the refunded amount to reflect in your account, depending on your payment method. 
        • Non-Refundable Situations: 
          • Please be aware that our refund policy does not cover situations where the gear is damaged due to negligence, misuse, intentional harm, or normal wear and tear. In such cases, you may be responsible for repair or replacement costs. 

 REC Memberships

  • All purchased REC memberships are eligible for a full or partial refund.
    • Check/Credit Card Payments
      • A full refund is available if a request is made the same day of purchase.
      • After the first day of purchase, a pro-rated refund will be provided for the remaining time left on the membership.
    • Payroll Deduction
      • For faculty or staff who are paying through payroll deduction, we will complete the process to cancel future payments.
    • Single day passes or guest passes are not eligible for a refund.
    • For any membership that requires purchasing a membership card, the member will not receive a refund for the card.

Self Defense Course

  • Refunds are available up to one week prior to the start of the first class.  If a participant registers for the class after the initial refund deadline, no refunds will be given
Scooters, Skateboards & Bikes
  • E-scooters and e-skateboards are prohibited in all Rec Sports facilities and outdoor spaces
  • Riding non-electric scooters and skateboards in Rec Sports facilities and outdoor spaces is prohibited; non-electric scooters and skateboards must be carried into the facility and stored in a locker; they are not permitted in activity spaces
  • Unless otherwise authorized, bikes are prohibited in all Rec Sports facilities and outdoor spaces
  • Spectators allowed into the facility to watch an event are prohibited from using fitness equipment, entering the Fitness Center, or spectating from the track level of the facility.
Sport Clubs

Sport Club members are held accountable to the UWL Student Code of Conduct. Officers are held accountable to the Sport Club Officer Handbook.

Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs
  • Rec Sports facilities are alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free facilities; alcohol, drugs, e-cigarettes, tobacco products, and vaping devices of any kind are prohibited
  • Students, members, and guests suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be directed to exit and the UW-La Crosse Police Department will be called
  • Follow the posted direction of travel arrows for even and odd calendar days
  • Walkers and wheelchairs should use lanes 1 & 2, runners should use lanes 3 & 4
  • Look both ways before crossing the track
Use by Groups & Room Reservations
  • Room reservation policies and procedures are available on the ‘Reserve a space’ on the Rec Sports website.

Recreational Eagle Center (REC) Hours  

Regular Hours

Monday - Friday:  6am-11pm
Saturday: 10am-10pm
Sunday: 11am-10pm

Facility Schedule

View the facility schedule to see what is going on at the REC.

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Outdoor Connection (OC) Hours

Regular Hours

Monday - Friday: 12pm-6pm
Saturday:  10am-6pm
Sunday:  11am-6pm

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Fitness Center Hours

Regular Hours

Monday - Friday:  6am-10pm
Saturday: 10am-9pm
Sunday: 11am-9pm

Live Facility Counts

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Climbing Gym Hours

Regular Hours

Open Climbing
Monday - Friday:  5pm-8pm
Saturday:  3pm-6pm
Sunday:  5pm-8pm

Bouldering Only
Mon/Wed/Fri:  4pm-5pm, 8pm-9pm
Tue/Thu:  11am-1pm, 4pm-5pm, 8pm-9pm

Contact Us


EZONE Esports & Gaming Hours

Regular Hours

Monday - Friday:  3pm-11pm
Saturday: 12pm-10pm
Sunday: 12pm-10pm

Contact Us


Mitchell Hall Pool Hours

Regular Hours

Monday: 12pm-12:50pm, 8pm-10:30pm
Tuesday:  8pm-10:30pm
Wednesday:  12pm-12:50pm, 8pm-10:30pm
Thursday:  8pm-10:30pm
Friday:  12pm-12:50pm, 8pm-10pm
Saturday:  12pm-3pm
Sunday:  1pm-4pm

Contact Us


Hetzel Fieldhouse Hours

Access to the Hetzel Fieldhouse during open rec hours is restricted to those who have a current REC membership (student, faculty/staff, alumni).

Regular Open Rec Hours 
Sunday:  6pm-10pm

Second Floor Track Hours
Managed by the Athletic Department
Monday-Friday:  11am-1pm

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