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Locally Grown Scholarships and Breakfast

A page within Self Sufficiency Program

Locally Grown Scholarships

Students completing SSP are eligible to apply for up to four Locally Grown Scholarships in their early semesters in college. The scholarships support SSP graduates who attend UWL, Viterbo, Western and other selected schools. Students must be enrolled at least part time and in good-standing. The scholarships range from $350 to $1000/semester.

Each fall, SSP friends are invited make a donation to SSP and attend the Locally Grown Scholarship Breakfast. The event features an inspiring message, recognizes SSP graduates now attending college, and gathers SSP donors and friends to say 'thank you'. It is a heart-warming affirmation of the power of education to change lives, often two generations at a time!

Locally Grown Scholarship Breakfast
October 24, 2024

Enjoy a delicious breakfast and inspiring stories, as we celebrate SSP students and this community of support. Together we affirm the power of education, the dreams we hold and the dreams we share.

2024 Locally Grown Scholarship Breakfast

Dreams by Degrees: A Conversation

Stacy Rommel and Jennifer Scaccio, Special Guests
with Jodi Vandenberg-Daves, PhD

Stacy Rommel Jennifer Scaccio

How do dreams take shape in the lives of SSP students? Stacy and Jen share reflections on education, dreams and community.

10 years ago, Stacy Rommel applied to SSP with firm conviction, “SSP starts a journey I feel I’m supposed to start.” Well into her recovery, Stacy was paying it forward as a sponsor, jail volunteer, and writer of recovery songs. A dream grew stronger, and in 2019, Stacy earned her associate degree from UWL. With confidence and creativity, Stacy nurtures dreams into action.

20 years ago, Jen Scaccio began SSP as a new mother. After earning an associate degree at Western, Jen earned a BSW from Viterbo in 2009 and began her career at New Horizons. Jen continues her advocacy and community work at New Horizons with heart and dedication.

Jodi Vandenberg-Daves, PhD is a coach, consultant, editor and author with more than 25 years of experience in higher education. She is a former UWL faculty member and chair of the Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department. Jodi works with organizations and individuals through her company, JVD Consulting, LLC.

Online registration is now closed for this free event. However, if you are interested in attending, please contact Susanne Koehler at 608.633.3501 or

Thursday, October 24, 2024  |  7:30-9 a.m.
The Bluffs Ballroom, Student Union, UWL

Everyone is invited! Enjoy a delicious breakfast and inspiring stories as we jrecognize the accomplishments of student parents and SSP graduates attending our area colleges. Your support and encouragement make such a difference for these tenacious students, and SSP. Together we affirm the power of education, the dreams we hold and the dreams we share. Children are welcome to attend.

Please visit our calendar page for the most updated information.

For questions about this event, or to request disability accommodations, contact:

Parking is free for registrants at the UWL Parking Ramp (levels 1-3), 1623 Farwell St., La Crosse, WI. A volunteer will be onsite to register vehicles. An online parking registration link will be provided to registrants who wish to register for parking before the event.

Handicap Parking
You can park in the handicap spaces in Commuter Lot C-12 at the Cleary Center if you have a handicap hanger or license plate. Also a number of handicap parking spaces are on Farwell Street across from the Student Union.

2024 SSP Breakfast Program

2023 Breakfast Photos

2023 UWL Self-Sufficiency Program Locally Grown Scholarship BreakfastNovember 2, 2023 Photo Library

More Photos of 2023

2023 SSP Breakfast Program

35 years of support

Andrea Hansen greeting guests at the SSP Locally Grown Scholarship Breakfast.Campus Connection Sept. 13, 2023

For 35 years SSP has provided support and empowerment for single parents and other adults to pursue their dreams. <More>

From dreams to degrees

UWL graduate and former SSP participant Melissa Touche speaks during the 2023 scholarship breakfast.

Campus Connection (news story)

Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024

Support future college student dreams through annual Locally Grown Scholarship Breakfast <More>

'I know I can do it'

SSP prepares adult students to be successful!

Campus Connection (news story)

Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024

Alisha Morgan's inspirational journey was empowered by UW-La Crosse Self-Sufficiency Program <More>