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Business management

A page within Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

Practical, small business seminars go hand-in-hand with the advising services offered by the SBDC. If you have questions about starting or operating a small business, our Basic Management Education hands-on workshops are an efficient means to learn what you need to know.

Start Strong Strategies

The Wisconsin Small Business Development Center (“SBDC”) at UWL is launching a FREE “Start Strong Strategies” series to help individuals effectively build a strong business. Participants will learn the basics of a financial business plan and business structure. Each workshop will provide basic information to become more strategic and more successful.

Many businesses start as a hobby or interest and now you are ready to take the next step and start your business. This class is for individuals who are looking for practical information for determining if they are ready to be an entrepreneur and the essentials for launching a business. You will learn about the initial steps to starting a business, formulate a business plan to move forward, and obtain some new resources. After class, attendees may request free, one-on-one assistance from the Small Business Development Center to refine their idea.

Join us for two virtual workshops. All workshops are FREE, but registration is required as space is limited.  Participants are welcome to attend individual workshops or can register for the entire series.

Virtual Session dates:

Entrepreneurial Training Program (ETP)

The Entrepreneurial Training Program (ETP) offered by the Wisconsin Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at UW-La Crosse provides the tools you need for business idea testing and business model improvement.

Through instruction, guest speakers and coaching, the course serves those who are considering starting a business, owners of existing businesses struggling to get a handle on all the details, and those with successful companies that they want to grow.

Click here for information about ETP.



Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Logo


The Wisconsin SBDC Network is a proud part of the Office of Business & Entrepreneurship in the Universities of Wisconsin.  The SBDC is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.  Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact the SBDC office at 608.785.8782 or

Universities of Wisconsin

                U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) logo.