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Employment and training

A page within Small Business Development Center (SBDC)


The following is a listing of regional employment and training organizations and resources.  See the descriptions to see which organizations and resources are available for your situation. 

Career Services - UW-La Crosse  - Identify permanent employees or student interns for special projects for your business by using the Career Services Office at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. For more information about employer services, contact 608.785.8514.

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation  - Enables individuals with disabilities severe enough to prevent them from getting from or keeping a job access to appropriate resources and referral services as well as assistance with developing a business plan and some start-up cost funding.

Division of Employment & Training (DET)  - DET develops and maintains employment-focused programs that enable employers to hire and retain the workforce they need and that provide individuals and families with services that enable them to achieve financial well-being as members of Wisconsin's workforce. It delivers services through public-private partnerships and a statewide network of Job Centers. For more information, contact 608.266.3131.

Job Center  - Try out JobNet, a self-service computer aided system that job seekers can easily use to quickly find available job openings. This service lists your job openings, and has unique customized services including, on-site recruiting facilities, tie-in advertising and screening services.  There is also rapid, national exposure for your job listing through America's Job Bank. They can also help you to better understand your labor market. JobNet is Wisconsin's single-largest source for job applicants. Call Job Center of La Crosse Help Desk at 608.789.5627.

Job Coaches - Job Coaches supervise disabled workers and provide on-going training, quality control and support at the place of employment. Contact the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 608.785.9500. At Riverfront, call 608.784.9450.

La Crosse Area Hmoob Cultural and Community Agency.  - Assists the refugee community in the La Crosse area in reaching economic and emotional self-sufficiency. Employment related services include, but are not limited to:  job development, placement, follow-up, and pre-employment training, call 608.781.5744.

On The Job Training -  For DVR-eligible employees, employer may be partially reimbursed by DVR during orientation period.  Contact the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation at 608.785.9510.

ORC Industries (La Crosse & Arcadia)  - Serves individuals with disabilities. Employment opportunities through government and private production contracts. Vocational rehabilitation programming offered including: work activity and work services programming, vocational evaluation, work adjustment training, supported employment and placement services. Call 608.781.7727  (La Crosse), 608.323.2101  (Arcadia)  or 608.634.6066  (Westby).

Services for Adults in Transition  Western Technical College offers workshop, career exploration and information about post-secondary education. For more information, please call 608.785.9436.

Wisconsin Senior Employment Program (WISE) - An employment training program for low-income, unemployed individuals aged 55 years and older. Refer to the WISE website for eligibility requirements and contact information.

Workforce Connections Inc.   Coordinates the delivery of workforce investment activities at the state and local levels to individuals who need those services, such as: job seekers, dislocated workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, persons with disabilities, and employers. For more information, call 608.789.5620.

Western Technical College - Career Services  - Provides employers with a place to advertise full-time, part-time, summer and temporary job openings for students and graduates. Referral of candidates with training eliminates costly on-the-job training. On-campus interviewing, employer contact day, and graduate registration information is available, 608.785.9440.


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The Wisconsin SBDC Network is a proud part of the Office of Business & Entrepreneurship in the Universities of Wisconsin.  The SBDC is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.  Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact the SBDC office at 608.785.8782 or

Universities of Wisconsin

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