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School of Education


Who should I contact about advising and certification?

Academic Services Director/Teacher Certification Officer: Jen Pinnow 

Last modified: 08/12/2024

Where/how do I pay my bill and learn more about financial aid?
I am looking for additional financial resources. Who do I contact?

If you need additional financial resources (ex. Exam fees, Housing, iPad Requirement, Scholarships) please contact the SOE Dean's Office. 

Last modified: 08/12/2024

How do I declare my major?

Use this form if you are changing major(s) and/or minor(s) at UWL. This form allows you to declare your major/minor and be assigned an advisor aligned with your major and/or minor (if applicable). Students changing their program to/within the School of Education (SOE) must meet with a member of the SOE Dean’s Office to discuss program requirements/options, time to degree, and registration needs.  

If changing to SOE, you will still need to apply to your SOE program (see Admission to SOE Programs below). 

Please note: You must apply for admission to your new School of Education program even if you were already admitted to your previous SOE program. 

Re-Entry and Re-Admission to the School of Education 

Last modified: 08/12/2024

School of Education Program Requirements
School of Education Benchmark Assessments

Last modified: 08/12/2024

Where do I find the SOE Dates and Deadlines (applications, events, benchmarks)?

Where do I find the SOE Dates and Deadlines (applications, events, benchmarks)? 

SOE Dates and Deadlines can be found here. 

Last modified: 08/12/2024

What happens if I miss an application or benchmark window?

In the case of an extenuating circumstance, students may request an extension to a benchmark deadline or application window. Examples of situations where this might occur include: 

  • Applying for admission to SOE 
  • Applying for Field or Student Teaching 
  • Meeting Field or Student Teaching benchmark deadlines 

Requests for an extension should be made prior to the deadline whenever possible by completing this linked form. The form will ask students to provide the following information: 

  • Indicate the request 
  • Provide an explanation of the extenuating circumstance 
  • Provide an explanation of why the application was not able to be submitted within the submission window 
  • Identify a UWL faculty member who can speak to the extenuating circumstance 

 The forms received will be reviewed by a committee. The SOE Dean’s Office will follow up with the student regarding the next steps. 

Last modified: 08/13/2024

Admission /Re-Entry to SOE Programs

Wisconsin educator licensing code (PI 34.018(2)) requires that candidates for an educator license must apply for admission to the educator preparation program. Admission to the School of Education in the appropriate teacher education program is required to enroll in professional education courses.  

Please note: This is a separate application process from the application to UWL. 

Each program has specific criteria to be eligible to apply for admission. Please work with your academic advisor to determine the appropriate semester to apply for admission.  

Meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee admission into the School of Education or a specific teacher education program. Limited availability of resources may impact the number of students admitted to a given program.   

Re-Entry/Re-Admission to the School of Education. For education majors who: 

  • Have been unenrolled in classes for at least one semester and seek to re-enter an SOE program 
  • Have been admitted to SOE and wish to change to a different education major (continuous enrollment or pause in enrollment) 

Last modified: 08/13/2024

When/where/how do I register for classes? (Including overrides, wait lists, dropping classes)

See Registration Information and FAQs here 


  • WINGS help 
  • Registration tips and tricks 
  • Registration FAQs 
  • Overrides/permission 
  • Wait lists 
  • Dropping a Class 
  • WINGS manual for Students 

Last modified: 08/13/2024

How do I get credit for a course I plan to take at a different institution?

Last modified: 08/12/2024

Resources - Reading and External Links updated

UWL Provost's Resources for Department Chairs


Recommended reading

Buller, J. L. (2011). The essential department chair: A comprehensive desk reference (Vol. 132). John Wiley & Sons.

Chu, D. (2012). The department chair primer: What chairs need to know and do to make a difference. Jossey-Bass.

Gmelch, W.H. & Miskin, V.D. (2011). Department chair leadership skills. Madison, Wisconsin: Atwood Publishing.

Gunsalus, C. K. (2006). The college administrator's survival guide. Harvard University Press.


Online resources

American Council on Education (ACE) - general higher education topics:

Association of American Colleges and Universities - useful for resources about the value of a liberal education, global learning practices, civic learning and communication engagement, and more...rubrics available for exploring standards of evaluation for the aforementioned:

Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences - information about workshops for department chairs (offered 3 times per year in July, October, and February) -

The Department Chair Journal - in each issue there will be articles about leadership, useful strategies for chairs, practical ideas, questions for reflection and more.

Jossey-Bass Department Chair resources 

Magna’s Newsletter - Academic Administration -

Last modified: 03/07/2025

I have applied to student teach. What happens now?
  • When you apply to Student Teach, you should also submit your intent to graduate in your WINGS student center.
  • Upon receipt of student teaching application, the SOE Dean’s Office will invite you to a Student Teaching Canvas Course. A program requirement/credit check will be completed by the Academic Services Director/Teacher Certification Officer. The status of your program requirements, benchmark assessments, and GPA will be updated in the Student Teaching Canvas Course. 

Last modified: 08/13/2024

I am ready to graduate. What do I do?

At any time in your career at UWL if you have any questions regarding degree completion contact the Dean's Office (260 Morris Hall, 785-8706).

While your faculty advisor can also check your status, the Academic Service Director/Teacher Certification Officer in the Dean's office is the person who will complete your official degree verification when you are all done with your student teaching experience. 

Last modified: 08/13/2024

Can I participate in the May/December commencement ceremony if I am a Summer/Winter degree candidate graduate?
  • Yes.  If you are a Winter Intercession degree candidate, you may participate in the December commencement ceremony and if you are a Summer degree candidate, you may participate in the May commencement ceremony. 
  • General information about commencement can be found here. 

Last modified: 03/24/2021

Additional Resources for Students

Click on any item above to get more information.
Don't know where to begin? Click on "You".

Services for student success


Academic advising
Accommodations, Study Skills, & Time Management

ACCESS center
ACCESS center collaborates with students with disabilities to identify, reduce, or eliminate barriers to obtaining education within the most integrated settings possible.

Student Support Services

Study skills
Skills and resources for academic success

Internships & Careers

Career Services
Handshake: Internship & Employment, Determine Career Goals, Resumes, Cover Letters & Interviewing


Murphy Library provides access to resources to aid research and studying:

  • A large, diverse collection of digital and print resources.
  • Facilities designed to accommodate a variety of learning preferences.
  • Technology that aids research and studying.
  • Staff to help students find what they need. 
Policies and Guidelines

Each course syllabus will contain statements about, or a link to, important campus policies related to academic integrity & misconduct, religious accommodations, sexual misconduct, student concern procedures, students with disabilities, and veterans & active military personnel.

Records and Registration is the source for information about student records, curriculum, and University academic policies and procedures.

The Student Handbook outlines the policies and procedures that apply to students at UWL.


Tutoring schedule
Use this handy tool to find out when subjects you're interested in offer tutoring help. Use the checkboxes to select your subjects and pick a day to find a time that works for you.

Murphy Learning Center (MLC)
Tutoring, Writing Center, Public Speaking.   All UW-La-Crosse students can receive free tutoring services in a variety of courses, as well as utilize the Writing Center and the Center for Public Speaking at the MLC.   In addition to on-site tutoring they can also direct you to tutoring offered by other campus departments.

Office of Multicultural Student Services (OMSS)

The OMSS peer tutoring program provides free course specific tutoring to multicultural UWL undergraduate students upon request.

Student Support Services (SSS)
SSS provides academic, personal, career, and financial advising and support services to low income and first generation college students, as well as students with disabilities.

Faculty Advisors

  • Assist with course selections and schedule planning for one or more semesters. 
  • Advice on progression toward graduation (Gen Ed requirements, major, minor, college requirements).
  • Discuss opportunities such as undergraduate research and creativity, job shadowing, internships, study abroad programs
  • Need the name of your faculty advisor? Check your Student Center in WINGS or Navigate.

College Academic Services

Your major determines which of the following colleges you are in: 

Each college office provides extensive academic services:

  • Process change of major requests.
  • Perform credit checks and degree verifications.
  • Ensure accuracy of the Advising Report (AR) report.
  • Interpret academic policies and procedures 
  • Advise incoming transfer students and assist with transfer credits.
  • Approve off-campus courses for transfer credit.
  • Notify and advise students who are ineligible or on probation

Academic Advising Center

  • The Academic Advising Center provides academic advisors, career advising specialists, and pre-health advising.
  • Assists students with academic advising, exploring majors, transferring to UWL, researching graduate schools, and careers.