Become a Group Fitness Instructor
A page within Rec Sports

Unleash you Fitness Passion at UWL!
Are you passionate about fitness? Join the vibrant community of group fitness instructors at UWL Rec Sports as we inspire others by motivating and guiding participants to achieve their fitness goals, while fostering a sense of inclusion, accomplishment, and well-being.
General Information
Role & Duties
Job Description
The role of the Group Fitness Instructor is to provide members with safe and effective instruction while promoting an inclusive culture which embraces all pursuits of wellness.
Students from all majors are encouraged to apply. This position provides numerous opportunities to gain skills that are beneficial in a variety of professions. No prior instructor experience is required.
Key Instructor Characteristics:
- Empathetic
- Passionate
- Engaging
General Duties:
- Provide class with appropriate music selection to match class type and tempo.
- Serve as a resource for accurate information related to fitness.
- Teach and demonstrate the proper use of equipment and exercise technique.
- Instruct class through effective warm-up and cool down.
- Adjust class difficulty with progressions and modifications that will challenge all fitness and ability levels.
- Provide a welcoming and inclusive environment that is focused around building community and embracing all pursuits of wellness.
Commitment & Pay
Commitment and Pay:
Expect 2-4 individual classes per semester, with the option to pick up additional classes as a substitute. Schedules are based on your availability and facility availability. Pay is based on years of experience. Starting pay: $14.50/hour, each consecutive year of experience is an additional $.25/hour.
It is the responsibility of the candidate to acquire and maintain an active certification for their respective class type.
Current Openings
Accepting applications Spring 2025 to instruct Fall 2025
- Cycle
- HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
Application Process & Requirements
- Experience as a participant (no teaching experience necessary)
- Submit employment application and four shadow evaluations by the application deadline
- Sign up and complete a certification for your respective class type offered by Rec Sports
- Attend a group tryout to demonstrate skills
- Receive employment offer if selected
Specific Position Criteria, Process & Dates
Dates & Deadlines
- Not accepting applications at this time
- Experience participating in yoga classes
- Yoga Instructor Certification (two options are available)
- 200 Hour Certification
- The gold standard in industry
- Recommended for those who prefer to teach after graduation
- Available locally at a discounted rate. Contact Tammy Zee for more information & 50% off.
- AAI/ISMA Yoga Instructor Certification
- November 1st 10:00am-6:00pm
- Location: REC Aerobics Room
- Instructor: Tammy Zee
- Fee: $99 Register
- 200 Hour Certification
How to Apply
- Submit an application and four class shadows by the application deadline. Class shadow instructions included within link.
- Become certified prior to group tryout session.
- Receive invite to group tryout session to demo skills.
Group Interview Session
- If selected, you will be invited to schedule a tryout. The tryout consists of the candidate teaching a 20 minute yoga class. Consisting of centering, breath work, three standing poses and 3 seated posses along with options for varying abilities.
Onboarding, Training & Mentoring
- If selected to be hired by Rec Sports, you will need to complete the following paid experiences before you can get on the group fitness schedule for the following semester.
- Attend new employee orientation
- Attend 2 classes at community studios and complete a shadow form for each (except if you have 200 hour)
- Partner teach 4 classes with a fellow Rec Sports instructors
- Evaluation meeting with group fitness manager.
Dates & Deadlines
- Not accepting applications at this time
- Experience participating in Zumba classes
- Licensed Zumba Instructor certification (1-day training online or off site)
- No teaching experience necessary
How to Apply
- Submit an application and four class shadows by the application deadline. Class shadow instructions included within link.
- Become certified prior to group tryout session.
- Receive invite to group tryout session to demo skills.
- Receive employment offer if selected
Group Interview Session
- If selected, you will be invited to schedule a tryout. The tryout consists of the candidate leading 3 assigned Zumba songs (10-12 minutes).
Onboarding, Training & Mentoring
- If selected to be hired by Rec Sports, you will need to complete the following paid experiences before you can get on the group fitness schedule for the following semester.
- Attend new employee orientation
- Partner teach 2 classes with fellow Rec Sports instructors
- Evaluation meeting with group fitness manager.
Spring 25 Semester Dates & Deadlines
- Friday March 28th 10:30am-6:30pm at the REC
- Rec Sports Cycle certification (Pre-Registration Required)
- Wednesday April 2nd 11:59pm.
- Employment application due
- Four class shadow forms due
- Week of April 9th at the REC
- Group tryout session (Invitation via email)
- Week of April 16th .
- Employment offers made
- Experience participating in cycle classes
- Cycle Instructor Certification (1-day training on site)
- Certification courses offered through Rec sports
- No teaching experience necessary
How to Apply
- Submit an application and four class shadows by the application deadline. Class shadow instructions included within link.
- Become certified prior to group tryout session.
- Receive invite to group tryout session to demo skills.
- Receive employment offer if selected
Group Interview Session
- If selected, you will be invited to schedule a tryout. The tryout consists of the applicant teaching a 15-minute cycle workout which must include a warm-up, climb, sprint, jumps and a cooldown. You will be evaluated on your cuing, execution and enthusiasm
Onboarding, Training & Mentoring
- If selected to be hired by Rec Sports, you will need to complete the following paid experiences before you can get on the group fitness schedule for the following semester.
- Attend new employee orientation
- Partner teach 4 classes with fellow Rec Sports instructors
- Evaluation meeting with group fitness manager.
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
Spring 25 Semester Dates & Deadlines
- Friday April 11th 10:30am-6:30pm at the REC
- Rec Sports HIIT certification (Pre-Registration Required)
- Wednesday April 16th 11:59pm.
- Employment application due
- Four class shadow forms due
- Week of April 23rd at the REC
- Group tryout session (Invitation via email )
- Week of April 23rd.
- Employment offers made
HIIT Prerequisites
- Experience participating in HIIT style classes
- Instructor Certification (1-day training on site)
- Certification courses offered through Rec sports to include either
- Cross/HIIT/Tabata Certification
- Primary Aerobic/ Group Fitness Certification
- Certification courses offered through Rec sports to include either
- No teaching experience necessary
How to Apply
- Submit an application and four class shadows by the application deadline. Class shadow instructions included within link.
- Become certified prior to group tryout session.
- Receive invite to group tryout session to demo skills.
- Receive employment offer if selected
Group Interview Session
- If selected, you will be invited to schedule a tryout. The tryout consists of the applicant teaching for 15-minutes to include warm-up, tabatas and strength/core exercises. You will be evaluated on your cuing, execution and enthusiasm.
Onboarding, Training & Mentoring
- If selected to be hired by Rec Sports, you will need to complete the following paid experiences before you can get on the group fitness schedule for the following semester.
- Attend new employee orientation
- Partner teach 4 classes with fellow Rec Sports instructors
- Evaluation meeting with group fitness manager.
Dates & Deadlines
- Not accepting applications at this time
Pilates Prerequisites
- Experience participating in Pilates style classes
- Instructor Certification (1-day training on site)
- Certification courses offered through Rec sports
- No teaching experience necessary
How to Apply
- Submit an application and four class shadows by the application deadline. Class shadow instructions included within link.
- Become certified prior to group tryout session.
- Receive invite to group tryout session to demo skills.
- Receive employment offer if selected
Group Interview Session
- If selected, you will be invited to schedule a tryout. The tryout consists of the applicant teaching a 15-minutes Pilates class which must include extension, flexion, rotation and various exercises. You will be evaluated on your cuing, execut9ion and enthusiasm.
Onboarding, Training & Mentoring
- If selected to be hired by Rec Sports, you will need to complete the following paid experiences before you can get on the group fitness schedule for the following semester.
- Attend new employee orientation
- Partner teach 4 classes with fellow Rec Sports instructors
- Evaluation meeting with group fitness manager.
Apply Here
Be sure to reference the specific position criteria and deadlines located above with which you are applying for. Shortly after submission of your application you will be contacted via email with further information and instructions.