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COVID-19: Residence Life FAQ

A page within Residence Life

COVID-19 Guidelines

Students who test positive for COVID-19 are required to follow CDC guidelines regarding isolation and testing

Given the communal living environment of the residence halls, we encourage students to isolate away from campus. You are permitted to return to your room to collect the items needed to leave campus. Masks are required and distance is strongly encouraged.

If it is not possible to isolate away from campus, students should do the following to safely isolate in their current room. 

COVID-positive students are required to: 

  • Disclose positive test result to roommate(s) and close contacts.
  • Isolate for 5 days from on-set of symptoms or positive test.
  • Do not go to class, work or other activities during this period of time.
  • Communicate with your faculty about your absence. If there is a need for additional advocacy please complete this Absence Notification form for a notification from the Student Life Office. 
  • You are permitted to leave your room to go to the bathroom, retrieve to-go meals, and participate in outdoor solo-exercise.

Roommate(s) and close contacts should: 

  • Wear a well-fitting mask at home and in public for 10 days.
  • Monitor symptoms for 10 days; and test if symptomatic and/or day 5 after known exposure.
  • If receive a positive test, follow the directions outlined above ("COVID-positive students are required to")
  • If receive a negative test, you are permitted to attend class/activities/work. 

Close contacts are considered to be: 

  • Roommates 
  • Lab partners 
  • Coaches and/or teammates
  • Partners 

All medical related questions should be directed to personal health care providers or to the Student Health Center 608.785.8558.

Housing related questions can be sent to or 608.785.8075.

COVID-19 Safety Recommendations

Consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the La Crosse County Health Department and the UWL COVID-19 team, the following recommendations will help to protect yourself and others from community spread:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, and keyboards.
  • Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash. Do not spit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Residence Hall health & safety

If I am concerned that I have COVID-19, what do I do?

You should monitor your symptoms. 

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (including fever > 100.0, chills, feeling feverish, body aches, new cough, excess fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste, stomach upset or diarrhea), seek testing and isolate while you await your results. 

If you are concerned about your symptoms, call your health care provider.

Last modified: 02/23/2023

Residence Hall contract & costs

If a student is needing to quarantine/isolate, will there be a refund for that period of time?

We will not be offering refunds for the quarantine/isolation period of time. However, if the quarantine resulted in a longer leave of absence, we will follow our medical release process and account for the contract/fees through that process.

Last modified: 08/14/2020

Are students required to have the COVID-19 vaccination to live on-campus?

UWL does not require the COVID-19 vaccination. We acknowledge there may be vaccinated and unvaccinated students placed in the same room, apartment, or suite. The Office of Residence Life will not consider private medical information when making room assignments, including vaccination status. 

Last modified: 11/10/2021

Residence Life policies

If there are roommate conflicts, including issues related to COVID expectations, what options do we have to move students to other rooms?

We will work to mediate the conflict and renegotiate the roommate agreement to the best of our ability. If that does not address the concerns, we will evaluate other options available at the time. 

Differences in vaccination status is not a reason Residence Life will consider for authorizing a room change. 

Last modified: 02/23/2023