Club Officer & Member Resources
A page within Rec Sports
Club Officer Resources
Other Club Resources and Links:
- Artwork Approval and Fundraising forms now found in your MyOrgs page!
- Go to your club page
- Select "manage organization"
- Click on the three lines next to your club name
- Select "Events"
- Select "+Create Event"
- Fill out appropriate information for your event
- General
- Money
- Post-Season Travel Grant Application
- Link to Business Services SFO Website
- SFO Account Authorization Form via DocuSign
- SFO Check Requisition via DocuSign
- SFO Electronic Deposit Info (Venmo)
- SFO Deposit Form
- SFO Cash Handling Training (pdf, then complete Qualtrics)
- Budget Reallocation Request (Rec account)
- Obtaining an EIN
Coach Resources
- 2024-2025 Coach Agreement Form (Due Prior to Club Involvement)
Individual Club Member Resources
- Required paperwork (location of form)
- Complete prior to ANY sport club participation
- Risk and Liability Waiver (IMLeagues)
- Concussion Form (IMLeagues)
- Complete within one week of club participation, OR before competing with the club, whichever is sooner
- Medical History Form (IMLeagues)
- ImPACT Concussion Baseline Test (IMLeagues, complete ImPACT test AND IMLeagues form)
- Complete prior to ANY sport club participation
- Resources/optional forms
- Driver Authorization Form
- Any club member or coach driving for sport club events MUST complete this form by the Monday at 12:00 pm (noon) prior to driving for a club event
- Archery Pod Use Form
- Only for Archery club members storing equipment in team storage at the REC
- Driver Authorization Form
Safety & Risk Management/Athletic Training Resources
- Emergency Action Plans (for on-campus venues/facilities only)
- Injury/Emergency Report Form
- Concussion Information Handout
- First Aid Kit Supply List
Travel: What Needs To Be Done Before/After You Can Travel Off Campus?
Before traveling:
- Anyone driving to a club event needs to complete the Driver Authorization Form
- Due Monday at 12 pm (noon) before departing for the trip
- This form is completed ONCE per person
- Complete the pre-travel form in IMLeagues
- Due Monday at 12 pm (noon), the week of departure
- This form is completed by one club officer for EVERY away competition
- Manage school commitments. Excusing absences is at the discretion of each instructor and should be formally requested. The competitive sports coordinator can provide verification of team travel dates to instructors if needed. Request must be made 14 days before departure.
- Determine proper funding source and payment method.
- If using Rec Account/University funding, send the invoice to the competitive sports coordinator at least 14 days before the registration deadline. The earlier the better!
- If using the club's Student Faculty Organization (SFO) account, the funding request form requires the competitive sports coordinator's signature for approval.
While traveling:
- Keep club social media page current, so updates can be shared on the UWL Rec Sports Facebook and Instagram pages!
- Think you might need a reimbursement? If a club opts to reimburse individuals for approved expenses (ie. gas during travel) receipts are required. Gas reimbursements require an initial receipt showing that the car was filled up with gas before departure from La Crosse (this receipt is not reimbursed) and all subsequent gas receipts for the trip.
- No receipts = no reimbursement.
- Travel related reimbursements can only be processed after the trip.
- Issues while traveling: in the unfortunate circumstance that a club is involved in any incident or accident while traveling and representing UWL, the competitive sports coordinator must be contacted as soon as possible.
- Submit an injury/emergency report ASAP for all injuries, suspected concussions, and medical emergencies that occur during travel
After traveling:
- Complete post-travel form in IMLeagues
- ASAP upon return, no later than 24 hours from the return to La Crosse
- This form is completed by one club officer for EVERY away competition
- Turn in receipts and reimbursement requests to competitive sports coordinator (submitted within 30 days of purchase)