Residence Hall services
A page within Residence Life

Front desk hours:
Desks are located in the front lobby of each residence hall. They are open the following hours:
- Sunday-Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
- Thursday: 10 a.m. to midnight
- Friday and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 a.m.
Other residence hall services:
Expanding boxes
Cable TV
Cable is provided in common areas throughout each residence hall. Here is a copy of the Charter Cable Line Up.
Students are allowed to stream entertainment services via the campus internet connection.
For Cable TV issues, contact the Office of Residence Life.
Laundry rooms are located in each residence hall. The cost is $2.00 per cycle for washers and dryers.
Laundry Tips
- Read clothing tags for care of your items.
- Use “HE” (high efficiency) liquid soap. Powdered soap is not recommended.
- Avoid overloading the machine.
- Please remove your laundry promptly after each wash and dry cycle, so that others may use the machines.
- Double check your pockets. Items like ink pens and electronics do not do well in laundry equipment. Small items may clog drain and/or pump.
- Do not dry shoes or oversized bedding in the dryers.
Laundry Issues and Refunds
If a problem occurs with a laundry machine, please take note of the machine ID number (ABC-000):
- A service request can be submitted through the CSC Service Request Portal.
- A refund request can be submitted through the CSC Refund Request Portal.
- Contact CSC directly at 1.844.272.9675.
The Office of Residence Life is not responsible for damaged, stolen, or lost items in the laundry facilities.
Security, emergency assistance, and lock-outs
If you need to find a Residence Director, RA, or emergency personnel, the front desk staff can help you. They will also be able to assist you if you are locked out of your room.
A vacuum can be checked out at the front desk.
Vending refund form
If you encounter a problem with the beverage or snack vending machine (i.e. product got stuck, machine didn't work), please complete the following form:
Need help connecting to the internet? Check out Campus wireless services for instructions.
Work request form
For guidance on who to contact for facilities issues, refer to this resource: Have a Facilities Issue?
Residents can easily report their own maintenance requests in the residence halls. Submit a "Residence Life request" online using this form.