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Room assignments

A page within Residence Life

Fall 2020 New Student Room Assignments

At this time, we are waiting to receive guidance from the University of Wisconsin System regarding best practices for health and safety regarding residence and instructional arrangements for fall campus operations. We will continue to keep you updated during the summer as we prepare to make room assignments. We plan to provide an update about room assignments in July.


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Why are new student room assignments not being made before START?

We are waiting to receive guidance from the University of Wisconsin System regarding best practices for health and safety regarding residence and instructional arrangements for fall campus operations.  Once we have further guidance, we will proceed with making room assignments for the 2020-21 academic year.

When will I receive my room assignment?

We plan to update students about their fall room assignments in July. 

Will I still get my preferred residence hall?

Room assignments are based primarily on the date that students completed their housing application. This, in conjunction with a student's preferred halls and remaining available hall spaces, will determine their final room assignment. 

Will I still get to live with my selected roommate?

We work to honor all roommate requests. Depending on the availability of spaces, students who complete housing applications in the early summer may not be placed with their requested roommate.

I’m a returning UWL student and already have a room assignment for 2020-21.  Will my room assignment change?

We have not made any changes to returning student room assignments.  You can check your 2020-21 room assignment and roommates on the housing portal. If anything changes with your room assignment, you will receive more information via email.   

Can I cancel my housing contract?

All first-year students are required to live on campus at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Details and exceptions are noted in the 2020-21 housing contract.  If you no longer plan to attend classes at UWL for the 2020-21 academic year, please contact the Admissions Office. Returning students can follow the instructions on the Residence Life website for submitting a contract cancellation request. 

Will the residence halls be open in the fall semester?

We are anticipating having all residence halls open for the fall semester at the typical occupancy level.