A page within Reservations
A-1 Policy Authority
The authority, purpose, priorities, and limitations associated with the use of university facilities by university or non-university groups or individuals are established in the following Wisconsin codes and statutes:
- Wisconsin Administrative Code UWS Chapter 18
- Wisconsin Administrative Code UWS Chapter 21
- Wisconsin Statute 11.36(3) and (4)
- Wisconsin Statute 16.845
These documents describe in detail the terms and conditions for using university facilities and provide the necessary context for the UW-La Crosse policy on facility and grounds use.
A-2 Definitions
- Classrooms: All spaces, including general and computer labs, which are utilized for academic instruction.
- Customer Categories: The categories that define which fees apply to a specific group.
- Special Event: Typically larger events requiring coordination for a variety of logistical needs which may include but are not limited to: catering, extensive use of facilities/grounds, parking requirements, technology/production.
- Fee – Equipment: Fees assigned to particular user groups when equipment used is not a part of the facility rental fee.
- Fee – Facility Rental: Facility/room fees for customer categories A2 and B.
- Fee – Incidental: Fees that may include but are not limited to: regular and overtime labor; equipment transportation; loss or damage to equipment, facilities, furniture, grounds; excessive cleaning and/or waste removal; extraordinary setups, unexpected room resetting, significant last-minute setup changes, and failure to cancel rooms requiring setups.
- Reservation Contact: A group’s designated contact is charged with the responsibility of communicating the following information:
- Event and reservation times
- The nature of the planned activities
- Setup needs
- Services to be utilized
- Audiovisual needs
- Identifying the day-of-reservation contact, if different
- Timely cancellations
- Reservations Authority/Manager: The office or department charged with the responsibility of reserving specific facilities while adhering to the UW-La Crosse Facility/Grounds Use & Reservations Policies. Managers are responsible for coordinating reservations, assisting with necessary logistics, and billing information/invoicing. In addition, all facility & grounds use must be documented in the scheduling and reservations databases.
- Reserving: The process of creating reservations for meetings, lectures, banquets, conferences, review sessions, etc.
- RSO: Officially recognized UW-L student organization.
- Scheduling (classroom): The process of creating and modifying the University class schedule.
- Sponsored Reservation: In order for a reservation to be considered University sponsored, the sponsoring University RSO, administrative or academic unit must meet the following conditions:
- The event is a clear extension of the University/office/departmental/organizational mission.
- The University sponsor is the UW-La Crosse office/department/organization responsible for making the reservation, planning, implementing, and actively overseeing the event.
- The University office/department/organization agrees to be responsible for paying all fees.
***If any of these conditions are not met, the reservation will fall into customer category B, along with the associated fees***
B-1 Catering
By contract, the University Food Service is the campus-wide sole source and supplier of food and beverage service for all events, activities, and hospitality needs. Any exemption to this must be requested through the University Centers Director.
Order Timelines: For small events, orders must be placed a minimum of five business days before the event date. For larger events, or events that have very unique needs, orders should be placed a minimum of ten business days before the event date.
Service Locations: Catering is not allowed in classrooms due to class timing, custodial resources, setup, tear down and cleanup times.
Catering service is available at the following locations:
The Student Union-All event and meeting rooms
Centennial Hall
- Hall of Nations
- Conference Room 3100
- Classroom 3214*
*Limited menu catering is allowed in meeting room 3214. Limitations apply based on the class schedule and the times needed to do the catering setup.
Center for the Arts-Main Lobby – Reception catering
Cleary Center
Mitchell Hall – By special permission
Murphy Library – Room 150 and 153
Office/Departmental Internal Spaces
Outdoor Locations-Space must be reserved & may need to be located next to power.
Recreational Eagle Center – By special permission
Residence Halls-Lower levels, conference rooms, and meeting rooms.
Veterans’ Memorial Field Sports Complex
Wing-Limited menu catering is allowed in the following rooms: 23, 24, 31, 102, 104, 126, 161
B-2 Alcohol
Alcoholic Beverage Policy
(a)General Provisions
- The administration of these guidelines shall be the primary responsibility of the Director of University Centers.
- The University Food Service is the sole vendor of alcoholic beverages on campus. As such, they will provide all necessary qualified personnel for dispensing beverages, checking patron identifications, and clean-up.
- Alcoholic beverage service is available only to UW-L students, staff, faculty, and their invited guests and non-University groups during their scheduled conferences and meetings held on campus. Persons not of legal drinking age within the State of Wisconsin will not be served.
- Catered alcoholic beverage service shall be limited to four hours duration per event unless special approval is received from the Director of University Centers.
- Identification will be checked by University Food Service personnel at the point of sale and may be checked again at any time.
- Alcoholic beverages will not be sold at any event in order that the proceeds will be used to make a profit or to raise funds for any purpose. However, if alcoholic beverages shall be served, donated, or sold at a reduced rate by a distributor as a donation to a philanthropy, the University Food Service will sell the beverage at the contract rate, subtract expenses from revenue, and issue a check for the difference made payable directly to the philanthropy. A check will not be issued to the sponsoring organization.
- All alcoholic beverages shall be served on a cash-by-the-drink basis at the established prices. Under no circumstances will the prices be reduced for any reason. However, wine by the bottle with a banquet meal and alcohol punch by the gallon may be furnished upon special approval of the Director of University Centers.
- Additional non-alcohol beverages and snacks, purchased by the customer, must be made available at all times when alcoholic beverages are served.
- Those requesting alcoholic beverage service must submit an alcohol approval form to the Catering Director five (5) working days in advance of the event. The request for service should also be made a minimum of five working days in advance with the Catering office.
- Student activity fees may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
- It is the responsibility of the sponsoring group to assure appropriate behavior is exhibited.
Alcohol service is only allowed in the same areas outlined in B-1 for catering services.
B-3 Student organization & departmental self-catering
University students, faculty, and staff may submit a self-catering request form for up to a $100 value with the following conditions:
- Only snack foods are allowed (cookies, chips, baked goods, fruits/vegetables, soda, coffee in a carafe, etc.)
- No outside vendor products can be brought/ordered (Subway, Toppers, etc...)
- For safety reasons, no food that requires heating/cooling can be brought in (mayonnaise based salads, sloppy joes, etc.)
- No electrical appliances may be brought in (crock pot, coffee maker, etc.)
- Self-catering may not be utilized in conjunction with University provided catering.
C-1 Animals
(a) The presence of dogs, cats, and other pets is prohibited in all university buildings and in arboretums at all times except as authorized by the chief administrative officer. The chief administrative officer may also prohibit the presence of dogs, cats, and other pets on other designated university lands.
(b) The presence of dogs, cats and other pets is prohibited on all university lands not described in par. (a) unless the animal is on a leash which is physically controlled by the individual responsible for the animal, except as authorized by the chief administrative officer.
(c) Program Revenue Buildings: The University allows access for animals on campus for educational purposes. Access for animals will be at the discretion of building directors. Educational purposes include instruction related to the animals as well as designated comfort animals which may assist students with high stress times. Emotional support animals are approved to be in Residence Halls. Programs using emotional support animals must be pre-approved by the building director. All animals brought on campus must have vaccine documentation and be in good health.
(d) The chief administrative officer may not grant the exceptions allowed under par. (a) and (b) in any outdoor area where food is being served or where animals are otherwise prohibited by signage.
(e) This section does not apply to police and service animals when those animals are working.
C-2 Cancellations
A group’s reservation contact is the only person who is allowed to cancel a reservation. The reservation contact must contact the person/office who created the reservation to officially cancel, preferably via email.
Late Cancellation (within 1 business day of the event): User groups A2 and B will still be responsible for facilities, overhead, and incidental fees. User group A1 may be responsible for incidental fees.
No-Show: User groups A2 and B will be responsible for paying 100% of the associated fees. User group A1 will be responsible for paying 100% of the incidental fees (typically setup fees).
Recurring No-Show: For any group, office, or department with a pattern of not utilizing reserved facilities, remaining bookings may be cancelled. In extreme cases, reservation privileges may be lost.
C-3 Candles
Only LED candles are allowed inside of University facilities.
Candles with drip catchers are allowed for candlelight vigils in specific outdoor locations. Candles must be disposed of properly, and any costs associated with wax cleanup will be billed to the sponsoring group.
C-4 Cleanup
All materials brought in for an event (decorations, boxes, handouts, props, etc.) must be taken down and removed from the facility by the end of the reservation time. Unless special permission for extended storage has been granted ahead of time, incidental cleanup fees will apply for materials left behind.
C-5 Damages
Costs associated with repairing or replacing any damage to facilities, grounds, or equipment will be billed to the person or group who made the reservation.
C-6 Decorations
Program Revenue buildings are managed by the building directors in consultation with University Facilities.
Decorations and displays must be approved by either the building director or University Reservations. Incidental fees will apply if any cleaning or repair is necessary following an event.
Taping, screwing, stapling, sewing, or otherwise fastening things to walls, doors, ceilings, curtains, windows, tables, stages, etc. is not allowed. Nothing is allowed that will damage or leave tape/residue on the finish of a room, furniture or equipment. Residence Halls have a more specific set of policies that apply which offer exceptions to this policy.
Due to difficulty in cleaning/extracting from furniture and carpets, glitter and confetti are not allowed. If a group does use glitter, they will be charged for cleaning time.
Before embarking on the process of creating decorations, theatrical sets, and other items that utilize paints, dyes, toxic markers, glitter, cutting tools, etc., a plan must be submitted to the University Reservations office. All limitations imposed by the reservations manager must be followed. Any cleaning, repair or replacement necessary because of the activity will be billed to the responsible group.
C-7 Film/Movie - Public Exhibition
In compliance with the Federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code), anyone wishing to exhibit a film in a space reserved through University Reservations must produce documentation that a public performance license has been obtained. A tentative reservation may be made, but the event/reservation will not be confirmed until University Reservations receives approval notification from the administrative authority. The public performance for film showing rules and contact information for getting the rights to show can be found here: UWL Film Copyright Information
C-8 Parking
Requests for event parking should go through UW-La Crosse Parking Services.
C-9 Posting Signage
Affixing information/ directional signs on entrance doors, windows, walls, etc. is not allowed. Some facilities may have easels and sign holders to assist with informational signage. Self-standing signs, placed out of the way of walking traffic, may be allowed. Please check with the reservations manager to discuss possible options.
C-10 Academic Classrooms Room Setup
Academic buildings/classrooms
Rooms must be used as they are set for classroom use. The only exception to this is room 3214 in Centennial Hall. Additional furniture is not available in any academic building. Furniture should not be rearranged or moved to a different location.
C-11 Smoking
Smoking of any material is prohibited in all buildings, facilities, and vehicles owned, operated, or leased by the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. In addition, no person may smoke in any location that is 25 feet or less from a university building or facility area. Smoking includes the burning of any type of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, or any other smoking equipment or the use of electronic smoking device including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, or pipe.
C-12 Solicitation
Per UWS 18.11(8), No person may sell, peddle or solicit for the sale of goods, services, or contributions. However, within certain limitations, specific designated spaces are available for a fee for these purposes through the University Reservations Office.
D-1 Access/Reservations
A reservation must be made for any planned event or activity on University grounds. Events that have gone through the proper reservation process take precedence over any spontaneous use.
All activities or events must be conducted in such a manner that campus pedestrian, bicycle, and automobile traffic are not unreasonably impeded, and members of the University community who are not participating in the activity or event may proceed with their normal activity.
D-2 Camping
No form of overnight sleeping or camping is allowed. Any exception to this must be requested through University Police.
D-3 Chalking
Spray chalk is not allowed.
The only allowable place to utilize stick chalk is on sidewalks, but it may not be used in areas under overhangs. It must only be used in places where rain would wash it away.
D-4 Cleanup
Sponsoring organizations are accountable for the cleanliness of all reserved spaces following their use. Groups will be billed for cleanup that they do not adequately complete themselves and such other University services as may be required because of the activity of the sponsoring organization.
D-5 Digging
No digging is allowed on any of the University grounds.
D-6 Displays
Small scale display tables may be requested three days in advance. Individuals or groups wishing to use outdoor facilities shall request such use with the University Reservations Office no less than two weeks in advance of the event.
D-7 Fires
Burning of any type is not allowed on University grounds except when University Police permission has been granted through a burning permit. Residence hall students and staff, in addition to University Dining, may utilize gas or charcoal grills in designated areas. The gas fire pit at the student union is also exempted.
D-8 Limitations
Due to weather considerations, outdoor events on the grounds and display tables at the clock tower are not allowed from November 1st through the week of Spring Break. Weather permitting, events and displays may resume the Monday following Spring Break.
The University reserves the right to cancel reservations based on the weather and condition of the grounds. Any activity which might cause damage to the turf may have to be rescheduled or cancelled.
D-9 PA/amplification/noise
All requests for outdoor use of amplifying and public address systems must go through the University Reservations Office. Each request will be considered on an individual basis. Use will be restricted when adjacent instructional/office facilities would be disrupted.
Appropriate equipment, location and sound pressure levels fall under the direction of the University Reservations Office. Any activities with the potential for causing disruption to instructional activity due to noise will not be allowed.
An exemption exists for Residence Life programs in and around the residence halls.
Any event which may affect the community adjacent to UWL is subject to the City of La Crosse Municipal Code Sec.32-134, 135, and 137
D-10 Paint
Paint ball, color runs, paint parties, and other paint related activities are not allowed out of concern for the grounds and facilities.
D-11 Services
Any request for services such as staging, chairs, tables, power, water, etc. must be done far enough in advance to determine the feasibility and associated costs. After reserving a location, the customer must initiate a work order request through the Landscape Service Department.
D-12 Signs – Directional
For large events with a significant number of guests, a plan for directional signage must be discussed with the University Reservations Office.
D-13 Signs – Publicity
Event and other publicity signage is not allowed adjacent to academic buildings or on University grounds. Check with the University Reservations Office for requests in non-academic buildings.
D-14 Slacklining & Hammocks
University grounds may not be used for slacklining activities.
Hammocks are permissible, but must be appended to a tree that is no less than 8” in diameter and may not be hung more than a minimal height from the ground. Light poles may not be used. This will be enforced by University Police.
D-15 Structures
No person may place or erect any facility or structure upon university lands unless authorized by the chief administrative officer.
D-16 Tailgating
Specific policies related to tailgating can be found here.
D-17 Tents & Stakes
Stakes or posts may not be driven into the ground using a hammer, mallet, post driver or any other mechanical means unless coordinated and approved by Facilities Management. Due to the extensive network of power, networking, gas and water infrastructure underground, all requests for utilizing tents/stakes or other related setups must be done a minimum of two weeks in advance through the University Landscape Services Supervisor.
D-18 Vehicles
Vehicles are not allowed on pedestrian walkways or roads closed to through traffic. Any exception to this must be approved by Parking Services or through University Police. Vehicles may not drive on the grass at any time. Damage to irrigation systems will be billed to the sponsoring group.
E-1 Event approval
The University Risk Management Office must be consulted when an event or activity may have special financial or safety risks. The University Reservations Office will work with customers to establish when this is appropriate.
E-2 Event Insurance
Depending on the nature of the event, appropriate insurance coverage, as determined by the University Risk Management Office, may need to be purchased. Proof of the required coverage naming UW-La Crosse as an insured party must be provided.
E-3 External customers
Before a confirmation can be finalized for external customers, they must agree to the conditions in the Facility Use Waiver by signing the form and returning it to the University Reservations Office at least two weeks before the event.
In addition, insurance coverage, as outlined in E-2 may be required. Fundraising for political purposes is not allowed per WI State Statute, Chapter 11.36:
WI State statute Chapter 11.36 (3) Political Solicitation involving public officials…(3) Every person who has charge or control in a building, office or room occupied for any purpose by this state…shall prohibit the entry of any person into that building, office or room for the purpose of making or receiving a contribution.
F-1 Federal, State and Local Government Events
Public open forums & listening sessions:
Representatives currently in office may utilize University facilities for open forums and listening sessions.
There is no cost for facilities or equipment, but incidental fees will be assessed.
Campaigning is not allowed during events under this heading.
F-2 Campaigning
The use of University facilities by a candidate, or a high profile person speaking or performing on behalf of a candidate or party, for a political campaign event is based on Wis. Admin. Code Chapter UWS 21. Under this section, the use of University facilities by any person or organization not associated with UW-La Crosse is permitted only under these circumstances:
- The event can not detract from the mission of the institution and/or interfere with the use of the UW facilities by campus groups.
- Any related fees are the responsibility of the candidate and must be paid in advance of the event unless waived by the Chief Administrative Officer.
- Must be sponsored by a recognized student organization.
- Fundraising is not allowed.
F-3 Debates
The event must be free and open to everyone with no restrictions.
An appropriate venue must be available to meet the probable size of the crowd.
The sponsor is responsible for crowd management.
Costs related to production, staffing, or other needs are the responsibility of the sponsor.
F-4 Fundraising
Fundraising for political purposes is not allowed per WI State Statute, Chapter 11.36: WI State statute Chapter 11.36 Political Solicitation involving public officials
(3) Every person who has charge or control in a building, office or room occupied for any purpose by this state…shall prohibit the entry of any person into that building, office or room for the purpose of making or receiving a contribution.
G-1 Facilities & grounds
G-2 Incidental
Incidental fees apply to all customer categories on a case by case basis. Fees in this category may include but are not limited to:
- Extending beyond a building’s normal hours of operation
- Regular and overtime labor
- Equipment rental and/or transportation
- Loss of or damage to equipment, facilities, furniture, or grounds
- Extraordinary cleaning and/or waste removal
- Extraordinary setups, unexpected room resetting, significant last-minute setup changes, and failure to cancel rooms requiring setups.
H-1 Reservations deadlines
Reservations should be requested before 3pm the business day before the meeting/event and will be confirmed based on availability. Although later reservations cannot be guaranteed, requests for unforeseen meetings within the regular operating hours of the building, and involving no catering or set-up, will be provided when possible.
Late requests must be made by calling the University Reservations Office.
H-2 Customer Categories
The University Reservations Office reserves the right to determine the event customer category based on the details provided by the requesting party.
Rate Categories
Related Policies and Requirements
First Priority | No fees for space or standard equipment
Meetings and events that meet all of the criteria below will not be charged for space or standard equipment. Additional fees may be applied for special equipment, select staff hours, parking, extraordinary custodial services, and grounds/trades chargebacks.
- Event Origin: Event is developed and requested by a UWL department or student organization.
- Audience: UWL community is the target audience.
- Revenue: Event does not generate revenue
- Partnership: Event is not planned or supported through a partnership with a non-university organization(s).
Second Priority | University Rate | Fees apply to space
Meetings and events that meet any of the criteria below will be charged at a 50% facility rental rate. Space rental includes setup/teardown; in-house event furniture; and any AV systems permanently installed in the space. Additional fees will be applied for special equipment, select staff hours, parking, extraordinary custodial services, and grounds/trades chargebacks.
- Event Origin: Event is primarily developed by an external group, and space is requested by a UWL department or student organization on behalf of an external group.
- Audience: UWL Community is not the primary target audience.
- Revenue: Event generates revenue (ticket sales, conference fees, etc.)
Event Planning & Execution Requirements: The following criteria are in place to ensure that the University Rate is applied fairly to all. If the following criteria are not met, the event category reverts to the Standard Rate, billed to the University department/organization.
- UWL representative must request the space.
- UWL representative must serve as the primary contact/planner for all event-related details for the duration of the planning process. This includes Facility Use Agreements, proof of insurance, and Youth Protection procedures with the external partner.
- UWL department pays for space and equipment rental fees using their departmental account.
- UWL department representative(s) must be active at the event.
University departments and student organizations may not use their privilege to access space or equipment for non-university organizations or commercial entities in order to avoid fees or receive reduced fees. Instances of fronting for non-university organizations or commercial entities will result in an adjustment of all fees to the standard rate.
External Customers | Standard Rate
The meeting or event is an initiated by a private company, nonprofit organization or individual. All standard rates apply for facilities, equipment, staffing, parking, etc.
H-3 Reservations management
The University Reservations Office will determine appropriate facility utilization along with any limitations based on the following:
- Expected attendance, crowd management, and safety/liability issues
- Scope of setup needs
- Catering Needs
- Timing and duration of event
- Timing of the request
- Customer priority ranking of the proposed facility space
H-4 Academic scheduling
All class scheduling will follow the process set forth by the Records & Registration Office. Records & Registration has priority classroom rights for academic spaces through the first week of the semester.
Academic courses, exams, review sessions, and other activities that are part of a curriculum must be scheduled in GPR classroom facilities. Any special request to schedule a class in a PR facility (Student Union, REC, etc.) would have to be approved by the facility director, and standard room rental rates would apply.
Records & Registration |
University Reservations Office |
Initial class scheduling |
X |
All classroom scheduling changes |
X |
Final exam changes (changing or adding) Requires approval by the Provost’s Office |
X |
Computer Classrooms |
X(academic) |
x (other events) |
Reservations for events, meetings, review sessions, thesis presentations, etc.# |
X |
# Classroom scheduling takes precedence through the 1st week of classes for each semester.
H-5 Event reservations
The following table lists the offices responsible for reservations:
Facility |
Reservations Contact |
Academic Building Standard Classrooms |
Scheduling for credit instruction is coordinated by the Registrar’s Office. All other reservations coordinated by University Reservations |
Academic Building Classrooms: Computer |
Registrar’s Office for instructional purposes University Reservations for all other purposes |
Academic Building Classrooms: Distance Education (Wing 24, 31, 102, 104) |
Art Gallery
Music Department for departmental reservations University Reservations for non-departmental use. |
Cleary Alumni & Friends Center |
University Reservations
Conference Rooms (non-departmental) |
University Reservations
Frederick Theater |
Music Department for departmental reservations
University Reservations for non-departmental use. |
Intramural/Practice Fields & Tennis Courts |
Athletics |
Laboratories |
Departmental Offices |
Mitchell Hall: Fieldhouse, Gym, Dance Studio, Pool, Wrestling Room |
Athletics |
Murphy Library: Institute for Campus Excellence (ICE) Rooms 150 & 153 |
University Reservations |
Murphy Library: Smartboard Rm, Seminar Rm, Library Instruction |
Library |
Outdoor Spaces (Clocktower, U Lawn, Coate Field, Drake Field, Wittich Field) |
University Reservations |
Parking Facilities |
University Parking Manager |
REC – Recreational Eagle Center |
Rec. Sports Director |
Residence Hall Facilities |
Residence Life Office |
Student Union |
University Reservations |
H-6 Facility-specific policies
Academic Facilities:
Conference Rooms -Conference rooms within academic buildings are not available for class scheduling.
Alternate Final Exam Scheduling -All requests to alter a scheduled final exam time must first be approved through the Provost’s Office. After the Provost has approved it, the request can be submitted to the Records and Registration Office.
Room Setup -Except for 3214 Centennial Hall, all furniture should be left in place.
Timing of Reservation Requests - Reservations should be requested no later than 3pm the business day before the meeting/event and will be confirmed based on availability. Although later reservations cannot be guaranteed, requests for unforeseen meetings within the regular operating hours of the building, and involving no catering or set-up, will be considered if possible. Late requests should be made by calling the reservations office.
Reservable Hours -Reservations start 30 minutes after building opens and end 30 minutes before building close.
Extending Beyond Scheduled Hours of Operation- Events and meetings in academic buildings should take place during normal operating hours. Exceptions may be granted with the following conditions:
- Requests must be made a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the event date.
- In addition to custodial overtime fees for staffing during the event, fees may be included for cleaning and resetting of rooms.
Specific fees will vary depending on the spaces used, the condition of the rooms at the end of the event, and the timing of academic needs for the space.
Labs -General Academic departments have control over laboratory classrooms for safety and to protect their investment in the equipment. All requests to use labs must go through the specific department of the requested lab.
Theaters -
- Toland: Due to the significant use of Toland Theater by Theatre Arts, it is not available for general use.
- Frederick: Available when not needed for Theater Department use. Access depends on availability of staff. Arrangements are made through University Reservations.
- Annett: Available when not needed for Music Department use. Access depends on availability of staff. Arrangements are made through University Reservations for non-departmental use.
Centennial Hall
Catering spaces - Rooms available for catering service include: Hall of Nations, Conference Room 3100, and Classroom 3214.
Hall of Nations – The Office of International Education has first right to reservations for the following academic year through the Friday of Spring Break of the prior academic year.
Not available for regular student org meetings.
Cleary Center
Availability: Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm
The UW-L Foundation, Alumni, and Admissions Offices have first priority in reserving Cleary Center spaces. Cleary is open to all other UW-L departmental groups for University related events. The building is not available for non-UW-L sponsored events.
All reservations should be made at least five business days in advance of the function.
Due to limited staffing, all setup details need to be finalized a minimum of 3 business days prior to the event.
Staff will not be available for day-of setup changes/additions.
Normally only one event is allowed in each room per day. Multiple events may be allowed in certain circumstances, but a secondary reservation must accept the original setup, that the room will not be cleaned, and time must be allowed to clear catering, etc.
Room Setup Limits:
- Great Hall – 120 Banquet, 260 Theater, 48 Conference
- Allen – 48 Banquet, 56 Theater, 32 Conference
University Reservations reserves the right to set limits on the number of participants allowed and setup configurations based on fire safety/egress.
These spaces are for Student Orgs and University business/events. Outside groups cannot reserve tabling space here.
- Nothing can be posted on or leaned against the Clocktower, fences, or light posts.
- There always must be space for emergency or university vehicles to be able to navigate through the area quickly and easily.
- Permission is required if you choose to give out food or beverages
Coate & Drake Fields
Residence Life has first priority for reserving these spaces. Other groups may reserve the space up to six weeks prior to their event. Groups hosting large scale events that require contractual obligations or complicated logistics may make a special request up to six months before the event date.
The Residence Life Office has the right to refuse any event request that may damage the grounds or irrigation system. They also reserve the right to ask a group to reschedule an event if the planned activity could cause damage due to weather and field conditions. Any damage to the grounds or irrigation system will be charged back to the reserving group.
Residence Life Meeting & Conference Rooms
Requests for use of Residence Life classrooms and conference rooms must be requested through the Director of Residence Life.
Student Union:
Reservable Hours -Reservations start 30 minutes after building opens and end 30 minutes before building close.
Display Table Reservations for:
University Groups
- Groups may reserve one table per building per day for up to three (3) days per week.
- Time limit is four (4) hours.
- No posting is allowed on windows, doors, or walls.
- The display/standing area may not extend into the walkway or into an adjacent tables area.
- The assigned table must remain in its location.
- Tables must be staffed at all times during the reservation period.
- University group sponsorship of a non-university customer must be approved by a full-time University Reservations staff member prior to making the reservation request. A student organization representative must arrange the reservation, be present during the span of the reservation, and be responsible for any charges
Non-University Groups
- Non-University groups may reserve one table per building per day for up to two (2) days per week.
- The University Reservations Office reserves the right to reject reservation requests for products or services considered inappropriate for the setting (related to alcohol or tobacco, for example).
- Cost is $75 per table each day for up to 8 hours, or $50 per table each day for up to four (4) hours. There is no discount for multiple day bookings.
- The assigned table must remain in its location.
- Tables must be staffed at all times during the reservation period.
- No posting is allowed on windows, doors, or walls.
- The display/standing area may not extend into the walkway or into an adjacent tables area.
Timing of Reservation Requests – Rooms that require setup must be reserved two business days in advance of the requested date.
Rooms that do not require setup should be requested no later than the business day before the event, by 3pm.
Room Setup - Moving Furniture/Additional Furniture
Furniture may not be moved from one space or room to another. If you are concerned about your event and facility room capacity, please discuss with the University Reservations Office ahead of time.
Incidental Fees - May be charged for the following reasons:
- Moving furniture from other locations
- Requesting setup changes once the room has been set
- Damaging the floor/walls from moving furniture
- Taking apart fixed setup rooms
- Not cancelling a reservation that requires personnel setup time
Fixed Setup Rooms-Rooms with fixed furniture arrangements should not be rearranged. All of these rooms are reserved with the assumption that they will be left in this fixed position.
Flexible Setup Rooms -Check with the facility reservations manager to determine available setup options. Please allow for a minimum of three business days for smaller setups/changes and two weeks for large/complicated setups. Late requests for a new reservation or to change an agreed upon setup may not be possible. If possible, incidental fees will be assessed.
H-7 Priority for Reservations & Scheduling
UW-La Crosse facilities (including buildings, adjacent grounds, and parking lots) are considered a resource of the University.
Academic facilities are primarily intended to support continuing programs of instruction, research and diversified service to enrolled students. They are not owned by individual departments or campus units but by the state of Wisconsin and are operated and maintained by the University’s Office of Facility Planning & Management, under the direction of the Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance.
UW-La Crosse facilities shall be scheduled and managed in such a way as to maximize utilization for both instructional programs and other University mission-related events.
The priorities for use of UW-La Crosse facilities vary according to the type of facility, and the University has established the following hierarchy of priorities. The listing under each facility indicates the priority given to the activity or user group where possible. However, annual and long term commitments, by their nature, may preempt the strict priorities. Requests for an exemption from these established priorities need to be directed to the University Reservations Office who will consult with the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.
Auditoriums and Theatres
Frederick Theatre
- Theatre Arts School of Arts and Communication
- All other UW-L departments and recognized organizations
- Customer Category B
Annett Recital Hall
- Music Department, faculty rehearsals, concerts and events
- Rehearsals/concerts scheduled by music major/minor students and recognized music student organizations
- All other UW-L departments and recognized organizations
- Customer Category B
Classroom/Instructional Space
- Academic courses
- Academic meetings, review sessions, and exams
- Departmental-sponsored lectures
- Non-academic meetings and events
- Customer Category B
Cleary Alumni & Friends Center
- Foundation and Alumni events
- All other UW-L sponsored events
Fields: Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Rec/North Campus Rec
Priority for all of these locations will be given first to the main user, as noted in the name of the venue. In ALL cases, care and condition of the natural grass surface in each venue will always be considered when scheduling non-primary user requests. There is no guarantee of acquiring a reservation to these facilities for anyone outside of the primary users.
ICE Rooms
- Faculty and Instructional Academic Staff professional activities
- Academic Affairs and related units
- Faculty and Instructional Academic Staff Meetings and Receptions
- All other UW-L sponsored events (considered on a case-by-case basis)
- Customer category A2
- Because the room requires a valid staff/faculty ID to enter, Student Orgs and category B customers will not be able to reserve these spaces
Mitchell Fieldhouse & Veterans’ Memorial Field Sports Complex*
Timing of requests may impact priority. The Outdoor Facilities reserves the right to lower a group's priority status because of short notice.
- Academic Programming
- Athletic Competition
- Athletic Practice
- Camps & Clinics
- Rec/Club Sports
- General Student Requests
- Customer Category B
*The primary user of this facility is UW-L Football. For the use of the turf field, general priority will be used in most cases.
Parking Facilities
- Parking for permit holders
- Special event parking by contract with UW-L departments
- Special events parking by contract with other organizations or groups
- Day permits
Recreational Eagle Center
- UW-L Classes and intramural sports
- UW-L student, faculty, staff
- UW-L sponsored events
- Customer Category B
Residence Life Facilities
- Students living in the Residence Halls
- University groups paying for use of facilities
- Customer Categories A2 & B
Student Union
- Recognized Student Organizations. Weekly meeting reservations may be made for the following year beginning the Monday after Spring Break. Event reservations can be made up to 18 months away from the event date
- University departments and offices, including emeriti functions
- Customer Category B
University Grounds (Coate Field, Drake Field, Gazebo, Lindner Forest/Gazebo, Wittich East/West Fields)
- UWL sponsored events & instruction-related activities (Residence Life has priority for use of Coate and Drake Field)
- Open recreation
- Customer Category B
Facilities are limited, and the expectation is that the University community will be good stewards of the limited resources. A group’s reservation contact is responsible for cancelling reservations as far in advance as possible. The contact must communicate with the person/office who created the reservation to officially cancel.
Late Cancellation (within 1 business day of the event): User groups A2 and B will still be responsible for facilities, overhead, and incidental fees. User group A1 may be responsible for incidental fees.
No-Show: User groups A2 and B will be responsible for paying 100% of the associated fees. User group A1 will be responsible for paying 100% of the incidental fees.
Recurring No-Show: For any group, office, or department with a pattern of not utilizing reserved facilities, remaining bookings may be cancelled. In extreme cases, reserving privileges may be lost.
Outdoor Events and Displays
Outdoor events are subject to restrictions on time, place, and manner. Please come to the University Centers Administrative Office on the 3rd floor to reserve the Clocktower. For other outdoor spaces (Lindner Forest, the Gazebos, Drake Field, Coate Field, Graff Main Hall Lawn, Wittich Lawn, and the Union Lawn) use your VEMS account to reserve the space. A Reservations staff member will contact you after you submit your reservation to discuss your event goals and needs, and we will walk you through the options, services, and related policies.